/****** Object: Database [drones] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:08 p. m. ******/ CREATE DATABASE [drones] (EDITION = 'Basic', SERVICE_OBJECTIVE = 'Basic', MAXSIZE = 2 GB) WITH CATALOG_COLLATION = SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS; GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = 150 GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET ARITHABORT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET AUTO_SHRINK OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS ON GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC OFF GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ON GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET PARAMETERIZATION SIMPLE GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET MULTI_USER GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET ENCRYPTION ON GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET QUERY_STORE = ON GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET QUERY_STORE (OPERATION_MODE = READ_WRITE, CLEANUP_POLICY = (STALE_QUERY_THRESHOLD_DAYS = 7), DATA_FLUSH_INTERVAL_SECONDS = 900, INTERVAL_LENGTH_MINUTES = 60, MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_MB = 10, QUERY_CAPTURE_MODE = AUTO, SIZE_BASED_CLEANUP_MODE = AUTO, MAX_PLANS_PER_QUERY = 200, WAIT_STATS_CAPTURE_MODE = ON) GO /*** The scripts of database scoped configurations in Azure should be executed inside the target database connection. ***/ GO -- ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION SET MAXDOP = 8; GO /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[fn_diagramobjects] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_diagramobjects]() RETURNS int WITH EXECUTE AS N'dbo' AS BEGIN declare @id_upgraddiagrams int declare @id_sysdiagrams int declare @id_helpdiagrams int declare @id_helpdiagramdefinition int declare @id_creatediagram int declare @id_renamediagram int declare @id_alterdiagram int declare @id_dropdiagram int declare @InstalledObjects int select @InstalledObjects = 0 select @id_upgraddiagrams = object_id(N'dbo.sp_upgraddiagrams'), @id_sysdiagrams = object_id(N'dbo.sysdiagrams'), @id_helpdiagrams = object_id(N'dbo.sp_helpdiagrams'), @id_helpdiagramdefinition = object_id(N'dbo.sp_helpdiagramdefinition'), @id_creatediagram = object_id(N'dbo.sp_creatediagram'), @id_renamediagram = object_id(N'dbo.sp_renamediagram'), @id_alterdiagram = object_id(N'dbo.sp_alterdiagram'), @id_dropdiagram = object_id(N'dbo.sp_dropdiagram') if @id_upgraddiagrams is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 1 if @id_sysdiagrams is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 2 if @id_helpdiagrams is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 4 if @id_helpdiagramdefinition is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 8 if @id_creatediagram is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 16 if @id_renamediagram is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 32 if @id_alterdiagram is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 64 if @id_dropdiagram is not null select @InstalledObjects = @InstalledObjects + 128 return @InstalledObjects END GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[sysdiagrams] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sysdiagrams]( [name] [sysname] NOT NULL, [principal_id] [int] NOT NULL, [diagram_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [version] [int] NULL, [definition] [varbinary](max) NULL, PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [diagram_id] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_CloserStation] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_CloserStation]( [idCloserStation] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [stationClient] [int] NOT NULL, [stationVehicle] [int] NOT NULL, [shortestDistance] [int] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_Coordinates]( [idCoordinates] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [CoordinateX] [int] NULL, [CoordinateY] [int] NULL, [station] [int] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_TB_Coordinates] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [idCoordinates] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_CoordinatesCopy] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_CoordinatesCopy]( [idCoordinatesCopy] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [CoordinateX] [int] NULL, [CoordinateY] [int] NULL, [station] [int] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_TB_CoordinatesCopy] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [idCoordinatesCopy] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_CustomerCollection] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_CustomerCollection]( [idCustomerCollection] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [stationClient] [int] NOT NULL, [collections] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_TB_CustomerCollection] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [idCustomerCollection] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_CustomerDelivery] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_CustomerDelivery]( [IdCustomerDelivery] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [stationVehicle] [int] NOT NULL, [delivery] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_TB_CustomerDelivery] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [IdCustomerDelivery] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_DistanceStation] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_DistanceStation]( [idDistanceStation] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [stationOne] [int] NOT NULL, [stationTwo] [int] NOT NULL, [Distance] [int] NOT NULL, [saveDistance] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_dronspath] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_dronspath]( [idStation] [int] NULL, [numWay] [int] NULL, [weight] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_FinalWay] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_FinalWay]( [idFinalWay] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [idStation] [char](30) NULL, [numWay] [int] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_TB_FinalWay] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [idFinalWay] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_Load] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_Load]( [IdStation] [int] NULL, [Deliver] [int] NULL, [PickUp] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_PartialWay] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_PartialWay]( [idPartialWay] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [idStation] [int] NOT NULL, [numWay] [int] NULL, [idStationCloser] [char](30) NULL, [achiveDistance] [int] NULL, [achiveDistanceWithPoint] [int] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_TB_PartialWay] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [idPartialWay] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_Restriction] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_Restriction]( [idRestriction] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [idTypeRestriction] [int] NOT NULL, [valueRestriction] [int] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_ResumeData]( [idResume] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [saveDistance] [int] NOT NULL, [Cliente_i] [int] NOT NULL, [Cliente_j] [int] NOT NULL, [Entrega_i] [int] NOT NULL, [Entrega_j] [int] NOT NULL, [Recogida_i] [int] NOT NULL, [Recogida_j] [int] NOT NULL, [CQ] [int] NOT NULL, [RV] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_TB_ResumeData] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [idResume] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_Station] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_Station]( [idStation] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [numStation] [int] NOT NULL, [idTypeStation] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_TB_Station] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [idStation] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_StationCopy] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_StationCopy]( [idStationCopy] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [numStation] [int] NOT NULL, [idTypeStation] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_TypeRestriction] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_TypeRestriction]( [idTypeRestriction] [int] NOT NULL, [nameTypeRestriction] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [unitsTypeRestriction] [varchar](50) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_TypeStation] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_TypeStation]( [idTypeStation] [int] NOT NULL, [nameTypeStation] [varchar](50) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_Xdistances]( [stationOne] [int] NULL, [stationTwo] [int] NULL, [distance] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:09 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_Ydistances]( [stationOne] [int] NULL, [stationTwo] [int] NULL, [distance] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ON GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11435, 0, 0, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11436, 785, 163, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11437, 1024, 765, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11438, 4874, 2478, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11439, 2786, 9508, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11440, 4842, 7304, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11441, 2757, 5612, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11442, 7320, 5095, 7) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11443, 5881, 6204, 8) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11444, 6518, 8898, 9) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11445, 8495, 1993, 10) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11446, 5639, 1727, 11) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11447, 7137, 681, 12) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11448, 3078, 10097, 13) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11449, 3051, 14918, 14) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11450, 3066, 12506, 15) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11451, 9570, 14087, 16) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11452, 6328, 13650, 17) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11453, 7631, 14087, 18) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11454, 10046, 3600, 19) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11455, 13541, 1334, 20) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11456, 14044, 2115, 21) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11457, 12899, 7142, 22) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11458, 14344, 9743, 23) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11459, 14703, 8485, 24) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11460, 12642, 11062, 25) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11461, 11585, 11318, 26) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11462, 14045, 10205, 27) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11463, 15025, 1423, 28) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11464, 19902, 4483, 29) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11465, 16992, 51, 30) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11466, 8264, 17452, 31) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11467, 19716, 19629, 32) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11468, 15337, 18922, 33) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11469, 16677, 11524, 34) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11470, 17790, 14536, 35) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11471, 18402, 12423, 36) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11472, 717, 15148, 37) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11473, 2579, 19428, 38) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11474, 694, 17953, 39) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11475, 8725, 15162, 40) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11476, 8487, 18465, 41) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11477, 5985, 16664, 42) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11478, 12880, 16677, 43) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11479, 12663, 15589, 44) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11480, 10811, 19133, 45) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11481, 16357, 16001, 46) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11482, 17961, 19117, 47) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11483, 15026, 18864, 48) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11484, 16372, 7350, 49) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11485, 5693, 7431, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11486, 15813, 19905, 51) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11487, 7423, 19960, 52) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11488, 5065, 3098, 53) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11489, 2144, 15245, 54) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11490, 734, 18454, 55) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11491, 18979, 15680, 56) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11492, 17580, 16648, 57) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11493, 3384, 6891, 58) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11494, 9974, 13909, 59) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11495, 863, 1567, 60) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11496, 9013, 7640, 61) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11497, 5914, 1397, 62) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11498, 10813, 10890, 63) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11499, 16835, 5158, 64) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11500, 9447, 15698, 65) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11501, 17620, 2371, 66) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11502, 14449, 10492, 67) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11503, 1004, 13559, 68) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11504, 15179, 8894, 69) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11505, 4609, 41, 70) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11506, 15096, 9449, 71) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11507, 5113, 19857, 72) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11508, 15710, 19191, 73) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11509, 7709, 1752, 74) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11510, 12420, 8041, 75) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11511, 5731, 10482, 76) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11512, 13512, 9659, 77) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11513, 2295, 16189, 78) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11514, 9539, 6659, 79) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11515, 6871, 11683, 80) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11516, 4162, 18640, 81) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11517, 12609, 18164, 82) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11518, 8061, 4532, 83) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11519, 14106, 6057, 84) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11520, 14642, 1334, 85) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11521, 13520, 3263, 86) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11522, 993, 12752, 87) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11523, 7947, 17434, 88) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11524, 9466, 18282, 89) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11525, 12256, 2791, 90) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11526, 10010, 5004, 91) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11527, 2231, 10555, 92) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11528, 14102, 8168, 93) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11529, 18977, 1656, 94) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11530, 1452, 4765, 95) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11531, 7223, 13808, 96) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11532, 15506, 2716, 97) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11533, 12496, 3863, 98) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11534, 2793, 8531, 99) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11535, 18937, 17859, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11536, 8920, 2672, 101) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11537, 2913, 16584, 102) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11538, 16955, 550, 103) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11539, 5990, 8640, 104) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11540, 15300, 2016, 105) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11541, 13782, 10034, 106) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11542, 4665, 13446, 107) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11543, 15911, 18084, 108) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11544, 13936, 2935, 109) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11545, 8735, 8229, 110) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11546, 4029, 4910, 111) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11547, 15947, 9408, 112) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11548, 3251, 16398, 113) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11549, 16866, 10597, 114) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11550, 12995, 10238, 115) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11551, 16578, 2939, 116) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11552, 16714, 4729, 117) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11553, 3291, 10038, 118) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11554, 10357, 8287, 119) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11555, 12821, 1518, 120) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11556, 5161, 12370, 121) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11557, 3822, 6250, 122) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11558, 4318, 18760, 123) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11559, 17453, 19498, 124) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11560, 319, 2268, 125) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11561, 2370, 12856, 126) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11562, 2117, 14118, 127) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] ([idCoordinates], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (11563, 4659, 18475, 128) GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_Coordinates] OFF GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_CoordinatesCopy] ON GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CoordinatesCopy] ([idCoordinatesCopy], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (6002, 350, 350, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CoordinatesCopy] ([idCoordinatesCopy], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (6003, 1050, 400, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CoordinatesCopy] ([idCoordinatesCopy], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (6004, 500, 700, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CoordinatesCopy] ([idCoordinatesCopy], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (6005, 450, 950, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CoordinatesCopy] ([idCoordinatesCopy], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (6006, 1000, 800, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CoordinatesCopy] ([idCoordinatesCopy], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (6007, 700, 500, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CoordinatesCopy] ([idCoordinatesCopy], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (6008, 750, 150, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CoordinatesCopy] ([idCoordinatesCopy], [CoordinateX], [CoordinateY], [station]) VALUES (6009, 1350, 600, 7) GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_CoordinatesCopy] OFF GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerCollection] ON GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerCollection] ([idCustomerCollection], [stationClient], [collections]) VALUES (4256, 3, 26) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerCollection] ([idCustomerCollection], [stationClient], [collections]) VALUES (4257, 4, 14) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerCollection] ([idCustomerCollection], [stationClient], [collections]) VALUES (4258, 5, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerCollection] ([idCustomerCollection], [stationClient], [collections]) VALUES (4259, 6, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerCollection] ([idCustomerCollection], [stationClient], [collections]) VALUES (4260, 7, 14) GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerCollection] OFF GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerDelivery] ON GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerDelivery] ([IdCustomerDelivery], [stationVehicle], [delivery]) VALUES (5217, 3, 19) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerDelivery] ([IdCustomerDelivery], [stationVehicle], [delivery]) VALUES (5218, 4, 36) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerDelivery] ([IdCustomerDelivery], [stationVehicle], [delivery]) VALUES (5219, 5, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerDelivery] ([IdCustomerDelivery], [stationVehicle], [delivery]) VALUES (5220, 6, 30) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerDelivery] ([IdCustomerDelivery], [stationVehicle], [delivery]) VALUES (5221, 7, 28) GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_CustomerDelivery] OFF GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (3, 1, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (68, 1, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (48, 1, -4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (51, 1, -3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (35, 1, -4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (65, 1, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (11, 1, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (23, 2, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (52, 2, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (41, 2, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (29, 2, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (46, 2, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (19, 2, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (23, 3, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (42, 3, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (57, 3, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (31, 3, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (33, 3, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (77, 3, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (22, 3, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (10, 4, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (37, 4, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (73, 4, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (38, 4, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (10, 4, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (22, 5, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (72, 5, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (67, 5, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (50, 5, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (26, 5, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (25, 6, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (58, 6, -2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (55, 6, -6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (62, 6, -4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (25, 6, -4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (13, 7, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (30, 7, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (28, 7, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (70, 7, 7) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (7, 7, 7) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (13, 8, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (75, 8, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (39, 8, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (64, 8, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (66, 8, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (14, 8, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (2, 9, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (60, 9, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (59, 9, 8) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (47, 9, 11) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (49, 9, 9) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (3, 9, 9) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (12, 10, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (40, 10, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (54, 10, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (63, 10, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (36, 10, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (11, 10, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (21, 11, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (45, 11, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (74, 11, 8) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (21, 11, 8) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (5, 12, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (56, 12, -3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (44, 12, -2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (34, 12, -2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (6, 12, -2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (9, 13, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (71, 13, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (32, 13, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (76, 13, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (8, 13, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (14, 14, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (53, 14, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (14, 14, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (19, 15, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (61, 15, -3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (19, 15, -3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (1, 16, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (69, 16, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (1, 16, -1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (17, 17, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (43, 17, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_dronspath] ([idStation], [numWay], [weight]) VALUES (17, 17, 3) GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_FinalWay] ON GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_FinalWay] ([idFinalWay], [idStation], [numWay]) VALUES (1842690, N'3 ', 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_FinalWay] ([idFinalWay], [idStation], [numWay]) VALUES (1842691, N'7 ', 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_FinalWay] ([idFinalWay], [idStation], [numWay]) VALUES (1842692, N'6 ', 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_FinalWay] ([idFinalWay], [idStation], [numWay]) VALUES (1842693, N'3 ', 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_FinalWay] ([idFinalWay], [idStation], [numWay]) VALUES (1842742, N'2 ', 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_FinalWay] ([idFinalWay], [idStation], [numWay]) VALUES (1842743, N'4 ', 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_FinalWay] ([idFinalWay], [idStation], [numWay]) VALUES (1842744, N'9 ', 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_FinalWay] ([idFinalWay], [idStation], [numWay]) VALUES (1842745, N'5 ', 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_FinalWay] ([idFinalWay], [idStation], [numWay]) VALUES (1842746, N'8 ', 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_FinalWay] ([idFinalWay], [idStation], [numWay]) VALUES (1842747, N'3 ', 1) GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_FinalWay] OFF GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (49, 0, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (50, 2, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (51, 0, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (52, 3, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (53, 4, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (54, 4, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (55, 0, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (56, 5, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (57, 3, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (58, 5, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (59, 6, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (60, 5, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (61, 0, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (62, 6, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (63, 2, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (64, 1, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (65, 6, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (66, 5, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (67, 5, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (68, 5, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (69, 1, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (70, 6, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (71, 4, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (72, 3, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (73, 4, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (74, 1, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (75, 0, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (76, 4, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (77, 4, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (78, 6, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (79, 1, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (80, 6, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (81, 5, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (82, 2, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (83, 4, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (84, 4, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (85, 2, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (86, 4, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (87, 6, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (88, 6, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (89, 5, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (90, 6, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (91, 5, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (92, 2, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (93, 2, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (94, 3, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (95, 5, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (96, 1, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (97, 2, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (98, 1, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (99, 2, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (100, 3, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (101, 5, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (102, 0, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (103, 1, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (104, 1, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (105, 3, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (106, 1, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (107, 1, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (108, 2, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (109, 0, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (110, 4, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (111, 4, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (112, 0, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (113, 3, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (114, 1, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (115, 4, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (116, 5, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (117, 6, 5) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (118, 5, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (119, 5, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (120, 0, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (121, 3, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (122, 0, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (123, 5, 4) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (124, 1, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (125, 3, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (126, 5, 6) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (127, 4, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Load] ([IdStation], [Deliver], [PickUp]) VALUES (128, 2, 4) GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_PartialWay] ON GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_PartialWay] ([idPartialWay], [idStation], [numWay], [idStationCloser], [achiveDistance], [achiveDistanceWithPoint]) VALUES (5109, 5, 81356, N'1 ', 0, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_PartialWay] ([idPartialWay], [idStation], [numWay], [idStationCloser], [achiveDistance], [achiveDistanceWithPoint]) VALUES (5110, 7, 81356, N'1 ', 806, 1209) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_PartialWay] ([idPartialWay], [idStation], [numWay], [idStationCloser], [achiveDistance], [achiveDistanceWithPoint]) VALUES (5111, 4, 81358, N'1 ', 1111, 1472) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_PartialWay] ([idPartialWay], [idStation], [numWay], [idStationCloser], [achiveDistance], [achiveDistanceWithPoint]) VALUES (5112, 6, 81358, N'2 ', 745, 1349) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_PartialWay] ([idPartialWay], [idStation], [numWay], [idStationCloser], [achiveDistance], [achiveDistanceWithPoint]) VALUES (5113, 3, 999999999, N'2 ', 798, 1081) GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_PartialWay] OFF GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_Restriction] ON GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Restriction] ([idRestriction], [idTypeRestriction], [valueRestriction]) VALUES (1838, 1, 20) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Restriction] ([idRestriction], [idTypeRestriction], [valueRestriction]) VALUES (1839, 2, 10000) GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_Restriction] OFF GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ON GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81356, 361, 5, 7, 1886, 1468, 3847, 1485, 8686, 403) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81357, 361, 7, 5, 1468, 1886, 1485, 3847, 8686, 403) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81358, 320, 6, 4, 603, 1382, 1130, 1033, 4148, 354) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81359, 320, 4, 6, 1382, 603, 1033, 1130, 4148, 354) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81360, 262, 6, 5, 603, 1886, 1130, 3847, 7466, 424) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81361, 262, 5, 6, 1886, 603, 3847, 1130, 7466, 424) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81362, 98, 5, 4, 1886, 1382, 3847, 1033, 8148, 696) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81363, 98, 4, 5, 1382, 1886, 1033, 3847, 8148, 696) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81364, 88, 5, 3, 1886, 2641, 3847, 3513, 11887, 570) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81365, 88, 3, 5, 2641, 1886, 3513, 3847, 11887, 570) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81366, 23, 3, 6, 2641, 603, 3513, 1130, 7887, 515) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81367, 23, 6, 3, 603, 2641, 1130, 3513, 7887, 515) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81368, 2, 4, 7, 1382, 1468, 1033, 1485, 5368, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81369, 2, 7, 4, 1468, 1382, 1485, 1033, 5368, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81370, -14, 7, 6, 1468, 603, 1485, 1130, 4686, 658) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81371, -14, 6, 7, 603, 1468, 1130, 1485, 4686, 658) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81372, -208, 3, 4, 2641, 1382, 3513, 1033, 8569, 854) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81373, -208, 4, 3, 1382, 2641, 1033, 3513, 8569, 854) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81374, -350, 3, 7, 2641, 1468, 3513, 1485, 9107, 966) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] ([idResume], [saveDistance], [Cliente_i], [Cliente_j], [Entrega_i], [Entrega_j], [Recogida_i], [Recogida_j], [CQ], [RV]) VALUES (81375, -350, 7, 3, 1468, 2641, 1485, 3513, 9107, 966) GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_ResumeData] OFF GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ON GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11986, 0, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11987, 1, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11988, 2, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11989, 3, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11990, 4, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11991, 5, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11992, 6, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11993, 7, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11994, 8, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11995, 9, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11996, 10, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11997, 11, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11998, 12, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (11999, 13, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12000, 14, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12001, 15, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12002, 16, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12003, 17, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12004, 18, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12005, 19, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12006, 20, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12007, 21, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12008, 22, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12009, 23, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12010, 24, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12011, 25, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12012, 26, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12013, 27, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12014, 28, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12015, 29, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12016, 30, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12017, 31, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12018, 32, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12019, 33, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12020, 34, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12021, 35, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12022, 36, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12023, 37, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12024, 38, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12025, 39, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12026, 40, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12027, 41, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12028, 42, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12029, 43, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12030, 44, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12031, 45, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12032, 46, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12033, 47, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12034, 48, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12035, 49, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12036, 50, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12037, 51, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12038, 52, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12039, 53, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12040, 54, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12041, 55, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12042, 56, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12043, 57, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12044, 58, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12045, 59, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12046, 60, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12047, 61, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12048, 62, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12049, 63, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12050, 64, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12051, 65, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12052, 66, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12053, 67, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12054, 68, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12055, 69, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12056, 70, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12057, 71, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12058, 72, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12059, 73, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12060, 74, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12061, 75, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12062, 76, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12063, 77, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12064, 78, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12065, 79, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12066, 80, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12067, 81, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12068, 82, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12069, 83, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12070, 84, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12071, 85, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12072, 86, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12073, 87, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12074, 88, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12075, 89, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12076, 90, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12077, 91, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12078, 92, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12079, 93, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12080, 94, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12081, 95, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12082, 96, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12083, 97, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12084, 98, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12085, 99, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12086, 100, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12087, 101, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12088, 102, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12089, 103, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12090, 104, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12091, 105, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12092, 106, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12093, 107, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12094, 108, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12095, 109, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12096, 110, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12097, 111, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12098, 112, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12099, 113, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12100, 114, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12101, 115, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12102, 116, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12103, 117, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12104, 118, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12105, 119, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12106, 120, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12107, 121, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12108, 122, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12109, 123, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12110, 124, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12111, 125, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12112, 126, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12113, 127, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] ([idStation], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (12114, 128, 3) GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_Station] OFF GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_StationCopy] ON GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_StationCopy] ([idStationCopy], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (2508, 0, 1) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_StationCopy] ([idStationCopy], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (2509, 1, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_StationCopy] ([idStationCopy], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (2510, 2, 2) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_StationCopy] ([idStationCopy], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (2511, 3, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_StationCopy] ([idStationCopy], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (2512, 4, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_StationCopy] ([idStationCopy], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (2513, 5, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_StationCopy] ([idStationCopy], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (2514, 6, 3) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_StationCopy] ([idStationCopy], [numStation], [idTypeStation]) VALUES (2515, 7, 3) GO SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[TB_StationCopy] OFF GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_TypeRestriction] ([idTypeRestriction], [nameTypeRestriction], [unitsTypeRestriction]) VALUES (2, N'Rango de Vuelo', N'MTS') GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_TypeRestriction] ([idTypeRestriction], [nameTypeRestriction], [unitsTypeRestriction]) VALUES (1, N'Capacidad de carga (Q)', N'GB') GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_TypeStation] ([idTypeStation], [nameTypeStation]) VALUES (1, N'Deposito') GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_TypeStation] ([idTypeStation], [nameTypeStation]) VALUES (3, N'Client') GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_TypeStation] ([idTypeStation], [nameTypeStation]) VALUES (2, N'Vehicles') GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 18, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 17, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 16, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 15, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 14, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 13, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 12, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 11, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 10, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 9, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 8, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 7, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 6, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 5, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 4, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 3, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 2, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 1, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 0, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 45, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 44, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 43, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 42, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 41, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 40, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 39, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 38, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 37, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 36, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 35, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 34, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 33, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 32, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 31, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 30, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 29, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 28, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 27, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 26, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 25, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 24, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 23, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 22, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 21, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 20, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 19, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 18, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 17, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 16, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 15, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 14, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 13, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 12, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 11, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 10, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 9, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 8, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 7, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 6, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 5, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 4, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 3, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 2, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 1, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 0, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 45, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 44, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 43, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 42, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 41, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 40, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 39, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 38, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 37, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 36, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 35, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 34, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 33, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 32, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 31, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 30, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 29, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 28, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 27, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 26, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 25, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 24, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 23, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 22, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 21, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 20, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 19, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 18, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 17, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 16, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 15, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 14, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 13, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 12, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 11, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 10, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 9, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 8, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 7, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 6, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 5, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 4, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 3, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 2, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 1, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 0, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 45, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 44, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 43, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 42, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 41, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 40, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 39, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 38, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 37, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 36, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 35, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 34, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 33, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 32, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 31, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 30, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 29, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 28, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 27, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 26, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 25, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 24, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 23, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 22, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 21, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 20, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 19, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 18, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 17, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 16, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 15, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 14, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 13, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 12, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 11, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 10, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 9, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 8, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 7, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 6, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 5, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 4, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 3, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 2, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 1, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 0, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 45, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 44, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 43, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 42, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 41, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 40, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 39, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 38, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 37, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 36, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 35, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 34, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 33, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 32, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 31, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 30, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 29, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 28, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 27, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 26, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 25, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 24, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 23, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 22, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 21, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 20, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 19, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 18, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 17, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 16, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 15, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 14, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 13, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 12, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 11, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 10, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 9, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 8, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 7, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 6, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 5, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 4, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 3, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 2, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 1, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 0, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 45, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 44, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 43, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 42, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 41, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 40, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 39, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 38, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 37, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 36, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 35, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 34, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 33, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 32, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 31, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 30, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 29, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 28, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 27, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 26, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 25, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 24, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 23, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 22, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 21, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 20, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 19, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 18, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 7, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 6, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 5, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 4, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 3, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 2, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 1, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 0, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 45, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 44, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 43, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 42, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 41, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 40, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 39, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 38, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 37, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 36, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 35, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 34, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 33, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 32, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 31, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 30, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 29, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 28, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 27, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 26, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 25, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 24, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 23, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 22, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 21, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 20, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 19, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 18, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 17, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 16, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 15, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 14, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 13, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 12, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 11, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 10, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 9, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 8, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 7, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 6, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 5, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 4, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 3, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 2, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 1, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 0, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 45, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 44, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 43, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 42, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 41, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 40, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 39, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 38, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 37, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 36, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 35, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 34, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 33, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 32, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 31, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 30, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 29, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 28, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 27, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 26, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 25, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 24, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 23, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 22, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 21, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 20, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 19, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 18, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 17, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 16, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 15, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 14, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 13, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 12, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 11, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 10, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 9, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 8, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 7, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 6, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 5, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 4, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 3, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 2, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 1, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 0, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 45, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 44, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 43, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 42, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 41, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 40, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 39, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 38, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 37, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 36, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 35, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 34, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 33, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 32, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 31, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 30, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 29, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 28, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 27, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 26, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 25, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 24, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 23, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 22, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 21, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 20, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 19, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 18, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 17, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 16, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 15, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 14, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 13, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 12, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 11, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 10, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 9, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 8, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 7, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 6, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 5, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 4, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 3, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 2, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 1, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 0, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 45, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 44, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 43, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 42, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 41, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 40, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 39, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 38, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 37, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 36, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 35, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 34, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 33, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 32, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 31, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 30, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 29, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 28, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 27, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 26, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 25, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 24, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 23, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 22, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 21, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 20, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 19, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 18, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 17, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 16, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 15, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 14, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 13, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 12, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 11, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 10, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 9, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 8, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 7, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 6, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 5, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 4, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 3, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 2, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 1, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 0, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 45, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 44, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 43, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 42, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 41, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 40, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 39, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 38, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 37, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 36, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 35, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 34, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 33, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 32, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 31, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 30, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 29, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 28, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 27, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 26, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 25, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 24, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 23, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 22, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 21, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 20, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 19, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 18, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 17, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 16, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 15, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 14, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 13, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 12, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 11, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 10, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 9, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 8, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 7, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 17, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 16, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 15, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 14, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 13, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 12, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 11, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 10, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 9, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 8, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 7, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 6, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 5, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 4, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 3, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 2, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 1, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 0, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 45, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 44, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 43, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 42, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 41, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 40, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 39, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 38, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 37, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 36, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 35, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 34, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 33, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 32, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 31, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 30, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 29, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 28, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 27, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 26, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 25, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 24, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 23, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 22, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 21, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 20, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 19, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 18, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 17, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 16, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 15, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 14, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 13, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 12, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 11, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 10, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 9, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 8, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 7, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 6, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 5, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 4, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 3, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 2, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 1, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 0, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 45, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 44, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 43, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 42, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 41, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 40, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 39, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 38, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 37, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 36, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 35, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 34, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 33, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 32, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 31, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 30, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 29, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 28, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 27, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 26, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 25, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 24, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 23, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 22, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 21, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 20, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 19, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 18, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 17, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 16, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 15, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 14, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 13, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 12, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 11, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 10, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 9, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 8, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 7, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 6, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 5, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 4, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 3, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 2, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 1, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 0, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 45, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 44, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 43, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 42, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 41, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 40, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 39, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 38, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 37, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 36, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 35, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 34, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 33, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 32, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 31, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 30, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 6, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 5, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 4, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 3, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 2, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 1, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 0, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 45, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 44, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 43, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 42, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 41, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 40, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 39, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 38, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 37, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 36, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 35, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 34, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 33, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 32, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 31, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 30, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 29, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 28, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 27, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 26, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 25, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 24, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 23, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 22, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 21, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 20, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 19, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 18, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 17, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 16, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 15, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 14, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 13, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 12, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 11, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 10, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 9, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 8, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 7, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 6, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 5, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 4, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 3, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 2, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 1, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 0, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 45, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 44, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 43, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 42, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 41, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 40, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 39, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 38, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 37, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 36, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 35, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 34, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 33, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 32, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 31, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 30, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 29, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 28, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 27, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 26, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 25, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 24, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 23, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 22, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 21, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 20, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 19, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 18, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 17, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 16, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 15, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 14, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 13, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 12, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 11, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 10, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 9, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 8, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 7, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 6, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 5, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 4, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 3, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 2, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 1, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 0, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 45, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 44, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 43, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 42, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 41, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 40, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 39, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 38, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 37, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 36, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 35, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 34, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 33, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 32, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 31, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 30, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 29, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 28, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 27, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 26, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 25, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 24, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 23, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 22, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 21, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 20, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 19, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 18, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 17, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 16, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 15, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 14, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 13, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 12, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 11, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 10, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 9, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 8, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 7, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 6, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 5, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 4, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 3, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 2, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 1, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 0, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 45, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 44, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 43, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 42, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 41, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 40, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 39, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 38, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 37, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 36, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 35, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 34, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 33, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 32, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 31, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 30, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 29, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 28, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 27, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 26, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 25, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 24, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 23, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 22, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 21, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 20, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 19, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 18, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 17, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 16, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 15, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 14, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 13, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 12, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 11, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 10, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 9, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 8, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 7, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 6, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 5, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 4, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 3, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 2, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 1, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 0, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 45, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 44, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 43, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 42, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 41, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 40, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 39, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 38, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 37, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 36, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 35, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 34, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 33, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 32, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 31, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 30, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 29, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 28, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 27, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 26, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 25, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 24, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 23, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 22, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 21, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 20, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 19, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 18, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 17, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 16, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 15, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 14, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 13, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 12, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 11, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 10, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 9, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 8, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 7, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 6, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 5, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 4, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 3, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 2, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 1, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 0, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 45, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 44, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 43, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 42, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 41, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 40, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 39, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 38, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 37, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 36, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 35, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 34, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 33, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 32, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 31, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 41, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 40, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 39, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 38, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 37, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 36, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 35, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 34, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 33, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 32, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 31, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 30, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 29, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 28, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 27, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 26, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 25, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 24, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 23, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 22, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 21, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 20, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 19, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 18, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 17, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 16, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 15, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 14, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 13, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 12, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 11, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 10, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 9, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 8, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 7, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 6, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 5, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 4, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 3, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 2, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 1, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 0, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 45, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 44, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 43, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 42, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 41, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 40, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 39, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 38, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 37, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 36, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 35, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 34, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 33, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 32, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 31, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 30, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 29, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 28, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 27, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 26, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 25, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 24, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 23, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 22, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 21, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 20, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 19, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 18, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 17, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 16, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 15, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 14, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 13, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 12, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 11, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 10, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 9, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 8, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 7, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 6, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 5, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 4, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 3, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 2, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 1, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 0, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 45, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 44, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 43, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 42, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 41, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 40, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 39, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 38, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 37, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 36, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 35, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 34, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 33, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 32, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 31, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 30, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 29, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 28, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 27, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 26, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 25, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 24, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 23, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 22, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 21, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 20, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 19, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 18, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 17, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 16, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 15, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 14, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 13, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 12, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 11, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 10, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 9, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 8, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 7, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 6, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 5, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 4, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 3, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 2, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 1, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 0, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 45, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 44, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 43, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 42, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 41, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 40, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 39, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 38, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 37, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 36, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 35, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 34, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 33, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 32, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 31, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 30, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 29, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 28, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 27, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 26, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 25, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 24, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 23, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 22, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 21, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 20, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 19, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 18, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 17, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 16, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 15, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 14, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 13, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 12, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 11, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 10, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 9, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 8, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 7, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 6, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 5, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 4, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 3, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 2, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 1, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 0, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 45, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 44, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 43, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 42, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 41, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 40, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 39, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 38, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 37, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 36, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 35, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 34, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 33, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 32, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 31, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 30, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 29, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 28, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 27, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 26, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 25, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 24, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 23, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 22, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 21, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 20, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 19, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 18, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 17, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 16, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 15, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 14, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 13, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 12, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 11, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 10, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 9, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 8, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 7, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 6, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 5, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 4, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 3, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 2, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 1, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 0, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 45, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 44, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 43, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 42, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 41, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 40, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 39, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 38, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 37, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 36, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 35, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 34, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 33, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 32, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 31, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 30, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 29, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 28, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 27, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 26, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 25, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 24, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 23, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 22, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 21, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 20, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 29, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 28, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 27, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 26, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 25, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 24, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 23, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 22, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 21, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 20, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 19, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 18, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 17, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 16, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 15, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 14, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 13, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 12, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 11, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 10, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 9, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 8, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 7, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 6, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 5, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 4, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 3, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 2, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 1, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 0, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 45, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 44, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 43, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 42, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 41, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 40, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 39, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 38, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 37, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 36, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 35, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 34, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 33, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 32, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 31, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 30, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 29, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 28, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 27, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 26, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 25, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 24, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 23, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 22, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 21, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 20, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 19, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 18, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 17, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 16, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 15, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 14, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 13, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 12, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 11, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 10, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 9, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 8, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 7, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 6, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 5, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 4, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 3, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 2, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 1, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 0, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 45, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 44, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 43, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 42, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 41, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 40, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 39, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 38, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 37, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 36, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 35, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 34, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 33, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 32, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 31, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 30, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 29, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 28, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 27, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 26, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 25, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 24, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 23, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 22, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 21, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 20, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 19, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 18, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 17, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 30, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 29, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 28, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 27, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 26, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 25, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 24, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 23, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 22, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 21, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 20, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 19, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 18, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 17, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 16, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 15, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 14, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 13, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 12, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 11, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 10, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 9, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 8, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 7, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 6, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 5, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 4, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 3, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 2, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 1, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 0, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 45, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 44, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 43, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 42, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 41, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 40, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 39, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 38, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 37, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 36, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 35, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 34, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 33, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 32, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 31, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 30, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 29, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 28, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 27, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 26, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 25, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 24, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 23, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 22, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 21, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 20, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 19, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 18, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 17, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 16, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 15, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 14, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 13, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 12, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 11, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 10, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 9, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 8, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 7, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 6, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 5, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 4, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 3, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 2, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 1, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 0, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 45, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 44, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 43, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 42, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 41, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 40, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 39, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 38, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 37, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 36, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 35, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 34, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 33, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 32, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 31, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 30, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 29, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 28, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 27, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 26, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 25, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 24, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 23, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 22, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 21, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 20, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 19, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 18, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 17, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 16, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 15, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 14, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 13, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 12, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 11, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 10, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 9, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 8, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 7, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 6, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 5, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 4, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 45, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 44, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 43, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 42, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 41, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 40, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 39, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 38, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 37, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 36, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 35, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 34, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 33, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 32, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 31, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 30, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 29, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 28, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 27, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 26, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 25, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 24, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 23, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 22, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 21, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 20, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 19, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 18, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 17, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 16, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 15, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 14, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 13, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 12, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 11, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 10, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 9, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 8, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 7, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 6, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 5, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 4, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 3, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 2, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 1, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 0, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 45, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 44, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 43, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 42, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 41, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 40, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 39, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 38, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 37, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 36, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 35, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 34, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 33, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 32, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 31, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 30, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 29, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 28, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 27, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 26, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 25, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 24, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 23, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 22, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 21, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 20, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 19, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 18, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 17, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 16, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 15, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 14, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 13, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 12, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 11, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 10, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 9, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 8, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 7, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 6, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 5, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 4, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 3, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 2, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 1, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 0, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 45, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 44, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 43, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 42, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 41, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 40, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 39, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 38, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 37, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 36, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 35, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 34, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 33, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 32, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 31, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 30, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 29, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 28, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 27, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 26, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 25, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 24, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 23, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 22, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 21, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 20, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 19, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 3, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 2, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 1, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 0, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 45, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 44, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 43, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 42, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 41, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 40, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 39, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 38, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 37, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 36, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 35, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 34, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 33, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 32, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 31, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 30, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 29, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 28, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 27, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 26, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 25, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 24, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 23, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 22, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 21, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 20, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 19, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 18, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 17, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 16, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 15, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 14, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 13, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 12, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 11, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 10, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 9, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 8, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 7, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 6, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 5, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 4, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 3, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 2, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 1, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 0, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 45, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 44, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 43, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 42, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 41, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 40, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 39, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 38, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 37, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 36, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 35, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 34, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 33, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 32, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 31, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 30, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 29, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 28, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 27, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 26, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 25, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 24, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 23, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 22, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 21, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 20, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 19, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 18, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 17, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 16, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 15, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 14, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 13, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 12, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 11, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 10, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 9, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 8, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 7, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 6, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 5, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 4, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 3, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 2, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 1, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 0, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 45, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 44, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 43, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 42, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 41, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 40, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 39, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 38, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 37, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 36, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 35, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 34, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 33, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 32, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 31, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 30, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 29, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 28, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 27, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 26, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 25, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 24, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 23, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 22, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 21, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 20, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 19, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 18, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 17, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 16, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 15, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 14, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 13, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 12, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 11, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 10, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 9, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 8, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 7, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 6, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 5, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 4, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 3, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 2, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 1, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 0, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 45, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 44, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 43, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 42, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 41, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 40, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 39, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 38, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 37, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 36, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 35, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 34, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 33, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 32, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 31, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 30, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 29, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 28, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 27, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 26, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 25, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 24, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 23, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 22, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 21, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 20, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 19, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 18, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 17, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 16, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 15, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 14, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 13, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 12, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 11, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 10, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 9, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 8, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 7, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 6, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 5, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 4, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 3, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 2, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 1, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 0, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 45, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 44, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 43, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 42, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 41, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 40, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 39, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 38, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 37, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 36, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 35, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 34, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 33, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 32, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 31, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 30, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 29, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 28, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 27, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 26, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 25, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 24, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 23, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 22, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 21, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 20, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 19, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 18, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 17, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 16, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 15, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 14, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 13, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 12, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 11, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 10, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 9, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 8, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 7, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 6, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 5, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 4, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 3, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 2, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 1, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 0, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 45, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 44, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 43, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 42, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 16, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 15, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 14, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 13, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 12, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 11, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 10, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 9, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 8, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 7, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 6, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 5, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 4, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 3, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 2, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 1, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 0, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 45, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 44, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 43, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 42, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 41, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 40, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 39, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 38, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 37, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 36, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 35, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 34, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 33, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 32, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 31, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 30, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 29, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 28, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 27, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 26, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 25, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 24, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 23, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 22, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 21, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 20, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 19, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 18, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 17, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 16, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 15, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 14, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 13, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 12, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 11, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 10, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 9, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 8, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 7, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 6, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 5, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 4, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 3, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 2, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 1, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 0, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 45, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 44, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 43, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 42, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 41, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 40, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 39, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 38, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 37, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 36, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 35, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 34, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 33, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 32, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 31, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 30, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 29, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 28, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 27, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 26, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 25, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 24, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 23, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 22, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 21, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 20, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 19, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 18, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 17, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 16, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 15, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 14, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 13, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 12, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 11, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 10, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 9, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 8, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 19, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 18, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 17, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 16, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 15, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 14, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 13, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 12, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 11, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 10, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 9, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 8, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 7, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 6, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 5, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 4, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 3, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 2, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 1, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 0, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 45, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 44, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 43, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 42, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 41, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 40, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 39, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 38, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 37, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 36, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 35, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 34, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 33, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 32, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 31, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 30, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 29, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 28, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 27, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 26, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 25, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 24, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 23, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 22, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 21, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 20, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 19, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 18, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 17, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 16, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 15, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 14, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 13, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 12, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 11, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 10, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 9, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 8, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 7, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 6, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 5, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 4, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 3, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 2, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 1, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 0, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 45, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 44, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 43, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 42, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 41, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 40, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 39, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 38, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 37, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 36, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 35, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 34, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 33, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 32, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 31, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 30, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 29, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 28, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 27, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 26, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 25, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 24, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 23, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 22, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 21, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 20, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 19, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 18, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 17, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 16, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 15, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 14, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 13, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 12, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 11, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 10, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 9, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 8, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 7, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 6, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 5, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 4, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 3, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 2, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 1, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 0, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 45, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 44, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 43, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 42, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 41, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 40, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 39, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 38, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 37, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 36, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 35, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 34, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 33, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 32, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 31, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 30, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 29, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 28, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 27, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 26, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 25, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 24, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 23, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 22, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 21, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 20, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 19, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 18, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 17, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 16, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 15, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 14, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 13, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 12, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 11, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 10, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 9, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 8, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 7, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 6, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 5, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 4, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 3, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 2, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 1, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 0, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 45, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 44, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 43, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 42, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 41, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 40, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 39, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 38, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 37, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 36, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 35, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 34, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 33, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 32, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 31, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 30, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 29, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 28, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 27, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 26, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 25, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 24, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 23, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 22, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 21, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 20, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 19, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 18, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 17, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 16, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 15, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 14, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 13, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 12, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 11, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 10, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 9, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 8, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 7, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 6, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 5, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 4, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 3, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 2, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 1, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 0, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 45, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 44, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 43, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 42, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 41, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 40, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 39, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 38, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 37, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 36, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 35, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 34, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 33, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 32, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 31, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 30, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 29, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 28, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 27, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 26, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 25, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 24, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 23, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 22, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 21, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 20, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 19, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 18, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 17, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 16, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 15, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 14, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 13, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 12, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 11, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 10, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 9, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 8, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 7, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 6, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 5, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 4, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 3, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 2, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 1, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 0, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 45, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 44, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 43, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 42, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 41, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 40, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 39, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 38, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 37, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 36, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 35, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 34, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 33, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 32, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 31, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 30, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 29, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 28, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 27, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 26, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 25, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 24, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 23, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 22, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 21, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 20, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 19, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 18, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 17, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 16, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 15, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 14, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 13, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 12, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 11, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 10, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 9, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 8, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 7, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 6, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 5, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 4, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 3, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 2, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 1, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 0, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 45, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 44, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 43, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 42, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 41, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 40, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 39, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 38, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 37, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 36, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 35, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 34, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 33, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 32, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 31, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 30, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 29, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 28, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 27, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 26, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 25, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 24, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 23, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 22, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 21, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 20, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 19, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 18, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 17, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 16, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 15, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 14, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 13, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 12, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 11, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 10, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 9, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 8, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 7, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 6, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 5, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 4, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 3, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 2, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 1, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Xdistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 0, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 18, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 17, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 16, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 15, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 14, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 13, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 12, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 11, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 10, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 9, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 8, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 7, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 6, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 5, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 4, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 3, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 2, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 1, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 0, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 45, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 44, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 43, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 42, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 41, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 40, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 39, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 38, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 37, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 36, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 35, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 34, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 33, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 32, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 31, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 30, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 29, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 28, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 27, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 26, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 25, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 24, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 23, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 22, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 21, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 20, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 19, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 18, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 17, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 16, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 15, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 14, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 13, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 12, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 11, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 10, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 9, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 8, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 7, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 6, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 5, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 4, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 3, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 2, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 1, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (42, 0, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 45, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 44, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 43, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 42, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 41, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 40, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 39, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 38, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 37, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 36, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 35, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 34, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 33, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 32, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 31, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 30, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 29, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 28, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 27, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 26, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 25, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 24, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 23, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 22, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 21, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 20, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 19, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 18, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 17, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 16, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 15, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 14, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 13, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 12, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 11, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 10, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 9, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 8, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 7, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 6, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 5, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 4, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 3, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 2, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 1, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (41, 0, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 45, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 44, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 43, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 42, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 41, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 40, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 39, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 38, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 37, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 36, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 35, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 34, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 33, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 32, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 31, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 30, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 29, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 28, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 27, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 26, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 25, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 24, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 23, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 22, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 21, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 20, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 19, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 18, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 17, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 16, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 15, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 14, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 13, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 12, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 11, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 10, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 9, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 8, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 7, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 6, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 5, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 4, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 3, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 2, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 1, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (40, 0, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 45, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 44, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 43, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 42, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 41, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 40, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 39, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 38, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 37, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 36, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 35, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 34, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 33, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 32, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 31, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 30, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 29, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 28, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 27, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 26, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 25, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 24, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 23, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 22, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 21, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 20, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 19, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 18, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 17, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 16, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 15, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 14, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 13, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 12, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 11, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 10, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 9, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 8, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 7, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 6, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 5, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 4, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 3, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 2, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 1, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (39, 0, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 45, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 44, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 43, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 42, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 41, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 40, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 39, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 38, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 37, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 36, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 35, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 34, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 33, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 32, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 31, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 30, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 29, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 28, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 27, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 26, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 25, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 24, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 23, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 22, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 21, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 20, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 19, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 18, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 8, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 7, 1900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 6, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 5, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 4, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 3, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 2, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 1, 1750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 0, 1800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 45, 1850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 44, 1750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 43, 1700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 42, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 41, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 40, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 39, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 38, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 37, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 36, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 35, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 34, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 33, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 32, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 31, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 30, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 29, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 28, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 27, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 26, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 25, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 24, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 23, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 22, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 21, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 20, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 19, 2000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 18, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 17, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 16, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 15, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 14, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 13, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 12, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 11, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 10, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 9, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 8, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 7, 1950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 6, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 5, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 4, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 3, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 2, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 1, 1800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (28, 0, 1850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 45, 1700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 44, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 43, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 42, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 41, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 40, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 39, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 38, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 37, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 36, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 35, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 34, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 33, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 32, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 31, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 30, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 29, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 28, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 27, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 26, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 25, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 24, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 23, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 22, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 21, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 20, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 19, 1850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 18, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 17, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 16, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 15, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 14, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 13, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 12, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 11, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 10, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 9, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 8, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 7, 1800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 6, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 5, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 4, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 3, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 2, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 1, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (27, 0, 1700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 45, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 44, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 43, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 42, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 41, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 40, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 39, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 38, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 37, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 36, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 35, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 34, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 33, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 32, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 31, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 30, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 29, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 28, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 27, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 26, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 25, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 24, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 23, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 22, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 21, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 20, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 19, 1800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 18, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 17, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 16, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 15, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 14, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 13, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 12, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 11, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 10, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 9, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 8, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 7, 1750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 6, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 5, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 4, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 3, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 2, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 1, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (26, 0, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 45, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 44, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 43, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 42, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 41, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 40, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 39, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 38, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 37, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 36, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 35, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 34, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 33, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 32, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 31, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 30, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 29, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 28, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 27, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 26, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 25, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 24, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 23, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 22, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 21, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 20, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 19, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 18, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 17, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 16, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 15, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 14, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 13, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 12, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 11, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 10, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 9, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 8, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 7, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 6, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 5, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 4, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 3, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 2, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 1, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (25, 0, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 45, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 44, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 43, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 42, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 41, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 40, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 39, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 38, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 37, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 36, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 35, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 34, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 33, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 32, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 31, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 30, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 29, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 28, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 27, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 26, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 25, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 24, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 23, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 22, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 21, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 20, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 19, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 18, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 17, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 16, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 15, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 14, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 13, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 12, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 11, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 10, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 9, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 8, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 17, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 16, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 15, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 14, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 13, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 12, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 11, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 10, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 9, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 8, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 7, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 6, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 5, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 4, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 3, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 2, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 1, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (38, 0, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 45, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 44, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 43, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 42, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 41, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 40, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 39, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 38, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 37, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 36, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 35, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 34, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 33, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 32, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 31, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 30, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 29, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 28, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 27, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 26, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 25, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 24, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 23, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 22, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 21, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 20, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 19, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 18, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 17, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 16, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 15, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 14, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 13, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 12, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 11, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 10, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 9, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 8, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 7, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 6, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 5, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 4, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 3, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 2, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 1, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (37, 0, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 45, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 44, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 43, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 42, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 41, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 40, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 39, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 38, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 37, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 36, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 35, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 34, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 33, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 32, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 31, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 30, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 29, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 28, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 27, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 26, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 25, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 24, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 23, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 22, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 21, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 20, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 19, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 18, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 17, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 16, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 15, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 14, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 13, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 12, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 11, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 10, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 9, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 8, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 7, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 6, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 5, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 4, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 3, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 2, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 1, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (36, 0, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 45, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 44, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 43, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 42, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 41, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 40, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 39, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 38, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 37, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 36, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 35, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 34, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 33, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 32, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 31, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 30, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 7, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 6, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 5, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 4, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 3, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 2, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 1, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (24, 0, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 45, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 44, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 43, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 42, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 41, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 40, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 39, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 38, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 37, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 36, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 35, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 34, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 33, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 32, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 31, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 30, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 29, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 28, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 27, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 26, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 25, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 24, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 23, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 22, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 21, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 20, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 19, 1800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 18, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 17, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 16, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 15, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 14, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 13, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 12, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 11, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 10, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 9, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 8, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 7, 1750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 6, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 5, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 4, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 3, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 2, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 1, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (23, 0, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 45, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 44, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 43, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 42, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 41, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 40, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 39, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 38, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 37, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 36, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 35, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 34, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 33, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 32, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 31, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 30, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 29, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 28, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 27, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 26, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 25, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 24, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 23, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 22, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 21, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 20, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 19, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 18, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 17, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 16, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 15, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 14, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 13, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 12, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 11, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 10, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 9, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 8, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 7, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 6, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 5, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 4, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 3, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 2, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 1, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (22, 0, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 45, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 44, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 43, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 42, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 41, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 40, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 39, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 38, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 37, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 36, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 35, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 34, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 33, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 32, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 31, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 30, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 29, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 28, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 27, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 26, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 25, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 24, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 23, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 22, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 21, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 20, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 19, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 18, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 17, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 16, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 15, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 14, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 13, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 12, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 11, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 10, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 9, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 8, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 7, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 6, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 5, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 4, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 3, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 2, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 1, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (21, 0, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 45, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 44, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 43, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 42, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 41, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 40, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 39, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 38, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 37, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 36, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 35, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 34, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 33, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 32, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 31, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 30, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 29, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 28, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 27, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 26, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 25, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 24, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 23, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 22, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 21, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 20, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 19, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 18, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 17, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 16, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 15, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 14, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 13, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 12, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 11, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 10, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 9, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 8, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 7, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 6, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 5, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 4, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 3, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 2, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 1, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (20, 0, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 45, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 44, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 43, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 42, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 41, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 40, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 39, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 38, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 37, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 36, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 35, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 34, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 33, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 32, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 31, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 30, 1700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 29, 1950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 28, 2000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 27, 1850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 26, 1800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 25, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 24, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 23, 1800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 22, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 21, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 20, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 19, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 18, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 17, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 16, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 15, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 14, 1900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 13, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 12, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 11, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 10, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 9, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 8, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 7, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 6, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 5, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 4, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 3, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 2, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 1, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (19, 0, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 45, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 44, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 43, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 42, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 41, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 40, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 39, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 38, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 37, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 36, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 35, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 34, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 33, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 32, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 42, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 41, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 40, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 39, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 38, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 37, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 36, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 35, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 34, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 33, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 32, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 31, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 30, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 29, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 28, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 27, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 26, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 25, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 24, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 23, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 22, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 21, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 20, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 19, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 18, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 17, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 16, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 15, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 14, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 13, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 12, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 11, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 10, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 9, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 8, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 7, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 6, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 5, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 4, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 3, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 2, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 1, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 0, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 45, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 44, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 43, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 42, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 41, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 40, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 39, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 38, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 37, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 36, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 35, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 34, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 33, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 32, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 31, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 30, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 29, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 28, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 27, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 26, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 25, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 24, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 23, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 22, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 21, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 20, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 19, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 18, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 17, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 16, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 15, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 14, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 13, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 12, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 11, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 10, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 9, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 8, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 7, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 6, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 5, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 4, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 3, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 2, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 1, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (9, 0, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 45, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 44, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 43, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 42, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 41, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 40, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 39, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 38, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 37, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 36, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 35, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 34, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 33, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 32, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 31, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 30, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 29, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 28, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 27, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 26, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 25, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 24, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 23, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 22, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 21, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 20, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 19, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 18, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 17, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 16, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 15, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 14, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 13, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 12, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 11, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 10, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 9, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 8, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 7, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 6, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 5, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 4, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 3, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 2, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 1, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (8, 0, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 45, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 44, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 43, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 42, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 41, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 40, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 39, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 38, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 37, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 36, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 35, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 34, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 33, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 32, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 31, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 30, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 29, 1900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 28, 1950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 27, 1800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 26, 1750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 25, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 24, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 23, 1750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 22, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 21, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 20, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 19, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 18, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 17, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 16, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 15, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 14, 1850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 13, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 12, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 11, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 10, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 9, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 8, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 7, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 6, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 5, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 4, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 3, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 2, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 1, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (7, 0, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 45, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 44, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 43, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 42, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 41, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 40, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 39, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 38, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 37, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 36, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 35, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 34, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 33, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 32, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 31, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 30, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 29, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 28, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 27, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 26, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 25, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 24, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 23, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 22, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 21, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 20, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 19, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 18, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 17, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 16, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 15, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 14, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 13, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 12, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 11, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 10, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 9, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 8, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 7, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 6, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 5, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 4, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 3, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 2, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 1, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (6, 0, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 45, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 44, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 43, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 42, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 41, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 40, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 39, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 38, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 37, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 36, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 35, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 34, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 33, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 32, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 31, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 30, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 29, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 28, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 27, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 26, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 25, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 24, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 23, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 22, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 21, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 29, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 28, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 27, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 26, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 25, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 24, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 23, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 22, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 21, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 20, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 19, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 18, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 17, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 16, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 15, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 14, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 13, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 12, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 11, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 10, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 9, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 8, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 7, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 6, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 5, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 4, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 3, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 2, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 1, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (35, 0, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 45, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 44, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 43, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 42, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 41, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 40, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 39, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 38, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 37, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 36, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 35, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 34, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 33, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 32, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 31, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 30, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 29, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 28, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 27, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 26, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 25, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 24, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 23, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 22, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 21, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 20, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 19, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 18, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 17, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 16, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 15, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 14, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 13, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 12, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 11, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 10, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 9, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 8, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 7, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 6, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 5, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 4, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 3, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 2, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 1, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (34, 0, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 45, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 44, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 43, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 42, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 41, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 40, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 39, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 38, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 37, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 36, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 35, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 34, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 33, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 32, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 31, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 30, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 29, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 28, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 27, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 26, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 25, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 24, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 23, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 22, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 21, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 20, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 19, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 18, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 17, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 31, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 30, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 29, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 28, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 27, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 26, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 25, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 24, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 23, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 22, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 21, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 20, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 19, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 18, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 17, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 16, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 15, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 14, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 13, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 12, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 11, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 10, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 9, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 8, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 7, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 6, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 5, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 4, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 3, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 2, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 1, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (18, 0, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 45, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 44, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 43, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 42, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 41, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 40, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 39, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 38, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 37, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 36, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 35, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 34, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 33, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 32, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 31, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 30, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 29, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 28, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 27, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 26, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 25, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 24, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 23, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 22, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 21, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 20, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 19, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 18, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 17, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 16, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 15, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 14, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 13, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 12, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 11, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 10, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 9, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 8, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 7, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 6, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 5, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 4, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 3, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 2, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 1, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (17, 0, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 45, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 44, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 43, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 42, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 41, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 40, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 39, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 38, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 37, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 36, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 35, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 34, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 33, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 32, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 31, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 30, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 29, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 28, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 27, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 26, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 25, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 24, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 23, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 22, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 21, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 20, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 19, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 18, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 17, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 16, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 15, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 14, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 13, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 12, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 11, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 10, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 9, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 8, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 7, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 6, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 5, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 45, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 44, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 43, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 42, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 41, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 40, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 39, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 38, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 37, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 36, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 35, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 34, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 33, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 32, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 31, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 30, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 29, 1800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 28, 1850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 27, 1700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 26, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 25, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 24, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 23, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 22, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 21, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 20, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 19, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 18, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 17, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 16, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 15, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 14, 1750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 13, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 12, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 11, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 10, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 9, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 8, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 7, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 6, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 5, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 4, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 3, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 2, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 1, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (45, 0, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 45, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 44, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 43, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 42, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 41, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 40, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 39, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 38, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 37, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 36, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 35, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 34, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 33, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 32, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 31, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 30, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 29, 1700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 28, 1750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 27, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 26, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 25, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 24, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 23, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 22, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 21, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 20, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 19, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 18, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 17, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 16, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 15, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 14, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 13, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 12, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 11, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 10, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 9, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 8, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 7, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 6, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 5, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 4, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 3, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 2, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 1, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (44, 0, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 45, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 44, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 43, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 42, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 41, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 40, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 39, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 38, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 37, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 36, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 35, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 34, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 33, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 32, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 31, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 30, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 29, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 28, 1700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 27, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 26, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 25, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 24, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 23, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 22, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 21, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 20, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (43, 19, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 4, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 3, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 2, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 1, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (16, 0, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 45, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 44, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 43, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 42, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 41, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 40, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 39, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 38, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 37, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 36, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 35, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 34, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 33, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 32, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 31, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 30, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 29, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 28, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 27, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 26, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 25, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 24, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 23, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 22, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 21, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 20, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 19, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 18, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 17, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 16, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 15, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 14, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 13, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 12, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 11, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 10, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 9, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 8, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 7, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 6, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 5, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 4, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 3, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 2, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 1, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (15, 0, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 45, 1750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 44, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 43, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 42, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 41, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 40, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 39, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 38, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 37, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 36, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 35, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 34, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 33, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 32, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 31, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 30, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 29, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 28, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 27, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 26, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 25, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 24, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 23, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 22, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 21, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 20, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 19, 1900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 18, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 17, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 16, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 15, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 14, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 13, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 12, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 11, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 10, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 9, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 8, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 7, 1850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 6, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 5, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 4, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 3, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 2, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 1, 1700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (14, 0, 1750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 45, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 44, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 43, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 42, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 41, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 40, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 39, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 38, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 37, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 36, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 35, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 34, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 33, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 32, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 31, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 30, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 29, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 28, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 27, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 26, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 25, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 24, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 23, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 22, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 21, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 20, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 19, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 18, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 17, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 16, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 15, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 14, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 13, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 12, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 11, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 10, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 9, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 8, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 7, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 6, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 5, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 4, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 3, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 2, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 1, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (13, 0, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 45, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 44, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 43, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 42, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 41, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 40, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 39, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 38, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 37, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 36, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 35, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 34, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 33, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 32, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 31, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 30, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 29, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 28, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 27, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 26, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 25, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 24, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 23, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 22, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 21, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 20, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 19, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 18, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 17, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 16, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 15, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 14, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 13, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 12, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 11, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 10, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 9, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 8, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 7, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 6, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 5, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 4, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 3, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 2, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 1, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (12, 0, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 45, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 44, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 43, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 42, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 41, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 40, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 39, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 38, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 37, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 36, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 35, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 34, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 33, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 32, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 31, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 30, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 29, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 28, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 27, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 26, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 25, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 24, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 23, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 22, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 21, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 20, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 19, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 18, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 17, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 16, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 15, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 14, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 13, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 12, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 11, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 10, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 9, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 8, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 7, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 6, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 5, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 4, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 3, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 2, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 1, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (11, 0, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 45, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 44, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (10, 43, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 16, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 15, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 14, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 13, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 12, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 11, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 10, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 9, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 8, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 7, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 6, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 5, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 4, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 3, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 2, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 1, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (33, 0, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 45, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 44, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 43, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 42, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 41, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 40, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 39, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 38, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 37, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 36, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 35, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 34, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 33, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 32, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 31, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 30, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 29, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 28, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 27, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 26, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 25, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 24, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 23, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 22, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 21, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 20, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 19, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 18, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 17, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 16, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 15, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 14, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 13, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 12, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 11, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 10, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 9, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 8, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 7, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 6, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 5, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 4, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 3, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 2, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 1, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (32, 0, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 45, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 44, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 43, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 42, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 41, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 40, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 39, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 38, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 37, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 36, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 35, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 34, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 33, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 32, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 31, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 30, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 29, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 28, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 27, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 26, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 25, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 24, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 23, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 22, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 21, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 20, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 19, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 18, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 17, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 16, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 15, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 14, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 13, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 12, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 11, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 10, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 9, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 8, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 7, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 6, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 5, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 4, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 3, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 2, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 1, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (31, 0, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 45, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 44, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 43, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 42, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 41, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 40, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 39, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 38, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 37, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 36, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 35, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 34, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 33, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 32, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 31, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 30, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 29, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 28, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 27, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 26, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 25, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 24, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 23, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 22, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 21, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 20, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 19, 1700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 18, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 17, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 16, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 15, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 14, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 13, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 12, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 11, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 10, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 9, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 8, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 7, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 6, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 5, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 4, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 3, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 2, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 1, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (30, 0, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 45, 1800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 44, 1700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 43, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 42, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 41, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 40, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 39, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 38, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 37, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 36, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 35, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 34, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 33, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 32, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 31, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 30, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 29, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 28, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 27, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 26, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 25, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 24, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 23, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 22, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 21, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 20, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 19, 1950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 18, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 17, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 16, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 15, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 14, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 13, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 12, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 11, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 10, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (29, 9, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 20, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 19, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 18, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 17, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 16, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 15, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 14, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 13, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 12, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 11, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 10, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 9, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 8, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 7, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 6, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 5, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 4, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 3, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 2, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 1, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (5, 0, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 45, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 44, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 43, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 42, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 41, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 40, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 39, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 38, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 37, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 36, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 35, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 34, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 33, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 32, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 31, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 30, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 29, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 28, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 27, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 26, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 25, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 24, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 23, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 22, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 21, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 20, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 19, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 18, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 17, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 16, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 15, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 14, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 13, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 12, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 11, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 10, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 9, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 8, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 7, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 6, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 5, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 4, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 3, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 2, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 1, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (4, 0, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 45, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 44, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 43, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 42, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 41, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 40, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 39, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 38, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 37, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 36, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 35, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 34, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 33, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 32, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 31, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 30, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 29, 700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 28, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 27, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 26, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 25, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 24, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 23, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 22, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 21, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 20, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 19, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 18, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 17, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 16, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 15, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 14, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 13, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 12, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 11, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 10, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 9, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 8, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 7, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 6, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 5, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 4, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 3, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 2, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 1, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (3, 0, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 45, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 44, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 43, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 42, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 41, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 40, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 39, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 38, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 37, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 36, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 35, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 34, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 33, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 32, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 31, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 30, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 29, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 28, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 27, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 26, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 25, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 24, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 23, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 22, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 21, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 20, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 19, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 18, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 17, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 16, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 15, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 14, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 13, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 12, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 11, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 10, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 9, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 8, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 7, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 6, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 5, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 4, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 3, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 2, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 1, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (2, 0, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 45, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 44, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 43, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 42, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 41, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 40, 500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 39, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 38, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 37, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 36, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 35, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 34, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 33, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 32, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 31, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 30, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 29, 1750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 28, 1800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 27, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 26, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 25, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 24, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 23, 1600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 22, 1400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 21, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 20, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 19, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 18, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 17, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 16, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 15, 1300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 14, 1700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 13, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 12, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 11, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 10, 200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 9, 400) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 8, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 7, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 6, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 5, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 4, 750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 3, 1050) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 2, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 1, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (1, 0, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 45, 0) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 44, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 43, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 42, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 41, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 40, 550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 39, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 38, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 37, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 36, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 35, 900) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 34, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 33, 1150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 32, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 31, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 30, 1550) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 29, 1800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 28, 1850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 27, 1700) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 26, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 25, 600) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 24, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 23, 1650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 22, 1450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 21, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 20, 1250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 19, 150) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 18, 1000) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 17, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 16, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 15, 1350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 14, 1750) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 13, 850) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 12, 1200) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 11, 950) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 10, 250) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 9, 450) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 8, 300) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 7, 100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 6, 1500) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 5, 650) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 4, 800) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 3, 1100) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 2, 350) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 1, 50) GO INSERT [dbo].[TB_Ydistances] ([stationOne], [stationTwo], [distance]) VALUES (0, 0, 0) GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO /****** Object: Index [UK_principal_name] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ ALTER TABLE [dbo].[sysdiagrams] ADD CONSTRAINT [UK_principal_name] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [principal_id] ASC, [name] ASC )WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ONLINE = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_alterdiagram] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_alterdiagram] ( @diagramname sysname, @owner_id int = null, @version int, @definition varbinary(max) ) WITH EXECUTE AS 'dbo' AS BEGIN set nocount on declare @theId int declare @retval int declare @IsDbo int declare @UIDFound int declare @DiagId int declare @ShouldChangeUID int if(@diagramname is null) begin RAISERROR ('Invalid ARG', 16, 1) return -1 end execute as caller; select @theId = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID(); select @IsDbo = IS_MEMBER(N'db_owner'); if(@owner_id is null) select @owner_id = @theId; revert; select @ShouldChangeUID = 0 select @DiagId = diagram_id, @UIDFound = principal_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @owner_id and name = @diagramname if(@DiagId IS NULL or (@IsDbo = 0 and @theId <> @UIDFound)) begin RAISERROR ('Diagram does not exist or you do not have permission.', 16, 1); return -3 end if(@IsDbo <> 0) begin if(@UIDFound is null or USER_NAME(@UIDFound) is null) -- invalid principal_id begin select @ShouldChangeUID = 1 ; end end -- update dds data update dbo.sysdiagrams set definition = @definition where diagram_id = @DiagId ; -- change owner if(@ShouldChangeUID = 1) update dbo.sysdiagrams set principal_id = @theId where diagram_id = @DiagId ; -- update dds version if(@version is not null) update dbo.sysdiagrams set version = @version where diagram_id = @DiagId ; return 0 END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_CalculateDistances] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_CalculateDistances] @pStringStation VARCHAR(50) = NULL AS BEGIN DELETE FROM TB_CoordinatesCopy INSERT INTO [dbo].[TB_CoordinatesCopy] ([CoordinateX] ,[CoordinateY] ,[station]) SELECT CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station FROM TB_Coordinates DECLARE @contador INT =(SELECT MIN(idCoordinates) FROM TB_Coordinates) DECLARE @DA INT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_Coordinates)+(SELECT MIN(idCoordinates) FROM TB_Coordinates) DECLARE @H INT =0 WHILE (@contador<@DA) BEGIN UPDATE TB_Coordinates SET CoordinateX = (SELECT CoordinateX FROM TB_CoordinatesCopy WHERE station =@H), CoordinateY =(SELECT CoordinateY FROM TB_CoordinatesCopy WHERE station =@H), station=(SELECT station FROM TB_CoordinatesCopy WHERE station =@H) WHERE idCoordinates =@contador SET @H=@H+1 SET @contador= @contador+1 END DELETE FROM TB_Station INSERT INTO TB_Station SELECT station,3 FROM TB_Coordinates ORDER BY station UPDATE TB_Station SET idTypeStation = 1 WHERE numStation = 0 Declare @MY_STUDENT_ID nvarchar(100) = @pStringStation; DECLARE @tsql_query nvarchar(max); SET @tsql_query = 'UPDATE TB_Station SET idTypeStation = 2 WHERE numStation IN (' + @MY_STUDENT_ID + ')'; EXEC sp_executesql @tsql_query; DELETE FROM TB_StationCopy INSERT INTO TB_StationCopy SELECT numStation,idTypeStation FROM TB_Station ORDER BY idStation DECLARE @ContadroMinimunStation INT =(SELECT MIN(idStation) FROM TB_Station) DECLARE @MaximunStation INT = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_Station)+(SELECT MIN(idStation) FROM TB_Station) DECLARE @Contadro INT =0 WHILE (@ContadroMinimunStation< @MaximunStation) BEGIN UPDATE TB_Station SET numStation = (SELECT numStation FROM TB_StationCopy WHERE numStation =@Contadro), idTypeStation =(SELECT idTypeStation FROM TB_StationCopy WHERE numStation =@Contadro) WHERE idStation= @ContadroMinimunStation SET @Contadro=@Contadro+1 SET @ContadroMinimunStation= @ContadroMinimunStation+1 END if((select COUNT(*) from TB_Restriction where idTypeRestriction = 1) = 2) BEGIN DELETE FROM TB_Restriction WHERE idRestriction = (SELECT top 1 idRestriction FROM TB_Restriction WHERE idTypeRestriction = 1) END exec Sp_creatingdistancetable exec Sp_creatingcloserstation END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_CalculateTotalDistances] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_CalculateTotalDistances] @numWay INT = NULL AS BEGIN DECLARE @res INT = (SELECT MIN(idFinalWay) FROM TB_FinalWay) + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE numWay = @numWay) DECLARE @x INT = (SELECT MIN(idFinalWay) FROM TB_FinalWay) DECLARE @sum INT = 0 WHILE (@res>@x) BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT Distance FROM TB_DistanceStation WHERE stationOne = (SELECT idStation FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE idFinalWay = @x and numWay = @numWay) AND stationTwo = (SELECT idStation FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE idFinalWay = @x+1 and numWay = @numWay)) BEGIN SET @sum = @sum + ISNULL((SELECT Distance FROM TB_DistanceStation WHERE stationOne = (SELECT idStation FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE idFinalWay = @x and numWay = @numWay) AND stationTwo = (SELECT idStation FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE idFinalWay = @x+3 and numWay = @numWay)),0) END ELSE BEGIN SET @sum = @sum + ISNULL((SELECT Distance FROM TB_DistanceStation WHERE stationOne = (SELECT idStation FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE idFinalWay = @x and numWay = @numWay) AND stationTwo = (SELECT idStation FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE idFinalWay = @x+1 and numWay = @numWay)),0) END SET @x = @x+1 END SELECT @sum AS distancias END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_calculatewithonerandom] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CReate PROC [dbo].[SP_calculatewithonerandom] (@entrada int) AS begin select * from TB_FinalWay where numWay=1 EXEC SP_TablewithONeRandom 1 select * from TB_FinalWay where numWay=2 declare @totaldistance1 float declare @totaldistance2 float exec SP_TotalDistancesaved 1 ,@totaldistance1 OUTPUT exec SP_TotalDistancesaved 2 ,@totaldistance2 OUTPUT SELECT @totaldistance1 AS DISTANCIASn1 SELECT @totaldistance2 AS DISTANCIASn2 declare @counterinteractions int set @counterinteractions =6 while @counterinteractions >0 begin if(@totaldistance1 <@totaldistance2) EXEC SP_TablewittwoRandom 1 EXEC SP_TotalDistancesaved 2 ,@totaldistance2 OUTPUT if(@totaldistance1 >@totaldistance2) set @counterinteractions=0 set @counterinteractions=@counterinteractions -1 SELECT @totaldistance1 AS DISTANCIASn1 SELECT @totaldistance2 AS DISTANCIASn2 end select * from TB_FinalWay where numWay=2 end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_calculatewithtwoconsecutive] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROC [dbo].[SP_calculatewithtwoconsecutive] (@entrada int) AS begin select * from TB_FinalWay where numWay=1 EXEC SP_TablewithConsecutiveRandom 1 select * from TB_FinalWay where numWay=2 declare @totaldistance1 float declare @totaldistance2 float exec SP_TotalDistancesaved 1 ,@totaldistance1 OUTPUT exec SP_TotalDistancesaved 2 ,@totaldistance2 OUTPUT SELECT @totaldistance1 AS DISTANCIASn1 SELECT @totaldistance2 AS DISTANCIASn2 declare @counterinteractions int set @counterinteractions =6 while @counterinteractions >0 begin if(@totaldistance1 <@totaldistance2) EXEC SP_TablewittwoRandom 1 EXEC SP_TotalDistancesaved 2 ,@totaldistance2 OUTPUT if(@totaldistance1 >@totaldistance2) set @counterinteractions=0 set @counterinteractions=@counterinteractions -1 SELECT @totaldistance1 AS DISTANCIASn1 SELECT @totaldistance2 AS DISTANCIASn2 end select * from TB_FinalWay where numWay=2 end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_calculatewithtworandom] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROC [dbo].[SP_calculatewithtworandom] (@entrada int) AS begin select * from TB_FinalWay where numWay=1 EXEC SP_TablewittwoRandom 1 select * from TB_FinalWay where numWay=2 declare @totaldistance1 float declare @totaldistance2 float exec SP_TotalDistancesaved 1 ,@totaldistance1 OUTPUT exec SP_TotalDistancesaved 2 ,@totaldistance2 OUTPUT SELECT @totaldistance1 AS DISTANCIASn1 SELECT @totaldistance2 AS DISTANCIASn2 declare @counterinteractions int set @counterinteractions =6 while @counterinteractions >0 begin if(@totaldistance1 <@totaldistance2) EXEC SP_TablewittwoRandom 1 EXEC SP_TotalDistancesaved 2 ,@totaldistance2 OUTPUT if(@totaldistance1 >@totaldistance2) set @counterinteractions=0 set @counterinteractions=@counterinteractions -1 SELECT @totaldistance1 AS DISTANCIASn1 SELECT @totaldistance2 AS DISTANCIASn2 end select * from TB_FinalWay where numWay=2 end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_CreateCustomerDelivery] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_CreateCustomerDelivery] AS BEGIN DELETE FROM TB_CustomerDelivery INSERT INTO TB_CustomerDelivery SELECT numStation,0 FROM TB_Station WHERE idTypeStation = 3 DECLARE @RICHARD INT = 1 DECLARE @Counter INT SET @Counter= (SELECT TOP 1 IdCustomerDelivery FROM TB_CustomerDelivery) WHILE ( @RICHARD <= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_CustomerDelivery)) BEGIN UPDATE TB_CustomerDelivery SET delivery = (SELECT FLOOR(RAND()*((SELECT TOP 1 valueRestriction FROM TB_Restriction WHERE idTypeRestriction = 1)-1)+1)) WHERE IdCustomerDelivery = @Counter SET @RICHARD = @RICHARD + 1 SET @Counter = @Counter + 1 END SELECT * FROM TB_CustomerDelivery ORDER BY stationVehicle END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_creatediagram] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_creatediagram] ( @diagramname sysname, @owner_id int = null, @version int, @definition varbinary(max) ) WITH EXECUTE AS 'dbo' AS BEGIN set nocount on declare @theId int declare @retval int declare @IsDbo int declare @userName sysname if(@version is null or @diagramname is null) begin RAISERROR (N'E_INVALIDARG', 16, 1); return -1 end execute as caller; select @theId = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID(); select @IsDbo = IS_MEMBER(N'db_owner'); revert; if @owner_id is null begin select @owner_id = @theId; end else begin if @theId <> @owner_id begin if @IsDbo = 0 begin RAISERROR (N'E_INVALIDARG', 16, 1); return -1 end select @theId = @owner_id end end -- next 2 line only for test, will be removed after define name unique if EXISTS(select diagram_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @theId and name = @diagramname) begin RAISERROR ('The name is already used.', 16, 1); return -2 end insert into dbo.sysdiagrams(name, principal_id , version, definition) VALUES(@diagramname, @theId, @version, @definition) ; select @retval = @@IDENTITY return @retval END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_CreateFinalWay] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_CreateFinalWay] AS BEGIN --DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay --Borro registros de la tabla --INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay VALUES(0,1) -- insert el primcer cero --DECLARE @i int = (SELECT MIN(idPartialWay) FROM TB_PartialWay) --DECLARE @numrows int = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_PartialWay) + (SELECT MIN(idPartialWay) FROM TB_PartialWay) - 1 -- la cantidad de números total --DECLARE @distanceAchive int = 0 --DECLARE @distanceAchive2 int = 0 --DECLARE @distanceBefore int = 0 -- WHILE (@i <= @numrows) -- BEGIN -- --select 'Entre al While' -- IF((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_FinalWay) = 1) -- BEGIN -- INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay VALUES((SELECT TOP 1 idStationCloser FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i),1) -- INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay VALUES((SELECT TOP 1 idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i),1) -- SET @distanceBefore = (SELECT TOP 1 Distance FROM TB_DistanceStation WHERE stationOne = (SELECT idStationCloser FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i) -- AND stationTwo = (SELECT TOP 1 idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i)) -- END -- --select @i as i -- --select @numrows as numrows -- SET @distanceAchive = @distanceBefore + (SELECT TOP 1 Distance FROM TB_DistanceStation WHERE stationOne = (SELECT TOP 1 idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i) -- AND stationTwo = (SELECT TOP 1 idStationCloser FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i)) -- --select @distanceAchive as distanceAchive -- SET @distanceAchive2 = @distanceBefore + (SELECT TOP 1 Distance FROM TB_DistanceStation WHERE stationOne = (SELECT TOP 1 idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i) -- AND stationTwo = (SELECT TOP 1 idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i + 1)) -- --select @distanceAchive2 as distanceAchive2 -- IF(@distanceAchive2 < (SELECT TOP 1 valueRestriction FROM TB_Restriction WHERE idTypeRestriction = 2)) -- BEGIN -- --select 'Entre segunda parte' -- INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay VALUES((SELECT TOP 1 idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i + 1),1) -- SET @distanceBefore = @distanceAchive2 -- END -- ELSE IF(@distanceAchive2 > (SELECT TOP 1 valueRestriction FROM TB_Restriction WHERE idTypeRestriction = 2)) -- BEGIN -- --select 'Entre tercera parte' -- SET @i = @i - 2 -- DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE idFinalWay > (SELECT TOP 1 idFinalWay FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE idStation = (SELECT TOP 1 idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i)) -- INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay VALUES ((SELECT TOP 1 idStationCloser FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i),1) -- SET @distanceBefore = 0 -- SET @distanceAchive = 0 -- SET @distanceAchive2 = 0 -- SET @distanceAchive = @distanceBefore + (SELECT TOP 1 Distance FROM TB_DistanceStation WHERE stationOne = (SELECT TOP 1 idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i) -- AND stationTwo = (SELECT TOP 1 idStationCloser FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i)) -- SET @distanceAchive2 = @distanceBefore + (SELECT TOP 1 Distance FROM TB_DistanceStation WHERE stationOne = (SELECT TOP 1 idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i) -- AND stationTwo = (SELECT TOP 1 idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i + 1)) -- SET @i = @i - 1 -- END -- SET @i = @i + 1 -- delete top (1) from TB_PartialWay where idPartialWay=@i -- END -- INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay VALUES((SELECT TOP 1 idStationCloser FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = (SELECT MAX(idPartialWay) FROM TB_PartialWay)),1) -- INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay VALUES(0,1) -- insert el primcer cero SELECT * FROM TB_FinalWay END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_CreatePartialWay] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_CreatePartialWay] AS BEGIN --DELETE FROM TB_PartialWay --DECLARE @i int = (SELECT MIN(idResume) FROM TB_ResumeData) --DECLARE @numrows int = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_ResumeData) + (SELECT MIN(idResume) FROM TB_ResumeData) --IF @numrows > 0 -- WHILE (@i <= @numrows) -- BEGIN -- IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idStation in (SELECT Cliente_i FROM TB_ResumeData WHERE idResume = @i)) -- BEGIN -- IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idStation in (SELECT Cliente_j FROM TB_ResumeData WHERE idResume = @i)) -- BEGIN -- IF((SELECT Cliente_i FROM TB_ResumeData WHERE idResume = @i) IS NOT NULL) -- BEGIN -- INSERT INTO TB_PartialWay VALUES((SELECT Cliente_i FROM TB_ResumeData WHERE idResume = @i),@i,(SELECT stationClient FROM TB_CloserStation WHERE stationVehicle = (SELECT Cliente_i FROM TB_ResumeData WHERE idResume = @i)),0,0) -- INSERT INTO TB_PartialWay VALUES((SELECT Cliente_J FROM TB_ResumeData WHERE idResume = @i),@i,(SELECT stationClient FROM TB_CloserStation WHERE stationVehicle = (SELECT Cliente_J FROM TB_ResumeData WHERE idResume = @i)),0,0) -- END -- END -- END -- SET @i = @i + 2 -- END -- INSERT INTO TB_PartialWay -- SELECT numStation,999999999,stationClient,0,0 FROM TB_Station AS ts -- INNER JOIN TB_CloserStation AS tc ON ts.numStation = tc.stationVehicle -- WHERE idTypeStation = 3 and numStation not in (SELECT idStation FROM TB_PartialWay ) -- SET @i= (SELECT MAX(idPartialWay) FROM TB_PartialWay ) -- INSERT INTO TB_PartialWay -- SELECT idStation,numWay,idStationCloser,0,0 FROM TB_PartialWay ORDER BY numWay,idStationCloser -- DELETE FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay <= @i -- SET @i = (SELECT MIN(idPartialWay) FROM TB_PartialWay) -- SET @numrows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_PartialWay) + (SELECT MIN(idPartialWay) FROM TB_PartialWay) -- IF @numrows > 0 -- WHILE (@i <= @numrows) -- BEGIN -- UPDATE TB_PartialWay SET achiveDistance = (SELECT Distance FROM TB_DistanceStation WHERE stationOne = (SELECT idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i) AND stationTwo = (SELECT idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i + 1)) -- + (SELECT Distance FROM TB_DistanceStation WHERE stationOne = (SELECT idStationCloser FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i) AND stationTwo = (SELECT idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i)) -- WHERE idPartialWay = @i + 1 -- UPDATE TB_PartialWay SET achiveDistanceWithPoint = achiveDistance + (SELECT Distance FROM TB_DistanceStation WHERE stationOne = (SELECT idStation FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i) AND stationTwo = (SELECT idStationCloser FROM TB_PartialWay WHERE idPartialWay = @i + 1)) -- WHERE idPartialWay = @i + 1 -- SET @i = @i + 1 -- END -- SELECT idStation,numWay,idStationCloser,achiveDistance,achiveDistanceWithPoint FROM TB_PartialWay select 1 END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_CreateRestrictions] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_CreateRestrictions] @pNameTypeRestriction VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @pvalueRestriction INT = NULL AS BEGIN INSERT INTO TB_Restriction VALUES ((SELECT idTypeRestriction FROM TB_TypeRestriction WHERE nameTypeRestriction = @pNameTypeRestriction), @pvalueRestriction) END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_CreateResume] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_CreateResume] AS BEGIN --DELETE FROM TB_ResumeData --INSERT INTO TB_ResumeData --select saveDistance,stationOne AS 'Cliente i',stationTwo AS 'Cliente j',tco.delivery AS 'Entrega i', --tcd.delivery AS 'Entrega j', tcc.collections AS 'Recogida i', tccd.collections AS 'Recogida j', --tco.delivery + tcd.delivery + tcc.collections + tccd.collections AS 'CQ', Distance AS 'RV' --from TB_DistanceStation AS td --INNER JOIN TB_CustomerDelivery AS tco ON td.stationOne = tco.stationVehicle --INNER JOIN TB_CustomerDelivery AS tcd ON td.stationTwo = tcd.stationVehicle --INNER JOIN TB_CustomerCollection AS tcc ON td.stationOne = tcc.stationClient --INNER JOIN TB_CustomerCollection AS tccd ON td.stationTwo = tccd.stationClient --WHERE saveDistance IS NOT NULL Order by saveDistance DESC --SELECT * FROM TB_ResumeData select 1 END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_CreateStations] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_CreateStations] @pNameTypeStation VARCHAR(50) = NULL, @pNumStation INT = NULL AS BEGIN --IF (@pNameTypeStation = 'Deposito') --BEGIN -- DELETE FROM TB_Coordinates -- DELETE FROM TB_Restriction -- DELETE FROM TB_Station --END --IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TB_TypeStation WHERE nameTypeStation = @pNameTypeStation) --BEGIN INSERT INTO TB_Station VALUES (@pNumStation,(SELECT idTypeStation FROM TB_TypeStation WHERE nameTypeStation = @pNameTypeStation)) --END --ELSE --BEGIN --RETURN 2 --END END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_CreatingCloserStation] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[SP_CreatingCloserStation] as begin delete from tb_closerstation Exec SP_CreatingDistanceTable declare @tableshortest table (stationClient int,StationVehicle int,ShortestDistance int) declare @temporarytable table (stationClient int,StationVehicle int,ShortestDistance int) declare @counter int=(select MAX (numstation) from Tb_station where idtypeStation=2) declare @counter2 int=(select MAX (numstation) from Tb_station where idtypeStation=3) SELECT @COUNTER AS CONTADOR while @counter2>0 begin declare @distance int=(select min(distance) from tb_distancestation where stationone<=(select MAX (numstation) from Tb_station where idtypeStation=2)and stationone>(select MAX (numstation) from Tb_station where idtypeStation=1) and stationtwo=@counter2 and distance!=0) declare @stationone int =(select Max(stationone) from tb_distancestation where stationone<=(select MAX (numstation) from Tb_station where idtypeStation=2)and distance=@distance and stationtwo=@counter2) insert into @tableshortest (stationClient,StationVehicle,ShortestDistance) select @counter2,@stationone,@distance set @counter2=@counter2-1 end declare @distancetostorage int=(select min(distance) from tb_distancestation where stationone<=(select MAX (numstation) from Tb_station where idtypeStation=1)and stationtwo<=(select MAX (numstation) from Tb_station where idtypeStation=2) and distance!=0) insert into @tableshortest (stationClient,StationVehicle,ShortestDistance) select @counter2,@stationone,@distance delete from @tableshortest where stationclient =0 begin declare @station1 int declare @station2 int declare @x1 int declare @x2 int set @station1=@counter set @x1=(select CoordinateX from tb_coordinates where station=@counter) declare @counter2 int declare @distance int set @counter2= (select max(numstation) from tb_station) while @counter2>=0 begin set @x2=(select CoordinateX from tb_coordinates where station=@counter2) set @distance= abs(@x2-@x1) insert into @distanceXcoordinates(stationONE,stationTWO,distance) select @counter,@counter2,@distance set @counter2=@counter2-1 end set @counter=@counter-1 end insert into tb_Xdistances select * from @distanceXcoordinates declare @DISTANCEYcoordinates table (stationone int,stationtwo int,Distance int) -- HERE WE GO set @counter= (select max(numstation) from tb_station) while @counter>=0 begin declare @Y1 int declare @Y2 int set @station1=@counter set @Y1=(select CoordinateY from tb_coordinates where station=@counter) set @counter2= (select max(numstation) from tb_station) while @counter2>=0 begin set @Y2=(select CoordinateY from tb_coordinates where station=@counter2) set @distance= abs(@Y2-@Y1) insert into @distanceYcoordinates(stationONE,stationTWO,distance) select @counter,@counter2,@distance set @counter2=@counter2-1 end set @counter=@counter-1 end insert into TB_Ydistances select * from @distanceYcoordinates end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_CreatingDistanceTable] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[SP_CreatingDistanceTable] as begin DELETE TB_DistanceStation declare @temporarytable table (xcoord int,ycoord int,station int) declare @temporarytable2 table (xcoord int,ycoord int,station int) declare @distancetableschema table (stationone int,stationtwo int,distance int) declare @copydistancetableschema table (stationone int,stationtwo int,distance int) declare @distancetableschema2 table (stationone int,stationtwo int, distance int, savedistance int) insert into @temporarytable (xcoord,ycoord,station) select CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station from TB_Coordinates insert into @temporarytable2 (xcoord,ycoord,station) select CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station from TB_Coordinates DECLARE @MATRIXTABLE TABLE (STATIONONE INT, STATIONTWO INT, SAVINGD INT) DECLARE @stationCamion1 int declare @counter int set @counter= (select count(*) from @temporarytable) while(@counter>0) begin declare @stationA int declare @stationB int declare @cxp1 int declare @cyp1 int declare @cxp2 int declare @cyp2 int declare @distance int set @stationA=(select top(1) station from @temporarytable) set @cxp1=(select top(1) xcoord from @temporarytable) set @cyp1=(select top(1) ycoord from @temporarytable) declare @counter2 int set @counter2=(select count(*) from @temporarytable2) while(@counter2>0) begin set @cxp2=(select top(1) xcoord from @temporarytable2) set @cyp2=(select top(1) ycoord from @temporarytable2) set @stationB=(select top(1) station from @temporarytable2) delete top(1) from @temporarytable2 exec SP_DistanceCalcsqrt @cxp1,@cyp1,@cxp2,@cyp2, @distance OUTPUT insert into @distancetableschema (stationone,stationtwo,distance) select @stationA,@stationB,@distance set @counter2=@counter2-1 end delete top(1) from @temporarytable set @counter=@counter-1 insert into @temporarytable2 (xcoord,ycoord,station) select CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station from TB_Coordinates end insert into @copydistancetableschema (stationone,stationtwo,distance) select stationone,stationtwo,distance from @distancetableschema declare @SDS1 int declare @SDS2 int declare @fvd1 int declare @fvd2 int declare @fvd3 int declare @savedistance int set @counter = (select COUNT(*) from @distancetableschema) while @counter >0 begin set @SDS1=(select TOP(1) stationone from @distancetableschema ) set @SDS2=(select TOP(1) stationtwo from @distancetableschema) if (@SDS1<=(select MAX (numstation) from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2)) begin set @fvd1=(select MIN(distance) from @copydistancetableschema where stationone=@SDS1 and stationtwo<=(select numstation from TB_Station where idTypeStation=1)) end else begin set @fvd1=(select MIN(distance) from @copydistancetableschema where stationone=@SDS1 and stationtwo=(select MAX (numstation) from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2) and stationone!=stationtwo) end if (@SDS2<=(select MAX (numstation) from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2)) begin set @fvd2=(select MIN(distance) from @copydistancetableschema where stationone=@SDS2 and stationtwo=(select numstation from TB_Station where idTypeStation=1)) end else begin set @fvd2=(select MIN(distance) from @copydistancetableschema where stationone=@SDS2 and stationtwo<=(select MAX (numstation) from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2) and stationone!=stationtwo) end set @fvd3=(select distance from @copydistancetableschema where stationone=@SDS1 and stationtwo=@SDS2) set @savedistance = @fvd1+@fvd2 -@fvd3 insert into @distancetableschema2 (stationone,stationtwo,distance, savedistance) select @SDS1,@SDS2,@fvd3,@savedistance set @counter = @counter-1 delete top(1) from @distancetableschema end insert into TB_DistanceStation(stationOne,stationTwo,Distance,saveDistance) Select stationone,stationtwo,distance,savedistance from @distancetableschema2 --EXEC [dbo].[SP_CustomerColletion] --EXEC [dbo].[SP_CreateCustomerDelivery] --EXEC [dbo].[SP_CreateResume] --EXEC [dbo].[sp_Creatingfinalvehicleway] --exec [dbo].[sp_finalmoment] end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_creatingdronspath] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[sp_creatingdronspath](@entrada int,@entrada2 int) as begin declare @numdron int=1 delete from TB_FinalWay declare @temporarytable table(stationone int,stationtwo int,distance int,savedistance int) insert into @temporarytable select stationone,stationTwo,distance,saveDistance from TB_DistanceStation declare @contadorestaciones int=0 --borramos las distancias cero delete from @temporarytable where stationone=stationtwo delete from @temporarytable where stationone=0 delete from @temporarytable where stationtwo=0 declare @temporarycloser table (stationclient int,stationvehicle int, shortestdistance int) declare @dronpath table(station int,distanciarecorrida int, sumacarga int,numdron int) insert into @temporarycloser select stationclient,stationvehicle,shortestdistance from TB_CloserStation declare @distanciarecorridapordron int =0 declare @cargaquellevaeldron int =0 declare @supercontador int=@entrada --definimos desde donde salir --declare @station int=(select stationclient from @temporarycloser where stationvehicle=(select(numstation) from TB_Station where idTypeStation=1)) DECLARE @TOPMAXSAVE INT = (SELECT MAX(SAVEDISTANCE) FROM @TEMPORARYTABLE) DECLARE @TOPSTATION INT =(SELECT MIN (STATIONONE) FROM @temporarytable WHERE SAVEDISTANCE=@TOPMAXSAVE) declare @station int=@entrada2 --DECLARE @STATION INT=(SELECT stationclient FROM @temporarycloser WHERE stationVEHICLE=@TOPSTATION) declare @contadorfaltantes int= (select COUNT(stationone)from @temporarytable) -- aqui empezamos while @supercontador>0 begin declare @topmaxsavetostart int=(select MAX(savedistance)from @temporarytable where stationOne>(select MAX (numstation) from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2) and stationTwo>(select MAX (numstation) from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2)) set @cargaquellevaeldron=0 select * from @temporarytable order by saveDistance declare @station1 int=(select MAX(stationone) from @temporarytable where saveDistance=@topmaxsavetostart ) set @station = (select stationvehicle from TB_CloserStation where stationClient=@station1) declare @contadorderestantes int= (select COUNT(stationtwo)from @temporarytable where stationtwo>(select MAX (numstation) from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2)) if @contadorderestantes<=(select MAX (numstation) from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2) begin declare @stationfinal int= (select MAX(stationtwo) from @temporarytable) set @station=( select stationvehicle from @temporarycloser where stationclient=@stationfinal ) set @contadorderestantes =(select count(stationone) from @temporarytable where stationone=@station) end insert into @dronpath select @station, @distanciarecorridapordron,@cargaquellevaeldron,@numdron insert into tb_finalway (idstation,numway) select @station, @numdron declare @distance int=(select MIN(distance) from @temporarytable where (stationone=@station and stationtwo>(select max(numstation) from tb_station where idtypestation=2))) declare @tableONE table (stationone int,stationtwo int,distance int,savedistance int) insert into @tableONE select*from @temporarytable where distance=@distance and stationone=@station -- esta lista tableONE ha creado las estaciones mas cercanas al primer lugar de salida @station select * from @tableone declare @counter int=(select count (stationone) from @tableONE) declare @maxsavedistance int declare @stationtotest int set @maxsavedistance=-1000000 declare @distancetonext int while @counter>0 begin declare @temporarydistance int =(select MAX(savedistance) from @temporarytable where stationtwo=(select top(1) stationtwo from @tableONE) and stationtwo>(select MAX(numstation) from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2)) if @temporarydistance>@maxsavedistance begin set @maxsavedistance=@temporarydistance set @stationtotest= (select top(1) stationtwo from @tableONE) select @stationtotest as sgtestation end delete top(1) from @tableONE set @counter=@counter -1 end set @distancetonext = (select distance from @temporarytable where stationone=@station and stationtwo=@stationtotest) set @station=@stationtotest set @distanciarecorridapordron=@distanciarecorridapordron+@distancetonext set @cargaquellevaeldron=@cargaquellevaeldron +(select pickup from tb_load where idstation=@station)-(select deliver from TB_load where IdStation=@station) --@stationtotest guarda la estacion con mejor ahorro que esta mas cerca a station q va a ser el primer punto de partida if @cargaquellevaeldron <(select valuerestriction from tb_restriction where idtyperestriction=1) begin insert into @dronpath select @station, @distanciarecorridapordron ,@cargaquellevaeldron, @numdron insert into tb_finalway (idstation,numway) select @station, @numdron end select 10 as Aquinoheempezado --aqui podria empezar el loop while (@distanciarecorridapordron+(Select MAX(shortestdistance) from TB_CloserStation))<(select valuerestriction from tb_restriction where idtyperestriction=2) and @contadorfaltantes >0 begin if(@distanciarecorridapordron=0) begin insert into @dronpath select @station, @distanciarecorridapordron,@cargaquellevaeldron,@numdron insert into tb_finalway (idstation,numway) select @station, @numdron end set @maxsavedistance= (select max(savedistance) from @temporarytable where (stationone=@station and stationtwo>(select max(numstation) from tb_station where idtypestation=2))) set @stationtotest=(select (stationtwo) from @temporarytable where (stationone=@station and savedistance=@maxsavedistance) and (stationtwo>(select max(numstation) from tb_station where idtypestation=2))) set @distancetonext=(select distance from @temporarytable where stationone=@station and stationtwo=@stationtotest) set @distanciarecorridapordron=@distanciarecorridapordron+@distancetonext set @cargaquellevaeldron=@cargaquellevaeldron +(select pickup from tb_load where IdStation=@stationtotest)-(select deliver from TB_load where idstation=@stationtotest) if (@distanciarecorridapordron+(Select max(shortestdistance) from TB_CloserStation))<(select valuerestriction from tb_restriction where idtyperestriction=2) begin delete from @temporarytable where (stationone=@station) delete from @temporarytable where (stationtwo=@station) set @station=@stationtotest insert into @dronpath select @station, @distanciarecorridapordron ,@cargaquellevaeldron,@numdron select* from @dronpath insert into tb_finalway (idstation,numway) select @station, @numdron end end --aqui termina el loop de distancia set @stationtotest=(select stationvehicle from @temporarycloser where stationclient=@station) delete from @temporarytable where (stationone=@station) delete from @temporarytable where (stationtwo=@station) set @distancetonext=(select shortestdistance from @temporarycloser where stationclient=@station and stationvehicle=@stationtotest) set @distanciarecorridapordron=@distanciarecorridapordron+@distancetonext set @cargaquellevaeldron=@cargaquellevaeldron +0 set @station=@stationtotest set @contadorfaltantes = (select COUNT(stationone)from @temporarytable) insert into @dronpath select @station, @distanciarecorridapordron ,@cargaquellevaeldron,@numdron insert into tb_finalway (idstation,numway) select @station, @numdron set @supercontador=@supercontador-1 set @numdron=@numdron+1 set @contadorestaciones=0 set @distanciarecorridapordron=0 set @cargaquellevaeldron=0 end SELECT * FROM @temporarytable select * from TB_FinalWay end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_Creatingfinalvehicleway] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO --creating final vehicle way CREATE proc [dbo].[sp_Creatingfinalvehicleway] as begin declare @temporarytable table (stationone int,stationtwo int,distance int) DECLARE @temporaryYtable table(stationone int,stationtwo int,distance int) DECLARE @temporaryXtable table(stationone int,stationtwo int,distance int) declare @finalvehicleway table (numstation int) declare @1ca int=0 declare @2ca int=0 insert into @temporarytable (stationone,stationtwo,distance) select stationOne,stationTwo,Distance from TB_DistanceStation where stationOne<=(select MAX(numstation)from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2) and stationTwo<=(select MAX(numstation)from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2) insert into @temporaryYtable (stationone,stationtwo,distance) select stationOne,stationTwo,Distance from TB_Ydistances where stationOne<=(select MAX(numstation)from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2) and stationTwo<=(select MAX(numstation)from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2) insert into @temporaryXtable (stationone,stationtwo,distance) select stationOne,stationTwo,Distance from TB_Xdistances where stationOne<=(select MAX(numstation)from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2) and stationTwo<=(select MAX(numstation)from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2) delete from @temporarytable where stationone=stationtwo delete from @temporarytable where distance=0 delete from @temporaryXtable where stationone=stationtwo delete from @temporaryYtable where stationone=stationtwo declare @furtheststation int declare @closeststationtofurthest int declare @secondclosest int declare @storagestation int set @storagestation=(select numstation from TB_Station where idTypeStation=1) declare @maxdistance int declare @closesttomax int declare @secondclosestmax int set @maxdistance = (select MAX(distance) from @temporarytable where stationone=@storagestation) set @furtheststation=(select max(stationtwo) from @temporarytable where distance=@maxdistance) set @closesttomax =(select min(distance) from @temporarytable where stationone=@furtheststation) set @closeststationtofurthest= (select(stationtwo) from @temporarytable where stationone= @furtheststation and distance =@closesttomax) delete from @temporarytable where stationone= @furtheststation and distance =@closesttomax set @secondclosest =(select min(distance) from @temporarytable where stationone=@furtheststation) set @secondclosestmax= (select(stationtwo) from @temporarytable where stationone= @furtheststation and distance =@secondclosest) declare @Xdistance int declare @Ydistance int set @Xdistance=(select distance from @temporaryXtable where stationtwo=@storagestation and stationone=@furtheststation) set @Ydistance=(select distance from @temporaryYtable where stationtwo=@storagestation and stationone=@furtheststation) declare @orientacion int declare @ida int=1 declare @devuelta int=0 --identificamos en que dirección hay que ir: 1 de abajo a arriba, 2 de arriba abajo, 3 de izquierda a derecha, 4 de derecha a izquierda if @Xdistance>@Ydistance begin declare @x1 int declare @x2 int set @x1= (select CoordinateX from TB_Coordinates where station=@storagestation) set @x2= (select CoordinateX from TB_Coordinates where station=@furtheststation) if @x1<@x2 set @orientacion= 3 if @x1>@x2 set @orientacion=4 end if @Ydistance>@Xdistance begin declare @y1 int declare @y2 int set @y1= (select CoordinateX from TB_Coordinates where station=@storagestation) set @y2= (select CoordinateX from TB_Coordinates where station=@furtheststation) if @y1<@y2 set @orientacion= 1 if @y1>@y2 set @orientacion=2 end insert into @finalvehicleway select @storagestation declare @presentstation int declare @futurestation int declare @mindistance int --un counter q asegure que he recorrido todas las estaciones set @presentstation=@storagestation declare @estacionesporrecorrer int set @estacionesporrecorrer=(select max(numstation)from tb_station where idtypestation=2) while @estacionesporrecorrer >0 begin declare @Yfromfuture int declare @yfrompresent int declare @Xfromfuture int declare @Xfrompresent int if @orientacion=1 begin --codigo igual set @mindistance=(select min(distance) from @temporarytable WHERE STATIONONE=@presentstation) set @futurestation= (select stationtwo from @temporarytable where stationone=@presentstation and distance =@mindistance) set @yfrompresent= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@presentstation) set @yfromfuture= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@futurestation) set @Xfrompresent= (select CoordinateX from TB_Coordinates where station=@presentstation) set @Xfromfuture= (select coordinateX from TB_Coordinates where station=@futurestation) --codigo igual while @Yfromfuture<@yfrompresent begin delete from @temporarytable where STATIONONE=@PRESENTSTATION AND distance =@mindistance set @mindistance=(select min(distance) from @temporarytable WHERE STATIONONE=@presentstation) select @mindistance as hola set @futurestation= (select (stationtwo) from @temporarytable where STATIONONE=@PRESENTSTATION AND distance =@mindistance) Set @yfrompresent= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@presentstation) set @yfromfuture= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@futurestation) end end if @orientacion=2 begin --codigo igual set @mindistance=(select min(distance) from @temporarytable WHERE STATIONONE=@presentstation) set @futurestation=(select (stationtwo) from @temporarytable where STATIONONE=@PRESENTSTATION and distance =@mindistance and distance !=0) set @yfrompresent= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@presentstation) set @yfromfuture= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@futurestation) set @Xfrompresent= (select CoordinateX from TB_Coordinates where station=@presentstation) set @Xfromfuture= (select coordinateX from TB_Coordinates where station=@futurestation) --codigo igual while @Yfromfuture>@yfrompresent begin delete @temporarytable where stationone=@presentstation and distance=@mindistance set @mindistance=(select min(distance) from @temporarytable WHERE STATIONONE=@presentstation) set @futurestation= (select (stationtwo) from @temporarytable where STATIONONE=@PRESENTSTATION AND distance =@mindistance) set @yfrompresent= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@presentstation) set @yfromfuture= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@futurestation) end end if @orientacion=3 begin --codigo igual set @mindistance=(select min(distance) from @temporarytable WHERE STATIONONE=@presentstation) set @futurestation= (select stationtwo from @temporarytable where distance =@mindistance) set @yfrompresent= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@presentstation) set @yfromfuture= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@futurestation) set @Xfrompresent= (select CoordinateX from TB_Coordinates where station=@presentstation) set @Xfromfuture= (select coordinateX from TB_Coordinates where station=@futurestation) --codigo igual while @xfromfuture<@xfrompresent begin delete from @temporarytable where distance =@mindistance set @mindistance=(select min(distance) from @temporarytable WHERE STATIONONE=@presentstation) set @futurestation= (select stationtwo from @temporarytable where STATIONONE=@PRESENTSTATION AND distance =@mindistance) set @Xfrompresent= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@presentstation) set @xfromfuture= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@futurestation) end end if @orientacion=4 begin --codigo igual set @mindistance=(select min(distance) from @temporarytable WHERE STATIONONE=@presentstation) set @futurestation= (select max(stationtwo) from @temporarytable where distance =@mindistance) set @yfrompresent= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@presentstation) set @yfromfuture= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@futurestation) set @Xfrompresent= (select CoordinateX from TB_Coordinates where station=@presentstation) set @Xfromfuture= (select coordinateX from TB_Coordinates where station=@futurestation) --codigo igual while @xfromfuture>@Xfrompresent begin delete from @temporarytable where distance =@mindistance set @mindistance=(select min(distance) from @temporarytable WHERE STATIONONE=@presentstation ) set @futurestation= (select stationtwo from @temporarytable where STATIONONE=@PRESENTSTATION AND distance =@mindistance) set @Xfrompresent= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@presentstation) set @Xfromfuture= (select coordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@futurestation) end end declare @flag int =0 if @presentstation=@secondclosestmax and @ida=1 and @devuelta=0 begin set @2ca=1 set @futurestation=@furtheststation set @ida=0 set @devuelta=1 --la ida activa el segundo mas cercano --devuelta activa el primero mas cercano end if @presentstation=@closeststationtofurthest and @ida=1 and @devuelta=0 begin set @1ca=1 set @futurestation=@furtheststation set @ida=0 set @devuelta=1 end if @presentstation=@furtheststation and @devuelta=1 and @1ca=1 begin set @futurestation=@secondclosestmax end if @presentstation=@furtheststation and @devuelta=1 and @2ca=1 begin set @futurestation=@closeststationtofurthest end if @FUTUREstation=@furtheststation BEGIN set @flag=1 set @ida =0 set @devuelta=1 END if @flag=1 begin if @orientacion=1 begin set @orientacion=2 set @flag=0 end end if @flag=1 begin if @orientacion=2 begin set @orientacion=1 set @flag=0 end end if @flag=1 begin if @orientacion=3 begin set @orientacion=4 set @flag=0 end end if @flag=1 begin if @orientacion=4 begin set @orientacion=3 set @flag=0 end end delete from @temporarytable where STATIONONE=@PRESENTSTATION delete from @temporarytable where STATIONtwo=@PRESENTSTATION set @presentstation=@futurestation insert into @finalvehicleway select @presentstation set @estacionesporrecorrer=@estacionesporrecorrer-1 end insert into @finalvehicleway select @storagestation delete tb_finalway where numway=0 insert into tb_finalway (idstation,numway) select numstation,0 from @finalvehicleway select* from tb_finalway where numway=0 end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_CustomerColletion] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_CustomerColletion] AS BEGIN DELETE FROM TB_CustomerCollection INSERT INTO TB_CustomerCollection SELECT numStation,0 FROM TB_Station WHERE idTypeStation = 3 DECLARE @Delivery INT = 1 DECLARE @Counter INT SET @Counter= (SELECT TOP 1 idCustomerCollection FROM TB_CustomerCollection) WHILE ( @Delivery <= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_CustomerCollection)) BEGIN UPDATE TB_CustomerCollection SET collections = (SELECT FLOOR(RAND()*((SELECT TOP 1 valueRestriction FROM TB_Restriction WHERE idTypeRestriction = 1)-1)+1)) WHERE idCustomerCollection = @Counter PRINT 'The counter value is = ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@Counter) SET @Delivery = @Delivery + 1 SET @Counter = @Counter + 1 END SELECT * FROM TB_CustomerCollection ORDER BY stationClient END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_DeleteProcesses] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_DeleteProcesses] AS BEGIN DELETE FROM TB_Coordinates DELETE FROM TB_Restriction DELETE FROM TB_Station END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_DistanceCalcsqrt] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_DistanceCalcsqrt] ( -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @xcoordinate1 int, @ycoordinate1 int, @xcoordinate2 int, @ycoordinate2 int, @distance float OUTPUT ) AS BEGIN set @distance =sqrt((@xcoordinate1-@xcoordinate2)*(@xcoordinate1-@xcoordinate2)+(@ycoordinate1-@ycoordinate2)*(@ycoordinate1-@ycoordinate2)) END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_dropdiagram] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_dropdiagram] ( @diagramname sysname, @owner_id int = null ) WITH EXECUTE AS 'dbo' AS BEGIN set nocount on declare @theId int declare @IsDbo int declare @UIDFound int declare @DiagId int if(@diagramname is null) begin RAISERROR ('Invalid value', 16, 1); return -1 end EXECUTE AS CALLER; select @theId = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID(); select @IsDbo = IS_MEMBER(N'db_owner'); if(@owner_id is null) select @owner_id = @theId; REVERT; select @DiagId = diagram_id, @UIDFound = principal_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @owner_id and name = @diagramname if(@DiagId IS NULL or (@IsDbo = 0 and @UIDFound <> @theId)) begin RAISERROR ('Diagram does not exist or you do not have permission.', 16, 1) return -3 end delete from dbo.sysdiagrams where diagram_id = @DiagId; return 0; END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_escenario1] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[sp_escenario1] as begin delete TB_Station insert into tb_station select 0,1 insert into tb_station select 1,2 insert into tb_station select 2,2 insert into tb_station select 3,2 insert into tb_station select 4,3 insert into tb_station select 5,3 insert into tb_station select 6,3 insert into tb_station select 7,3 insert into tb_station select 8,3 insert into tb_station select 9,3 delete from TB_Coordinates insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 0,0,0 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1432,4365,1 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 2822,3568,2 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 1950,3274,3 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3045,3577,4 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 2262,2199,5 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1055,2522,6 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 1820,3743,7 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3979,0292,8 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4061,2526,9 select * from tb_coordinates delete from TB_Restriction insert into tb_restriction(idtyperestriction,valuerestriction)select 1, 20 insert into tb_restriction(idtyperestriction,valuerestriction)select 2, 10000 delete from TB_Load insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 4, 0,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 5, 2,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 6, 4,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 7, 4,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 8, 3,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 9, 1,3 EXEC SP_CreatingDistanceTable EXEC SP_CreatingCloserStation end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_escenario2] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[sp_escenario2] as begin delete TB_Station insert into tb_station select 0,1 insert into tb_station select 1,2 insert into tb_station select 2,2 insert into tb_station select 3,2 insert into tb_station select 4,2 insert into tb_station select 5,2 insert into tb_station select 6,2 insert into tb_station select 7,2 insert into tb_station select 8,2 insert into tb_station select 9,2 insert into tb_station select 10,2 insert into tb_station select 11,2 insert into tb_station select 12,2 insert into tb_station select 13,3 insert into tb_station select 14,3 insert into tb_station select 15,3 insert into tb_station select 16,3 insert into tb_station select 17,3 insert into tb_station select 18,3 insert into tb_station select 19,3 insert into tb_station select 20,3 insert into tb_station select 21,3 insert into tb_station select 22,3 insert into tb_station select 23,3 insert into tb_station select 24,3 insert into tb_station select 25,3 insert into tb_station select 26,3 insert into tb_station select 27,3 insert into tb_station select 28,3 insert into tb_station select 29,3 insert into tb_station select 30,3 insert into tb_station select 31,3 insert into tb_station select 32,3 insert into tb_station select 33,3 insert into tb_station select 34,3 insert into tb_station select 35,3 insert into tb_station select 36,3 insert into tb_station select 37,3 delete from TB_Coordinates insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 0,0,0 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3211,1169,1 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 4625,3225,2 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 116,957,3 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2994,5903,4 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 4071,9721,5 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14,6646,6 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8192,8372,7 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8059,9674,8 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 5352,6022,9 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5797,3392,10 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8307,4974,11 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6192,2756,12 insert into tb_coordinates(CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 1133,3513,13 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4944,9676,14 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3152,154,15 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9114,5033,16 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6301,2195,17 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8199,1972,18 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3597,6964,19 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6617,9691,20 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2362,2329,21 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1929,8569,22 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5562,7043,23 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8887,7662,24 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 447,5040,25 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2438,2988,26 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2019,3422,27 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8610,9006,28 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5808,3461,29 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3251,5513,30 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7415,6132,31 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9192,3310,32 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4209,8286,33 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1257,7073,34 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3611,7307,35 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7113,7855,36 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1995,9466,37 select * from tb_coordinates delete from TB_Restriction insert into tb_restriction(idtyperestriction,valuerestriction)select 1,20 insert into tb_restriction(idtyperestriction,valuerestriction)select 2,10000 delete from TB_Load insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 13,5,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 14,3,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 15,6,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 16,4,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 17,6,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 18,5,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 19,1,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 20,0,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 21,1,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 22,0,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 23,0,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 24,5,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 25,1,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 26,6,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 27,3,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 28,0,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 29,4,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 30,3,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 31,4,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 32,6,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 33,5,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 34,4,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 35,2,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 36,1,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 37,6,1 EXEC SP_CreatingDistanceTable EXEC SP_CreatingCloserStation end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_escenario3] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[sp_escenario3] as begin delete TB_Station insert into tb_station select 0,1 insert into tb_station select 1,2 insert into tb_station select 2,2 insert into tb_station select 3,2 insert into tb_station select 4,2 insert into tb_station select 5,2 insert into tb_station select 6,2 insert into tb_station select 7,2 insert into tb_station select 8,2 insert into tb_station select 9,2 insert into tb_station select 10,2 insert into tb_station select 11,2 insert into tb_station select 12,2 insert into tb_station select 13,2 insert into tb_station select 14,2 insert into tb_station select 15,2 insert into tb_station select 16,2 insert into tb_station select 17,2 insert into tb_station select 18,2 insert into tb_station select 19,2 insert into tb_station select 20,2 insert into tb_station select 21,2 insert into tb_station select 22,2 insert into tb_station select 23,2 insert into tb_station select 24,2 insert into tb_station select 25,2 insert into tb_station select 26,2 insert into tb_station select 27,2 insert into tb_station select 28,3 insert into tb_station select 29,3 insert into tb_station select 30,3 insert into tb_station select 31,3 insert into tb_station select 32,3 insert into tb_station select 33,3 insert into tb_station select 34,3 insert into tb_station select 35,3 insert into tb_station select 36,3 insert into tb_station select 37,3 insert into tb_station select 38,3 insert into tb_station select 39,3 insert into tb_station select 40,3 insert into tb_station select 40,3 insert into tb_station select 41,3 insert into tb_station select 42,3 insert into tb_station select 43,3 insert into tb_station select 44,3 insert into tb_station select 45,3 insert into tb_station select 46,3 insert into tb_station select 47,3 insert into tb_station select 48,3 insert into tb_station select 49,3 insert into tb_station select 50,3 insert into tb_station select 51,3 insert into tb_station select 52,3 insert into tb_station select 53,3 insert into tb_station select 54,3 insert into tb_station select 55,3 insert into tb_station select 56,3 insert into tb_station select 57,3 insert into tb_station select 58,3 insert into tb_station select 59,3 insert into tb_station select 60,3 insert into tb_station select 61,3 insert into tb_station select 62,3 insert into tb_station select 63,3 insert into tb_station select 64,3 insert into tb_station select 65,3 insert into tb_station select 66,3 insert into tb_station select 67,3 insert into tb_station select 68,3 insert into tb_station select 69,3 insert into tb_station select 70,3 insert into tb_station select 71,3 insert into tb_station select 72,3 insert into tb_station select 73,3 insert into tb_station select 74,3 insert into tb_station select 75,3 insert into tb_station select 76,3 insert into tb_station select 77,3 delete from TB_Coordinates insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 0,0,0 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 698,4112,1 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 1100,241,2 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 3230,3532,3 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 541,6173,4 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 1594,7429,5 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1561,7951,6 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7288,9731,7 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7297,6939,8 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 7347,7048,9 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6965,1658,10 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6445,2764,11 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8223,2326,12 insert into tb_coordinates(CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station) select 3404,10148,13 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1023,14238,14 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1452,11219,15 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7215,12630,16 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6743,13027,17 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9537,10093,18 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13908,4910,19 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 11500,3999,20 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13901,1749,21 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10765,9358,22 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 11443,7607,23 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 11407,8838,24 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10290,13408,25 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12787,14122,26 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 11338,13351,27 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4406,7756,28 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12848,6206,29 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3160,10027,30 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9109,7343,31 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8399,7301,32 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9120,8399,33 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2338,8284,34 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3357,1887,35 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6699,4807,36 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6596,1970,37 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5874,279,38 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4099,11840,39 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8894,1772,40 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 11145,6001,41 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9719,7584,42 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7776,14851,43 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 596,7859,44 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14746,1337,45 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12594,5425,46 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1998,4487,47 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4004,1357,48 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2881,4876,49 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13607,12166,50 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3485,1662,51 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 11577,6060,52 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2472,14873,53 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9049,1662,54 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8281,11771,55 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1320,7619,56 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9372,7682,57 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10067,12275,58 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1149,2180,59 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 986,1593,60 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14784,4350,61 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8574,14341,62 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9133,1389,63 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3730,11521,64 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4975,2565,65 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2698,13546,66 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12093,11350,67 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3594,3275,68 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1218,4489,69 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5585,9339,70 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7057,7803,71 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12181,10592,72 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5388,178,73 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13150,438,74 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3948,10458,75 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7121,5863,76 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9956,9081,77 select * from tb_coordinates delete from TB_Restriction insert into tb_restriction(idtyperestriction,valuerestriction)select 1,20 insert into tb_restriction(idtyperestriction,valuerestriction)select 2,10000 delete from TB_Load insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 28,3,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 29,2,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 30,0,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 31,1,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 32,6,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 33,4,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 34,6,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 35,6,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 36,6,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 37,2,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 38,4,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 39,4,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 40,1,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 41,6,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 42,2,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 43,1,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 44,3,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 45,0,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 46,3,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 47,1,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 48,4,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 49,3,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 50,5,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 51,2,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 52,1,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 53,5,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 54,4,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 55,5,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 56,5,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 57,6,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 58,5,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 59,0,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 60,1,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 61,4,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 62,4,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 63,4,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 64,0,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 65,0,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 66,5,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 67,0,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 68,2,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 69,4,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 70,1,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 71,4,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 72,1,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 73,1,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 74,0,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 75,1,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 76,0,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 77,2,3 EXEC SP_CreatingDistanceTable EXEC SP_CreatingCloserStation end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_escenario4] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[sp_escenario4] as begin delete TB_Station insert into tb_station select 0,1 insert into tb_station select 1,2 insert into tb_station select 2,2 insert into tb_station select 3,2 insert into tb_station select 4,2 insert into tb_station select 5,2 insert into tb_station select 6,2 insert into tb_station select 7,2 insert into tb_station select 8,2 insert into tb_station select 9,2 insert into tb_station select 10,2 insert into tb_station select 11,2 insert into tb_station select 12,2 insert into tb_station select 13,2 insert into tb_station select 14,2 insert into tb_station select 15,2 insert into tb_station select 16,2 insert into tb_station select 17,2 insert into tb_station select 18,2 insert into tb_station select 19,2 insert into tb_station select 20,2 insert into tb_station select 21,2 insert into tb_station select 22,2 insert into tb_station select 23,2 insert into tb_station select 24,2 insert into tb_station select 25,2 insert into tb_station select 26,2 insert into tb_station select 27,2 insert into tb_station select 28,2 insert into tb_station select 29,2 insert into tb_station select 30,2 insert into tb_station select 31,2 insert into tb_station select 32,2 insert into tb_station select 33,2 insert into tb_station select 34,2 insert into tb_station select 35,2 insert into tb_station select 36,2 insert into tb_station select 37,2 insert into tb_station select 38,2 insert into tb_station select 39,2 insert into tb_station select 40,2 insert into tb_station select 41,2 insert into tb_station select 42,2 insert into tb_station select 43,2 insert into tb_station select 44,2 insert into tb_station select 45,2 insert into tb_station select 46,2 insert into tb_station select 47,2 insert into tb_station select 48,2 insert into tb_station select 49,3 insert into tb_station select 50,3 insert into tb_station select 51,3 insert into tb_station select 52,3 insert into tb_station select 53,3 insert into tb_station select 54,3 insert into tb_station select 55,3 insert into tb_station select 56,3 insert into tb_station select 57,3 insert into tb_station select 58,3 insert into tb_station select 59,3 insert into tb_station select 60,3 insert into tb_station select 61,3 insert into tb_station select 62,3 insert into tb_station select 63,3 insert into tb_station select 64,3 insert into tb_station select 65,3 insert into tb_station select 66,3 insert into tb_station select 67,3 insert into tb_station select 68,3 insert into tb_station select 69,3 insert into tb_station select 70,3 insert into tb_station select 71,3 insert into tb_station select 72,3 insert into tb_station select 73,3 insert into tb_station select 74,3 insert into tb_station select 75,3 insert into tb_station select 76,3 insert into tb_station select 77,3 insert into tb_station select 78,3 insert into tb_station select 79,3 insert into tb_station select 80,3 insert into tb_station select 81,3 insert into tb_station select 82,3 insert into tb_station select 83,3 insert into tb_station select 84,3 insert into tb_station select 85,3 insert into tb_station select 86,3 insert into tb_station select 87,3 insert into tb_station select 88,3 insert into tb_station select 89,3 insert into tb_station select 90,3 insert into tb_station select 91,3 insert into tb_station select 92,3 insert into tb_station select 93,3 insert into tb_station select 94,3 insert into tb_station select 95,3 insert into tb_station select 96,3 insert into tb_station select 97,3 insert into tb_station select 98,3 insert into tb_station select 99,3 insert into tb_station select 100,3 insert into tb_station select 101,3 insert into tb_station select 102,3 insert into tb_station select 103,3 insert into tb_station select 104,3 insert into tb_station select 105,3 insert into tb_station select 106,3 insert into tb_station select 107,3 insert into tb_station select 108,3 insert into tb_station select 109,3 insert into tb_station select 110,3 insert into tb_station select 111,3 insert into tb_station select 112,3 insert into tb_station select 113,3 insert into tb_station select 114,3 insert into tb_station select 115,3 insert into tb_station select 116,3 insert into tb_station select 117,3 insert into tb_station select 118,3 insert into tb_station select 119,3 insert into tb_station select 120,3 insert into tb_station select 121,3 insert into tb_station select 122,3 insert into tb_station select 123,3 insert into tb_station select 124,3 insert into tb_station select 125,3 insert into tb_station select 126,3 insert into tb_station select 127,3 insert into tb_station select 128,3 delete from TB_Coordinates insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 0,0,0 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 785,163,1 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1024,765,2 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4874,2478,3 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2786,9508,4 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4842,7304,5 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2757,5612,6 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7320,5095,7 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5881,6204,8 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6518,8898,9 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8495,1993,10 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5639,1727,11 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7137,681,12 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3078,10097,13 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3051,14918,14 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3066,12506,15 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9570,14087,16 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6328,13650,17 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7631,14087,18 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10046,3600,19 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13541,1334,20 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14044,2115,21 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12899,7142,22 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14344,9743,23 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14703,8485,24 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12642,11062,25 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 11585,11318,26 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14045,10205,27 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15025,1423,28 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 19902,4483,29 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16992,51,30 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8264,17452,31 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 19716,19629,32 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15337,18922,33 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16677,11524,34 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 17790,14536,35 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 18402,12423,36 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 717,15148,37 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2579,19428,38 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 694,17953,39 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8725,15162,40 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8487,18465,41 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5985,16664,42 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12880,16677,43 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12663,15589,44 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10811,19133,45 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16357,16001,46 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 17961,19117,47 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15026,18864,48 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16372,7350,49 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5693,7431,50 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15813,19905,51 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7423,19960,52 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5065,3098,53 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2144,15245,54 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 734,18454,55 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 18979,15680,56 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 17580,16648,57 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3384,6891,58 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9974,13909,59 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 863,1567,60 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9013,7640,61 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5914,1397,62 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10813,10890,63 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16835,5158,64 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9447,15698,65 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 17620,2371,66 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14449,10492,67 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1004,13559,68 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15179,8894,69 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4609,41,70 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15096,9449,71 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5113,19857,72 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15710,19191,73 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7709,1752,74 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12420,8041,75 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5731,10482,76 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13512,9659,77 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2295,16189,78 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9539,6659,79 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6871,11683,80 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4162,18640,81 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12609,18164,82 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8061,4532,83 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14106,6057,84 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14642,1334,85 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13520,3263,86 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 993,12752,87 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7947,17434,88 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9466,18282,89 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12256,2791,90 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10010,5004,91 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2231,10555,92 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14102,8168,93 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 18977,1656,94 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1452,4765,95 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7223,13808,96 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15506,2716,97 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12496,3863,98 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2793,8531,99 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 18937,17859,100 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8920,2672,101 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2913,16584,102 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16955,550,103 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5990,8640,104 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15300,2016,105 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13782,10034,106 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4665,13446,107 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15911,18084,108 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13936,2935,109 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8735,8229,110 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4029,4910,111 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15947,9408,112 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3251,16398,113 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16866,10597,114 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12995,10238,115 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16578,2939,116 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16714,4729,117 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3291,10038,118 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10357,8287,119 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12821,1518,120 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5161,12370,121 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3822,6250,122 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4318,18760,123 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 17453,19498,124 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 319,2268,125 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2370,12856,126 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2117,14118,127 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4659,18475,128 select * from tb_coordinates delete from TB_Restriction insert into tb_restriction(idtyperestriction,valuerestriction)select 1,20 insert into tb_restriction(idtyperestriction,valuerestriction)select 2,10000 delete from TB_Load insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 49,0,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 50,2,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 51,0,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 52,3,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 53,4,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 54,4,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 55,0,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 56,5,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 57,3,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 58,5,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 59,6,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 60,5,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 61,0,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 62,6,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 63,2,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 64,1,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 65,6,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 66,5,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 67,5,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 68,5,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 69,1,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 70,6,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 71,4,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 72,3,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 73,4,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 74,1,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 75,0,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 76,4,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 77,4,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 78,6,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 79,1,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 80,6,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 81,5,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 82,2,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 83,4,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 84,4,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 85,2,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 86,4,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 87,6,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 88,6,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 89,5,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 90,6,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 91,5,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 92,2,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 93,2,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 94,3,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 95,5,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 96,1,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 97,2,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 98,1,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 99,2,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 100,3,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 101,5,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 102,0,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 103,1,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 104,1,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 105,3,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 106,1,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 107,1,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 108,2,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 109,0,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 110,4,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 111,4,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 112,0,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 113,3,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 114,1,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 115,4,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 116,5,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 117,6,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 118,5,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 119,5,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 120,0,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 121,3,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 122,0,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 123,5,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 124,1,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 125,3,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 126,5,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 127,4,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 128,2,4 EXEC SP_CreatingDistanceTable EXEC SP_CreatingCloserStation end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_escenario5] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[sp_escenario5] as begin delete TB_Station insert into tb_station select 0,1 insert into tb_station select 1,2 insert into tb_station select 2,2 insert into tb_station select 3,2 insert into tb_station select 4,2 insert into tb_station select 5,2 insert into tb_station select 6,2 insert into tb_station select 7,2 insert into tb_station select 8,2 insert into tb_station select 9,2 insert into tb_station select 10,2 insert into tb_station select 11,2 insert into tb_station select 12,2 insert into tb_station select 13,2 insert into tb_station select 14,2 insert into tb_station select 15,2 insert into tb_station select 16,2 insert into tb_station select 17,2 insert into tb_station select 18,2 insert into tb_station select 19,2 insert into tb_station select 20,2 insert into tb_station select 21,2 insert into tb_station select 22,2 insert into tb_station select 23,2 insert into tb_station select 24,2 insert into tb_station select 25,2 insert into tb_station select 26,2 insert into tb_station select 27,2 insert into tb_station select 28,2 insert into tb_station select 29,2 insert into tb_station select 30,2 insert into tb_station select 31,2 insert into tb_station select 32,2 insert into tb_station select 33,2 insert into tb_station select 34,2 insert into tb_station select 35,2 insert into tb_station select 36,2 insert into tb_station select 37,2 insert into tb_station select 38,2 insert into tb_station select 39,2 insert into tb_station select 40,2 insert into tb_station select 41,2 insert into tb_station select 42,2 insert into tb_station select 43,2 insert into tb_station select 44,2 insert into tb_station select 45,2 insert into tb_station select 46,2 insert into tb_station select 47,2 insert into tb_station select 48,2 insert into tb_station select 49,2 insert into tb_station select 50,2 insert into tb_station select 51,2 insert into tb_station select 52,2 insert into tb_station select 53,2 insert into tb_station select 54,2 insert into tb_station select 55,2 insert into tb_station select 56,2 insert into tb_station select 57,2 insert into tb_station select 58,2 insert into tb_station select 59,2 insert into tb_station select 60,2 insert into tb_station select 61,2 insert into tb_station select 62,2 insert into tb_station select 63,2 insert into tb_station select 64,2 insert into tb_station select 65,2 insert into tb_station select 66,2 insert into tb_station select 67,2 insert into tb_station select 68,2 insert into tb_station select 69,2 insert into tb_station select 70,2 insert into tb_station select 71,2 insert into tb_station select 72,2 insert into tb_station select 73,2 insert into tb_station select 74,2 insert into tb_station select 75,2 insert into tb_station select 76,3 insert into tb_station select 77,3 insert into tb_station select 78,3 insert into tb_station select 79,3 insert into tb_station select 80,3 insert into tb_station select 81,3 insert into tb_station select 82,3 insert into tb_station select 83,3 insert into tb_station select 84,3 insert into tb_station select 85,3 insert into tb_station select 86,3 insert into tb_station select 87,3 insert into tb_station select 88,3 insert into tb_station select 89,3 insert into tb_station select 90,3 insert into tb_station select 91,3 insert into tb_station select 92,3 insert into tb_station select 93,3 insert into tb_station select 94,3 insert into tb_station select 95,3 insert into tb_station select 96,3 insert into tb_station select 97,3 insert into tb_station select 98,3 insert into tb_station select 99,3 insert into tb_station select 100,3 insert into tb_station select 101,3 insert into tb_station select 102,3 insert into tb_station select 103,3 insert into tb_station select 104,3 insert into tb_station select 105,3 insert into tb_station select 106,3 insert into tb_station select 107,3 insert into tb_station select 108,3 insert into tb_station select 109,3 insert into tb_station select 110,3 insert into tb_station select 111,3 insert into tb_station select 112,3 insert into tb_station select 113,3 insert into tb_station select 114,3 insert into tb_station select 115,3 insert into tb_station select 116,3 insert into tb_station select 117,3 insert into tb_station select 118,3 insert into tb_station select 119,3 insert into tb_station select 120,3 insert into tb_station select 121,3 insert into tb_station select 122,3 insert into tb_station select 123,3 insert into tb_station select 124,3 insert into tb_station select 125,3 insert into tb_station select 126,3 insert into tb_station select 127,3 insert into tb_station select 128,3 insert into tb_station select 119,3 insert into tb_station select 120,3 insert into tb_station select 121,3 insert into tb_station select 122,3 insert into tb_station select 123,3 insert into tb_station select 124,3 insert into tb_station select 125,3 insert into tb_station select 126,3 insert into tb_station select 127,3 insert into tb_station select 128,3 insert into tb_station select 119,3 insert into tb_station select 120,3 insert into tb_station select 121,3 insert into tb_station select 122,3 insert into tb_station select 123,3 insert into tb_station select 124,3 insert into tb_station select 125,3 insert into tb_station select 126,3 insert into tb_station select 127,3 insert into tb_station select 128,3 insert into tb_station select 129,3 insert into tb_station select 130,3 insert into tb_station select 131,3 insert into tb_station select 132,3 insert into tb_station select 133,3 insert into tb_station select 134,3 insert into tb_station select 135,3 insert into tb_station select 136,3 insert into tb_station select 137,3 insert into tb_station select 138,3 insert into tb_station select 139,3 insert into tb_station select 140,3 insert into tb_station select 141,3 insert into tb_station select 142,3 insert into tb_station select 143,3 insert into tb_station select 144,3 insert into tb_station select 145,3 insert into tb_station select 146,3 insert into tb_station select 147,3 insert into tb_station select 148,3 insert into tb_station select 149,3 insert into tb_station select 150,3 insert into tb_station select 151,3 insert into tb_station select 152,3 insert into tb_station select 153,3 insert into tb_station select 154,3 insert into tb_station select 155,3 insert into tb_station select 156,3 insert into tb_station select 157,3 insert into tb_station select 158,3 insert into tb_station select 159,3 insert into tb_station select 160,3 insert into tb_station select 161,3 insert into tb_station select 162,3 insert into tb_station select 163,3 insert into tb_station select 164,3 insert into tb_station select 165,3 insert into tb_station select 166,3 insert into tb_station select 167,3 insert into tb_station select 168,3 insert into tb_station select 169,3 insert into tb_station select 170,3 insert into tb_station select 171,3 insert into tb_station select 172,3 insert into tb_station select 173,3 insert into tb_station select 174,3 insert into tb_station select 175,3 delete from TB_Coordinates insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 0,0,0 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3812,1752,1 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1743,582,2 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3879,1395,3 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3662,8715,4 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4132,8002,5 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1202,8204,6 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7968,9270,7 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7796,7643,8 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9109,6037,9 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6505,322,10 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9994,1972,11 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7140,2695,12 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4577,10405,13 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2481,14134,14 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1956,11545,15 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6715,13417,16 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5728,14868,17 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9626,10629,18 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14729,2586,19 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 11586,2819,20 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14796,1903,21 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13382,7509,22 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 11316,7112,23 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10698,8518,24 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10352,14669,25 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13454,11746,26 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12583,13127,27 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 17067,919,28 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 19381,4350,29 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 17422,1756,30 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8305,19378,31 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15496,15980,32 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16783,17178,33 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16300,11418,34 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 17863,10993,35 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 19815,14746,36 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2329,15078,37 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1936,17346,38 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4534,19232,39 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6544,16957,40 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6023,18196,41 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7946,19753,42 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14608,16025,43 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13624,16838,44 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 11853,17170,45 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15405,16235,46 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16211,17909,47 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15211,18148,48 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 20772,4711,49 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 24950,1909,50 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 22304,519,51 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 20797,5966,52 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 23836,8532,53 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 23813,8083,54 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 23931,19758,55 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 24447,19316,56 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 20545,17969,57 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 208,22519,58 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3942,20486,59 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4510,23897,60 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8826,20757,61 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5803,24107,62 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5768,22230,63 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13617,21041,64 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13533,22651,65 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10804,24382,66 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 18322,22180,67 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15655,21838,68 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 19291,21293,69 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 20381,24909,70 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 20866,23701,71 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 20054,24409,72 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 21295,10857,73 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 21968,14445,74 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 24225,13006,75 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5819,18351,76 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 22826,16623,77 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7528,7409,78 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7115,10593,79 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4547,20547,80 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14902,9386,81 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10563,9955,82 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2417,15429,83 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 20025,8127,84 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 18536,13017,85 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8187,5399,86 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15293,8395,87 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 23567,21264,88 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8464,2552,89 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 18838,5165,90 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 21676,21548,91 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15756,15381,92 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 19369,23294,93 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 18668,22119,94 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5271,21959,95 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10824,18072,96 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2117,7704,97 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9972,22840,98 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3983,15320,99 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 23865,9941,100 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9700,14961,101 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12794,18342,102 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 11424,5394,103 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 24480,20036,104 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4021,19514,105 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13775,7632,106 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1424,17034,107 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8564,23377,108 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 18891,20165,109 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5589,13704,110 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7602,10045,111 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7914,21484,112 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12609,1159,113 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2708,9714,114 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2555,2258,115 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3806,19079,116 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6599,18155,117 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 20456,13093,118 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 18141,3406,119 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 19748,8531,120 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9002,19098,121 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16839,17616,122 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10517,10798,123 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2040,1620,124 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 13961,14781,125 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 24448,1009,126 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 24193,12527,127 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9238,18083,128 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12822,4967,129 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1381,21079,130 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1952,24580,131 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 17846,2787,132 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 18387,8474,133 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15159,14894,134 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2668,8235,135 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8821,8796,136 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12485,23358,137 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 7940,7933,138 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10670,20910,139 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 5956,20300,140 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14605,6446,141 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 18933,7393,142 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 4804,23980,143 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 11012,11105,144 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8195,13125,145 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 20625,8320,146 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15415,24388,147 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 21409,9766,148 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15256,19476,149 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12215,21148,150 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 21191,10005,151 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 22409,19787,152 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1674,14499,153 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 3184,23200,154 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2994,9753,155 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 14796,17423,156 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8478,9996,157 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8386,14926,158 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10395,5009,159 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 6223,13113,160 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 1262,12944,161 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 8550,14675,162 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2244,11309,163 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 19462,16376,164 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2633,14463,165 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 10981,14502,166 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 9646,23993,167 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 19675,17505,168 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 23922,23920,169 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16619,14795,170 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 15744,22684,171 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16807,23231,172 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 16129,16901,173 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 2991,17503,174 insert into tb_coordinates (CoordinateX,CoordinateY,station)select 12689,11703,175 select * from tb_coordinates delete from TB_Restriction insert into tb_restriction(idtyperestriction,valuerestriction)select 1,10000 insert into tb_restriction(idtyperestriction,valuerestriction)select 2,10000 delete from TB_Load insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 76,0,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 77,5,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 78,4,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 79,1,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 80,1,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 81,1,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 82,1,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 83,4,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 84,0,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 85,6,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 86,5,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 87,4,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 88,3,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 89,3,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 90,2,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 91,5,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 92,0,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 93,1,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 94,6,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 95,4,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 96,5,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 97,1,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 98,2,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 99,0,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 100,3,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 101,1,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 102,2,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 103,4,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 104,6,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 105,3,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 106,2,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 107,4,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 108,6,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 109,6,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 110,3,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 111,0,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 112,4,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 113,0,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 114,6,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 115,1,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 116,5,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 117,4,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 118,5,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 119,1,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 120,6,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 121,1,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 122,1,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 123,3,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 124,5,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 125,1,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 126,5,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 127,6,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 128,3,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 129,6,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 130,6,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 131,2,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 132,5,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 133,1,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 134,1,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 135,1,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 136,2,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 137,5,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 138,2,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 139,3,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 140,3,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 141,2,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 142,0,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 143,6,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 144,4,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 145,1,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 146,3,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 147,6,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 148,1,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 149,0,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 150,4,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 151,5,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 152,6,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 153,2,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 154,6,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 155,0,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 156,3,2 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 157,4,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 158,3,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 159,5,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 160,0,6 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 161,4,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 162,5,0 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 163,0,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 164,5,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 165,5,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 166,1,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 167,1,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 168,5,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 169,2,4 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 170,3,5 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 171,1,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 172,2,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 173,1,1 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 174,6,3 insert into TB_Load(IdStation,Deliver,PickUp)select 175,0,6 EXEC SP_CreatingDistanceTable EXEC SP_CreatingCloserStation end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_finalinterations] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[sp_finalinterations] as begin exec sp_finalmoment exec [dbo].[sp_interationsonerandom] exec sp_interationstworandom exec sp_interationsconsecutive exec [dbo].[sp_interationsinterrandomswap] exec [dbo].[sp_interationsinterrandomswap2] end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_finalmoment] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[sp_finalmoment] as begin --mi estacion mas cercana a bodega va a ser declare @table table (id int, distance int) declare @counter int=1 while(@counter <=(select MAX(numstation) from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2)) begin declare @distance int declare @x1 int= (select CoordinateX from TB_Coordinates where station=@counter) declare @y1 int= (select CoordinateY from TB_Coordinates where station=@counter) exec SP_DistanceCalcsqrt 0,0,@x1,@y1, @distance OUTPUT insert into @table(id,distance )select @counter,@distance set @counter=@counter+1 end select * from @table declare @mindistance int= (select MIN(distance) from @table) declare @first int=(select MAX(id) from @table where distance= @mindistance) --aqui terminé de saber mi estacion mas cercana a bodega declare @contador int =0 declare @minvalue int= (select max(numstation) from tb_station where idtypestation=2) declare @maxvalue int= (select max(numstation) from tb_station where idtypestation=3) declare @minestacion int=(select min(numstation) from tb_station where idtypestation=2) declare @numberofflights int =0 declare @stationinicial int declare @numerodeestaciones int=0 declare @flag int=0 delete from TB_DistanceStation where stationOne=stationTwo declare @topmaxsave int=(select MAX(savedistance)from TB_DistanceStation where stationOne>(select MAX (numstation) from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2) and stationTwo>(select MAX (numstation) from TB_Station where idTypeStation=2)) select @topmaxsave as maximoahorro select * from TB_DistanceStation order by saveDistance declare @station1 int=(select MIN (stationone) from TB_DistanceStation where saveDistance=@topmaxsave ) select @station1 set @stationinicial = @first select @stationinicial while @numerodeestaciones <@maxvalue-@minvalue begin exec sp_creatingdronspath @numberofflights,@stationinicial set @numerodeestaciones=(select count(*) from tb_finalway where idstation>@MINVALUE) set @numberofflights =@numberofflights+1 end delete from TB_FinalWay where idstation IS NULL select @numberofflights as viajes select @stationinicial as estacion end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_GeneradoRand] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_GeneradoRand] AS BEGIN DECLARE @NUMAX INT = (SELECT COUNT(idFinalWay) FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE numWay = 1 and idStation not in (0,1,2)) DECLARE @NUMAX_PARA_LLENAR_TABLA INT = (SELECT COUNT(idFinalWay) FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE numWay = 1) DECLARE @Counter INT = 0 DECLARE @myTableVariable TABLE (id INT, estado varchar(20),numero varchar(20)) WHILE ( @Counter < @NUMAX_PARA_LLENAR_TABLA) BEGIN insert into @myTableVariable values(@Counter,'abierto', (SELECT idStation FROM TB_FinalWay ORDER BY idFinalWay OFFSET @Counter ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY)) SET @Counter = @Counter + 1 END DECLARE @Counter1 INT = 0 DECLARE @ValorCero INT = (SELECT TOP 1 numero FROM @myTableVariable WHERE numero = 0) DECLARE @ValorUno INT = (SELECT TOP 1 numero FROM @myTableVariable WHERE numero = 1) DECLARE @ValorDos INT = (SELECT TOP 1 numero FROM @myTableVariable WHERE numero = 2) INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay VALUES (@ValorCero,2) INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay VALUES (@ValorUno,2) UPDATE @myTableVariable SET estado = 'Cerrado' WHERE numero IN (@ValorCero,@ValorUno,@ValorDos) --SELECT * FROM @myTableVariable --SELECT * FROM @myTableVariable WHILE ( @Counter1 < @NUMAX) BEGIN DECLARE @ValorImprimido INT = (SELECT TOP 1 numero FROM @myTableVariable WHERE estado = 'abierto' ORDER BY NEWID()) --SELECT @ValorImprimido AS 'Numero' UPDATE @myTableVariable SET estado = 'Cerrado' WHERE numero = @ValorImprimido SET @Counter1 = @Counter1 + 1 INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay VALUES (@ValorImprimido,2) DECLARE @NUM_MULTIPLO INT = (SELECT COUNT(idFinalWay) FROM TB_FinalWay) if @NUM_MULTIPLO % 14 = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @ValorUnoAbierto INT = (SELECT TOP 1 numero FROM @myTableVariable WHERE numero = 1 AND estado = 'Cerrado') INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay VALUES (@ValorUnoAbierto,2) END END DECLARE @Valor1 INT = (SELECT TOP 1 numero FROM @myTableVariable WHERE numero = 2 AND estado = 'Cerrado') INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay VALUES (@Valor1,2) DECLARE @Valor2 INT = (SELECT TOP 1 numero FROM @myTableVariable WHERE numero = 0 AND estado = 'Cerrado') INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay VALUES (@Valor2,2) --SELECT * FROM @myTableVariable SELECT * FROM TB_FinalWay --DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE numWay = 2 END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_helpdiagramdefinition] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_helpdiagramdefinition] ( @diagramname sysname, @owner_id int = null ) WITH EXECUTE AS N'dbo' AS BEGIN set nocount on declare @theId int declare @IsDbo int declare @DiagId int declare @UIDFound int if(@diagramname is null) begin RAISERROR (N'E_INVALIDARG', 16, 1); return -1 end execute as caller; select @theId = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID(); select @IsDbo = IS_MEMBER(N'db_owner'); if(@owner_id is null) select @owner_id = @theId; revert; select @DiagId = diagram_id, @UIDFound = principal_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @owner_id and name = @diagramname; if(@DiagId IS NULL or (@IsDbo = 0 and @UIDFound <> @theId )) begin RAISERROR ('Diagram does not exist or you do not have permission.', 16, 1); return -3 end select version, definition FROM dbo.sysdiagrams where diagram_id = @DiagId ; return 0 END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_helpdiagrams] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_helpdiagrams] ( @diagramname sysname = NULL, @owner_id int = NULL ) WITH EXECUTE AS N'dbo' AS BEGIN DECLARE @user sysname DECLARE @dboLogin bit EXECUTE AS CALLER; SET @user = USER_NAME(); SET @dboLogin = CONVERT(bit,IS_MEMBER('db_owner')); REVERT; SELECT [Database] = DB_NAME(), [Name] = name, [ID] = diagram_id, [Owner] = USER_NAME(principal_id), [OwnerID] = principal_id FROM sysdiagrams WHERE (@dboLogin = 1 OR USER_NAME(principal_id) = @user) AND (@diagramname IS NULL OR name = @diagramname) AND (@owner_id IS NULL OR principal_id = @owner_id) ORDER BY 4, 5, 1 END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_InsertCoordinates] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_InsertCoordinates] @pCoordinateX INT = NULL, @pCoordinateY INT = NULL, @pStation INT = NULL AS BEGIN INSERT INTO TB_Coordinates VALUES (@pCoordinateX,@pCoordinateY,@pStation) END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_interationsconsecutive] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO create proc [dbo].[sp_interationsconsecutive] as begin declare @flag int=0 declare @innercounter int =0 declare @externalcounter int=0 select * from TB_FinalWay set @externalcounter=(select MAX(numway) from TB_FinalWay) while @externalcounter>0 begin --aqui empieza el gran contador externo while @innercounter<6 begin exec SP_TablewithConsecutiveRandom @externalcounter,@flag output set @innercounter=@innercounter+1 if @flag=1 begin set @flag=0 set @innercounter=0 end end set @externalcounter=@externalcounter-1 set @innercounter=0 --aqui termina end end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_interationsinterrandom] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO Create proc [dbo].[sp_interationsinterrandom] as begin declare @flag int=0 declare @innercounter int =0 declare @externalcounter int=0 select * from TB_FinalWay set @externalcounter=(select MAX(numway) from TB_FinalWay)-1 while @externalcounter>0 begin --aqui empieza el gran contador externo while @innercounter<6 begin exec SP_InterRandom @externalcounter,@flag output set @innercounter=@innercounter+1 if @flag=1 begin set @flag=0 set @innercounter=0 end end set @externalcounter=@externalcounter-1 set @innercounter=0 --aqui termina end end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_interationsinterrandomswap] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO create proc [dbo].[sp_interationsinterrandomswap] as begin declare @flag int=0 declare @innercounter int =0 declare @externalcounter int=0 select * from TB_FinalWay set @externalcounter=(select MAX(numway) from TB_FinalWay)-1 while @externalcounter>0 begin --aqui empieza el gran contador externo while @innercounter<6 begin exec SP_InterRandomswap @externalcounter,@flag output set @innercounter=@innercounter+1 if @flag=1 begin set @flag=0 set @innercounter=0 end end set @externalcounter=@externalcounter-1 set @innercounter=0 --aqui termina end end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_interationsinterrandomswap2] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO Create proc [dbo].[sp_interationsinterrandomswap2] as begin declare @flag int=0 declare @innercounter int =0 declare @externalcounter int=0 select * from TB_FinalWay set @externalcounter=(select MAX(numway) from TB_FinalWay)-1 while @externalcounter>0 begin --aqui empieza el gran contador externo while @innercounter<6 begin exec SP_InterRandomswap2 @externalcounter,@flag output set @innercounter=@innercounter+1 if @flag=1 begin set @flag=0 set @innercounter=0 end end set @externalcounter=@externalcounter-1 set @innercounter=0 --aqui termina end end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_interationsonerandom] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO create proc [dbo].[sp_interationsonerandom] as begin declare @flag int=0 declare @innercounter int =0 declare @externalcounter int=0 select * from TB_FinalWay set @externalcounter=(select MAX(numway) from TB_FinalWay) while @externalcounter>0 begin --aqui empieza el gran contador externo while @innercounter<6 begin exec SP_Tablewithonerandom @externalcounter,@flag output set @innercounter=@innercounter+1 if @flag=1 begin set @flag=0 set @innercounter=0 end end set @externalcounter=@externalcounter-1 set @innercounter=0 --aqui termina end end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_interationstworandom] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO create proc [dbo].[sp_interationstworandom] as begin declare @flag int=0 declare @innercounter int =0 declare @externalcounter int=0 select * from TB_FinalWay set @externalcounter=(select MAX(numway) from TB_FinalWay) while @externalcounter>0 begin --aqui empieza el gran contador externo while @innercounter<6 begin exec SP_TablewittwoRandom @externalcounter,@flag output set @innercounter=@innercounter+1 if @flag=1 begin set @flag=0 set @innercounter=0 end end set @externalcounter=@externalcounter-1 set @innercounter=0 --aqui termina end end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_interRandom] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_interRandom](@random0 int, @flag int output) AS BEGIN declare @numberof int = (select max(numway) from TB_FinalWay)-1 select @numberof as valor declare @randomnext int=@random0+1 set @flag=0 select @random0 as numeroaleatorio select @randomnext as siguientenumero declare @counter int declare @fixedCounter int declare @tableWithoutrand table (id int, idStation int, numway int) declare @tableWithrand table (id int,idStation int, numway int) declare @bigtemporarytable table (id int, idstation int, numway int) DECLARE @temporaryTable table (id int, idStation int, numway int) insert into @temporaryTable (id,idStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idstation,numway from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0 insert into @temporaryTable (id,idStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idstation,numway from TB_FinalWay where numway=@randomnext select * from @temporaryTable --desde aqui está perfect lo unico que necesita es q temporarytable y temporary withoutrand esten bien alimentadas insert into @tableWithoutrand (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @temporaryTable insert into @bigtemporarytable (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @temporaryTable set @fixedCounter = (select COUNT(*) from @tableWithoutrand)+1 declare @random1 int declare @random2 int set @random1=0 set @random2=0 set @random1 = (rand()*((select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0)-2)) set @random2 = (rand()*((select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@randomnext)-3)) set @random1= @random1 + 1 set @random2= @random2+2+(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0) while @random2 <(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0) begin set @random2= @random2 +2+(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0) end declare @contador1ruta int=(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0) declare @contador2ruta int=(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0+1) select @contador1ruta as primeroyo select @contador2ruta as despuesyo select @random1 as aleatoriode1lista select @random2 as aleatoriode2lista --aqui ingresamos set @counter=@random1 while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end set @counter =@random2 while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @temporaryTable set @counter=(@contador1ruta-@random1) while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end set @counter=(@random2-@contador2ruta) while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@randomnext*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end delete @temporaryTable insert into @temporaryTable (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @bigtemporarytable set @counter =@random2 while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end delete top(1) from @tablewithoutrand set @counter= @fixedCounter-1-@random2 while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@randomnext*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end --aqui salimos delete TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 delete TB_FinalWay where numway=@randomnext*100 insert into TB_FinalWay (idStation,numWay) select idStation, numway from @tableWithrand select*from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 or numWay=@randomnext*100 declare @totaldistanceprevious1 int exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @random0,@totaldistanceprevious1 OUTPUT declare @totaldistanceprevious2 int exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @randomnext,@totaldistanceprevious2 OUTPUT set @totaldistanceprevious1=@totaldistanceprevious1+@totaldistanceprevious2 select @totaldistanceprevious1 as previous declare @totaldistancenew1 FLOAT declare @totaldistancenew2 FLOAT DECLARE @NEWRANDOM1 INT=@RANDOM0*100 exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @NEWRANDOM1 ,@totaldistancenew1 OUTPUT DECLARE @NEWRANDOM2 INT=@RANDOMnext*100 exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @NEWRANDOM2 ,@totaldistancenew2 OUTPUT set @totaldistancenew1=@totaldistancenew1+@totaldistancenew2 select @totaldistancenew1 as new IF @totaldistancenew1<@totaldistanceprevious1 and @totaldistancenew2<@totaldistanceprevious2 BEGIN DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@random0 INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay (idStation,NUMWAY) SELECT IDSTATION, @random0 FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@NEWRANDOM1 DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@randomnext INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay (idStation,NUMWAY) SELECT IDSTATION, @randomnext FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@NEWRANDOM2 set @flag=1 END DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY= @NEWRANDOM1 DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY= @NEWRANDOM2 END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_interRandom2] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_interRandom2] AS BEGIN declare @numberof int = (select max(numway) from TB_FinalWay)-1 select @numberof as valor declare @random0 int=(rand()*@numberof)+1 declare @randomnext int=@random0+1 select @random0 as numeroaleatorio select @randomnext as siguientenumero declare @counter int declare @fixedCounter int declare @tableWithoutrand table (id int, idStation int, numway int) declare @tableWithrand table (id int,idStation int, numway int) declare @bigtemporarytable table (id int, idstation int, numway int) DECLARE @temporaryTable table (id int, idStation int, numway int) insert into @temporaryTable (id,idStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idstation,numway from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0 insert into @temporaryTable (id,idStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idstation,numway from TB_FinalWay where numway=@randomnext select * from @temporaryTable --desde aqui está perfect lo unico que necesita es q temporarytable y temporary withoutrand esten bien alimentadas insert into @tableWithoutrand (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @temporaryTable insert into @bigtemporarytable (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @temporaryTable set @fixedCounter = (select COUNT(*) from @tableWithoutrand)+1 declare @random1 int declare @random2 int set @random1=0 set @random2=0 set @random1 = (rand()*((select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0)-2)) set @random2 = (rand()*((select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@randomnext)-3)) set @random1= @random1 + 2 set @random2= @random2 +2+(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0) declare @contador1ruta int=(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0) declare @contador2ruta int=(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0+1) select @contador1ruta as primeroyo select @contador2ruta as despuesyo select @random1 as aleatoriode1lista select @random2 as aleatoriode2lista --aqui ingresamos set @counter=@random1 while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end set @counter =@random2 while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @temporaryTable delete top(1) from @temporaryTable insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @temporaryTable set @counter=(@contador1ruta-@random1) while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end set @counter=(@random2-@contador2ruta) while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@randomnext*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end delete @temporaryTable insert into @temporaryTable (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @bigtemporarytable set @counter =@random2 while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end delete top(1) from @tablewithoutrand delete top(1) from @tablewithoutrand set @counter= @fixedCounter-1-@random2 while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@randomnext*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end --aqui salimos delete TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 delete TB_FinalWay where numway=@randomnext*100 insert into TB_FinalWay (idStation,numWay) select idStation, numway from @tableWithrand select*from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 or numWay=@randomnext*100 declare @totaldistanceprevious1 int exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @random0,@totaldistanceprevious1 OUTPUT declare @totaldistanceprevious2 int exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @randomnext,@totaldistanceprevious2 OUTPUT set @totaldistanceprevious1=@totaldistanceprevious1+@totaldistanceprevious2 select @totaldistanceprevious1 as previous declare @totaldistancenew1 FLOAT declare @totaldistancenew2 FLOAT DECLARE @NEWRANDOM1 INT=@RANDOM0*100 exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @NEWRANDOM1 ,@totaldistancenew1 OUTPUT DECLARE @NEWRANDOM2 INT=@RANDOMnext*100 exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @NEWRANDOM2 ,@totaldistancenew2 OUTPUT set @totaldistancenew1=@totaldistancenew1+@totaldistancenew2 select @totaldistancenew1 as new IF @totaldistancenew1<@totaldistanceprevious1 and @totaldistancenew2<@totaldistanceprevious2 BEGIN DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@random0 INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay (idStation,NUMWAY) SELECT IDSTATION, @random0 FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@NEWRANDOM1 DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@randomnext INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay (idStation,NUMWAY) SELECT IDSTATION, @randomnext FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@NEWRANDOM2 END DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY= @NEWRANDOM1 DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY= @NEWRANDOM2 END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_interRandomswap] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_interRandomswap](@random0 int, @flag int output) AS BEGIN declare @numberof int = (select max(numway) from TB_FinalWay)-1 select @numberof as valor declare @randomnext int=@random0+1 set @flag=0 select @random0 as numeroaleatorio select @randomnext as siguientenumero declare @counter int declare @fixedCounter int declare @tableWithoutrand table (id int, idStation int, numway int) declare @tableWithrand table (id int,idStation int, numway int) declare @bigtemporarytable table (id int, idstation int, numway int) DECLARE @temporaryTable table (id int, idStation int, numway int) declare @counter1ruta int=(select COUNT(*)from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0) declare @counter2ruta int=(select COUNT(*)from TB_FinalWay where numway=@randomnext) if(@counter1ruta>4 and @counter2ruta>4) begin insert into @temporaryTable (id,idStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idstation,numway from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0 insert into @temporaryTable (id,idStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idstation,numway from TB_FinalWay where numway=@randomnext select * from @temporaryTable --desde aqui está perfect lo unico que necesita es q temporarytable y temporary withoutrand esten bien alimentadas insert into @tableWithoutrand (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @temporaryTable insert into @bigtemporarytable (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @temporaryTable set @fixedCounter = (select COUNT(*) from @tableWithoutrand)+1 declare @random1 int declare @random2 int set @random1=0 set @random2=0 set @random1 = (rand()*((select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0)-2)) set @random2 = (rand()*((select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@randomnext)-3)) set @random1= @random1 + 1 set @random2= @random2+2+(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0) declare @contador1ruta int=(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0) declare @contador2ruta int=(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0+1) select @contador1ruta as primeroyo select @contador2ruta as despuesyo select @random1 as aleatoriode1lista select @random2 as aleatoriode2lista --aqui ingresamos set @counter=@random1 while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end set @counter =@random2-1 while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @temporaryTable --aqui voy a ingresar el top 1 del without rando para guardarlo para mas tarde declare @stationtoswap int=(select top(1) idstation from @tableWithoutrand) select @stationtoswap as estalametoahorita Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=(@contador1ruta-@random1-1) while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end set @counter=(@random2-@contador2ruta) while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@randomnext*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end delete @temporaryTable insert into @temporaryTable (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @bigtemporarytable insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) select @stationtoswap,@randomnext*100 set @counter =@random2-1 while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end delete top(1) from @tablewithoutrand set @counter= @fixedCounter-1-@random2 while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@randomnext*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end --aqui salimos delete TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 delete TB_FinalWay where numway=@randomnext*100 insert into TB_FinalWay (idStation,numWay) select idStation, numway from @tableWithrand select*from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 or numWay=@randomnext*100 declare @totaldistanceprevious1 int exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @random0,@totaldistanceprevious1 OUTPUT declare @totaldistanceprevious2 int exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @randomnext,@totaldistanceprevious2 OUTPUT set @totaldistanceprevious1=@totaldistanceprevious1+@totaldistanceprevious2 select @totaldistanceprevious1 as previous declare @totaldistancenew1 FLOAT declare @totaldistancenew2 FLOAT DECLARE @NEWRANDOM1 INT=@RANDOM0*100 exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @NEWRANDOM1 ,@totaldistancenew1 OUTPUT DECLARE @NEWRANDOM2 INT=@RANDOMnext*100 exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @NEWRANDOM2 ,@totaldistancenew2 OUTPUT set @totaldistancenew1=@totaldistancenew1+@totaldistancenew2 select @totaldistancenew1 as new IF @totaldistancenew1<@totaldistanceprevious1 and @totaldistancenew2<@totaldistanceprevious2 BEGIN DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@random0 INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay (idStation,NUMWAY) SELECT IDSTATION, @random0 FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@NEWRANDOM1 DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@randomnext INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay (idStation,NUMWAY) SELECT IDSTATION, @randomnext FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@NEWRANDOM2 set @flag=1 END DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY= @NEWRANDOM1 DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY= @NEWRANDOM2 end END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_interRandomswap2] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_interRandomswap2](@random0 int, @flag int output) AS BEGIN declare @numberof int = (select max(numway) from TB_FinalWay)-1 select @numberof as valor declare @randomnext int=@random0+1 set @flag=0 select @random0 as numeroaleatorio select @randomnext as siguientenumero declare @counter int declare @fixedCounter int declare @tableWithoutrand table (id int, idStation int, numway int) declare @tableWithrand table (id int,idStation int, numway int) declare @bigtemporarytable table (id int, idstation int, numway int) DECLARE @temporaryTable table (id int, idStation int, numway int) declare @counter1ruta int=(select COUNT(*)from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0) declare @counter2ruta int=(select COUNT(*)from TB_FinalWay where numway=@randomnext) if(@counter1ruta>4 and @counter2ruta>4) begin insert into @temporaryTable (id,idStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idstation,numway from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0 insert into @temporaryTable (id,idStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idstation,numway from TB_FinalWay where numway=@randomnext select * from @temporaryTable --desde aqui está perfect lo unico que necesita es q temporarytable y temporary withoutrand esten bien alimentadas insert into @tableWithoutrand (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @temporaryTable insert into @bigtemporarytable (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @temporaryTable set @fixedCounter = (select COUNT(*) from @tableWithoutrand)+1 declare @random1 int declare @random2 int set @random1=0 set @random2=0 set @random1 = (rand()*((select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0)-2)) set @random2 = (rand()*((select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@randomnext)-4)) set @random1= @random1 + 1 set @random2= @random2+1+(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0) declare @contador1ruta int=(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0) declare @contador2ruta int=(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0+1) select @contador1ruta as primeroyo select @contador2ruta as despuesyo select @random1 as aleatoriode1lista select @random2 as aleatoriode2lista if(( select COUNT(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@random0)>6) and ( select COUNT(*) from TB_FinalWay where numWay=@randomnext)>6 --aqui ingresamos begin set @counter=@random1 while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end set @counter =@random2-1 while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @temporaryTable --aqui voy a ingresar el top 1 del without rando para guardarlo para mas tarde declare @stationtoswap int=(select top(1) idstation from @tableWithoutrand) Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand declare @station2toswap int =(select top(1) idstation from @tableWithoutrand) select @stationtoswap as estalametoahorita Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=(@contador1ruta-@random1-1) while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end set @counter=(@random2-@contador2ruta) while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@randomnext*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end delete @temporaryTable insert into @temporaryTable (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @bigtemporarytable insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) select @stationtoswap,@randomnext*100 insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) select @station2toswap,@randomnext*100 set @counter =@random2-1 while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end delete top(1) from @tablewithoutrand set @counter= @fixedCounter-1-@random2 while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@randomnext*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end --aqui salimos delete TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 delete TB_FinalWay where numway=@randomnext*100 insert into TB_FinalWay (idStation,numWay) select idStation, numway from @tableWithrand select*from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 or numWay=@randomnext*100 declare @totaldistanceprevious1 int exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @random0,@totaldistanceprevious1 OUTPUT declare @totaldistanceprevious2 int exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @randomnext,@totaldistanceprevious2 OUTPUT set @totaldistanceprevious1=@totaldistanceprevious1+@totaldistanceprevious2 select @totaldistanceprevious1 as previous declare @totaldistancenew1 FLOAT declare @totaldistancenew2 FLOAT DECLARE @NEWRANDOM1 INT=@RANDOM0*100 exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @NEWRANDOM1 ,@totaldistancenew1 OUTPUT DECLARE @NEWRANDOM2 INT=@RANDOMnext*100 exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @NEWRANDOM2 ,@totaldistancenew2 OUTPUT set @totaldistancenew1=@totaldistancenew1+@totaldistancenew2 select @totaldistancenew1 as new IF @totaldistancenew1<@totaldistanceprevious1 and @totaldistancenew2<@totaldistanceprevious2 BEGIN DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@random0 INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay (idStation,NUMWAY) SELECT IDSTATION, @random0 FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@NEWRANDOM1 DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@randomnext INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay (idStation,NUMWAY) SELECT IDSTATION, @randomnext FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@NEWRANDOM2 set @flag=1 END DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY= @NEWRANDOM1 DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY= @NEWRANDOM2 end end END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_Interrutas] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_Interrutas] (@entrada int ) AS BEGIN declare @counter int declare @fixedCounter int declare @tableWithoutrand table (id int, idStation int, numway int) declare @tableWithrand table (id int,idStation int, numway int) DECLARE @temporaryTable table (id int, idStation int, numway int) insert into @tableWithoutrand (id,IdStation,numway) select idFinalWay,idStation,numWay from TB_Finalway where numWay=1 insert into @temporaryTable (id,IdStation,numway) select idFinalWay,idStation,numWay from TB_Finalway where numWay=1 set @fixedCounter = (select COUNT(*) from @tableWithoutrand)+1 declare @random1 int declare @random2 int declare @idstation1 int declare @idstation2 int declare @temporaryidstation int set @idstation1=(select top(1) idstation from @temporaryTable) delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @idstation2=(select top(1) idstation from @temporaryTable) delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=2 set @temporaryidstation =(select top(1) idstation from @temporaryTable) while @temporaryidstation!=@idstation1 and @temporaryidstation!=@idstation2 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @temporaryidstation =(select top(1) idstation from @temporaryTable) set @counter=@counter+1 end print 'hola' print @counter set @random1=0 set @random2=0 while(@random1>@counter) BEGIN set @random1 = (rand()*((select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numway=1))) END while(@random2<@counter) BEGIN set @random2 = (rand()*((select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numway=1)-2)) END set @random1= @random1 + 2 set @random2= @random2 print @random1 print @random2 declare @maxrandom int declare @minrandom int if @random1>@random2 BEGIN set @maxrandom=@random1 set @minrandom=@random2 END if @random2>@random1 BEGIN set @maxrandom=@random2 set @minrandom=@random1 END --set @counter = (select count(*) from @tableWithoutrand) SET @counter =@minrandom while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,2 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end set @counter =@maxrandom while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,2 from @temporaryTable delete top(1) from @temporaryTable insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,2 from @temporaryTable set @counter=(@maxrandom-@minrandom) while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,2 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end delete @temporaryTable insert into @temporaryTable (id,IdStation,numway) select idFinalWay,idStation,numWay from TB_Finalway where numWay=1 insert into @temporaryTable (id,IdStation,numway) select idFinalWay,idStation,numWay from TB_Finalway where numWay=1 set @counter =@maxrandom while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end delete top(1) from @tablewithoutrand delete top(1) from @tablewithoutrand set @counter= @fixedCounter-2-@maxrandom while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,2 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end delete TB_FinalWay where numway=2 insert into TB_FinalWay (idStation,numWay) select idStation, numway from @tableWithrand END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_NewDistancewithONeRandom] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_NewDistancewithONeRandom] (@numway int, @totaldistance float OUTPUT ) AS BEGIN declare @distance float declare @counter int declare @fixedCounter int declare @tableWithoutrand table (id int, idStation int, numway int) declare @tableWithrand table (id int, idStation int, numway int) insert into @tableWithoutrand (id,IdStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idStation,numWay from TB_Finalway where numWay=1 declare @random1 int declare @random2 int set @random1=0 set @random2=0 while(@random1=@random2) BEGIN set @random1 = (rand()*(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numway=1)) set @random2 = (rand()*(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numway=1)) END print @random1 print @random2 set @counter = (select count(*) from @tableWithoutrand) set @fixedCounter=@counter set @totaldistance =0 while(@counter>0) begin declare @x1coord int declare @y1coord int declare @x2coord int declare @y2coord int set @x1coord=(SELECT (CoordinateX) FROM TB_Coordinates WHERE station=(select TOP (1) idStation from @tableWithoutrand order by id )) print @x1coord set @y1coord=(SELECT (CoordinateY) FROM TB_Coordinates WHERE station=(select TOP (1) idStation from @tableWithoutrand order by id )) delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @x2coord=(SELECT (CoordinateX) FROM TB_Coordinates WHERE station=(select TOP (1) idStation from @tableWithoutrand order by id )) set @y2coord=(SELECT (CoordinateY) FROM TB_Coordinates WHERE station=(select TOP (1) idStation from @tableWithoutrand order by id )) EXEC SP_DistanceCalcsqrt @x1coord,@y1coord,@x2coord,@y2coord, @distance OUTPUT set @counter=@counter-1 print @counter set @totaldistance =@totaldistance+@distance END print @totaldistance END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_RANDOMSWAP] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE proc [dbo].[SP_RANDOMSWAP](@entrada int) as begin declare @random1 int declare @random2 int set @random1=0 set @random2=0 while(@random1=@random2) BEGIN set @random1 = (rand()*(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numway=1-4)) set @random2 = (rand()*(select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numway=1-4)) END End GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_renamediagram] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_renamediagram] ( @diagramname sysname, @owner_id int = null, @new_diagramname sysname ) WITH EXECUTE AS 'dbo' AS BEGIN set nocount on declare @theId int declare @IsDbo int declare @UIDFound int declare @DiagId int declare @DiagIdTarg int declare @u_name sysname if((@diagramname is null) or (@new_diagramname is null)) begin RAISERROR ('Invalid value', 16, 1); return -1 end EXECUTE AS CALLER; select @theId = DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID(); select @IsDbo = IS_MEMBER(N'db_owner'); if(@owner_id is null) select @owner_id = @theId; REVERT; select @u_name = USER_NAME(@owner_id) select @DiagId = diagram_id, @UIDFound = principal_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @owner_id and name = @diagramname if(@DiagId IS NULL or (@IsDbo = 0 and @UIDFound <> @theId)) begin RAISERROR ('Diagram does not exist or you do not have permission.', 16, 1) return -3 end -- if((@u_name is not null) and (@new_diagramname = @diagramname)) -- nothing will change -- return 0; if(@u_name is null) select @DiagIdTarg = diagram_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @theId and name = @new_diagramname else select @DiagIdTarg = diagram_id from dbo.sysdiagrams where principal_id = @owner_id and name = @new_diagramname if((@DiagIdTarg is not null) and @DiagId <> @DiagIdTarg) begin RAISERROR ('The name is already used.', 16, 1); return -2 end if(@u_name is null) update dbo.sysdiagrams set [name] = @new_diagramname, principal_id = @theId where diagram_id = @DiagId else update dbo.sysdiagrams set [name] = @new_diagramname where diagram_id = @DiagId return 0 END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_SaveCloserSavings] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_SaveCloserSavings] AS BEGIN --DECLARE @i int = 0 --DECLARE @numrows int = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_Station) --DECLARE @y int = 0 --DECLARE @numrowsy int = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_Station) --UPDATE TB_DistanceStation SET saveDistance = 0 --IF @numrowsy > 0 -- WHILE (@y <= @numrowsy) -- BEGIN --IF @numrows > 0 -- WHILE (@i <= @numrows) -- BEGIN -- UPDATE TB_DistanceStation SET saveDistance = --((select TOP 1 shortestDistance from TB_CloserStation WHERE stationVehicle = @i) + --(select TOP 1 shortestDistance from TB_CloserStation WHERE stationVehicle = @y) - --(select TOP 1 Distance from TB_DistanceStation WHERE stationOne = @i AND stationTwo = @y)) --WHERE stationOne = @i AND stationTwo = @y --SET @i = @i + 1 --END -- SET @y = @y + 1 -- SET @i = 0 -- SET @numrowsy = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_Station) -- END exec sp_finalmoment exec sp_finalinterations END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_SaveCloserStation] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_SaveCloserStation] AS BEGIN --DECLARE @i int = (SELECT TOP 1 numStation FROM TB_Station WHERE idTypeStation = 3) --DELETE FROM TB_CloserStation --DECLARE @numrows int = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TB_Station) --IF @numrows > 0 -- WHILE (@i <= @numrows) -- BEGIN --INSERT INTO TB_CloserStation --select TOP 1 stationTwo,stationOne,Distance from TB_DistanceStation where stationOne = @i and Distance = (select MIN(Distance) from TB_DistanceStation where stationOne = @i and stationTwo in --(SELECT numStation FROM TB_Station WHERE idTypeStation = 2)) -- SET @i = @i + 1 -- END --EXEC [dbo].[SP_SaveCloserSavings] exec sp_finalmoment END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_TablewithConsecutiveRandom] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_TablewithConsecutiveRandom](@random0 int, @flag int output) AS BEGIN set @flag=0 select @random0 select * from TB_FinalWay declare @counter int declare @fixedCounter int declare @tableWithoutrand table (id int, idStation int, numway int) declare @tableWithrand table (id int,idStation int, numway int) DECLARE @temporaryTable table (id int, idStation int, numway int) DECLARE @bigtemporaryTable table (id int, idStation int, numway int) insert into @temporaryTable (id,idStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idstation,numway from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0 insert into @tableWithoutrand (id,idStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idstation,numway from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0 insert into @bigtemporaryTable (id,idStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idstation,numway from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0 --insert the correct numbers in temporarytable if( select COUNT(*) from @tableWithoutrand)>6 begin set @fixedCounter = (select COUNT(*) from @tableWithoutrand)+1 declare @random1 int declare @random2 int set @random1=0 set @random2=0 while(@random1=@random2) BEGIN set @random1 = (rand()*((select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0)-3)) set @random2 = (rand()*((select count(*) from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0)-3)) END set @random1= @random1 + 1 set @random2= @random2 + 1 print @random1 print @random2 declare @maxrandom int declare @minrandom int if @random1>@random2 BEGIN set @maxrandom=@random1 set @minrandom=@random2 END if @random2>@random1 BEGIN set @maxrandom=@random2 set @minrandom=@random1 END --set @counter = (select count(*) from @tableWithoutrand) SET @counter =@minrandom while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end set @counter =@maxrandom while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @temporaryTable delete top(1) from @temporaryTable insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @temporaryTable set @counter=(@maxrandom-@minrandom) while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end delete @temporaryTable insert into @temporaryTable (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @bigtemporarytable set @counter =@maxrandom while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end delete top(1) from @tablewithoutrand delete top(1) from @tablewithoutrand set @counter= @fixedCounter-2-@maxrandom while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end insert into TB_FinalWay (idStation,numWay) select idStation, numway from @tableWithrand delete TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 insert into TB_FinalWay (idStation,numWay) select idStation, numway from @tableWithrand select*from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 declare @totaldistanceprevious int exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @random0,@totaldistanceprevious OUTPUT select @totaldistanceprevious as previous declare @totaldistancenew FLOAT DECLARE @NEWRANDOM INT=@RANDOM0*100 exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @NEWRANDOM ,@totaldistancenew OUTPUT select @totaldistancenew as new IF @totaldistancenew<@totaldistanceprevious BEGIN set @flag=1 INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay (idStation,NUMWAY) SELECT IDSTATION, @random0 FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@NEWRANDOM END DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY= @NEWRANDOM select * from TB_FinalWay end END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_TablewithONeRandom] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_TablewithONeRandom](@random0 int, @flag int output) AS BEGIN set @flag=0 select @random0 as numeroaleatorio declare @counter int declare @fixedCounter int declare @tableWithoutrand table (id int, idStation int, numway int) declare @tableWithrand table (id int,idStation int, numway int) declare @bigtemporarytable table (id int, idstation int, numway int) DECLARE @temporaryTable table (id int, idStation int, numway int) insert into @temporaryTable (id,idStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idstation,numway from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0 if(select COUNT(*) from @temporaryTable)>3 begin select * from @temporaryTable --desde aqui está perfect lo unico que necesita es q temporarytable y temporary withoutrand esten bien alimentadas insert into @tableWithoutrand (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @temporaryTable insert into @bigtemporarytable (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @temporaryTable set @fixedCounter = (select COUNT(*) from @tableWithoutrand)+1 declare @random1 int declare @random2 int set @random1=0 set @random2=0 while(@random1=@random2) BEGIN set @random1 = (rand()*((select count(*) from @temporarytable)-2)) set @random2 = (rand()*((select count(*) from @temporarytable)-2)) END set @random1= @random1 + 1 set @random2= @random2 + 1 declare @maxrandom int declare @minrandom int if @random1>@random2 BEGIN set @maxrandom=@random1 set @minrandom=@random2 END if @random2>@random1 BEGIN set @maxrandom=@random2 set @minrandom=@random1 END --set @counter = (select count(*) from @tableWithoutrand) SET @counter =@minrandom while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end set @counter =@maxrandom while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @temporaryTable set @counter=(@maxrandom-@minrandom) while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end delete @temporaryTable insert into @temporaryTable (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @bigtemporarytable set @counter =@maxrandom while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end delete top(1) from @tablewithoutrand set @counter= @fixedCounter-1-@maxrandom while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end delete TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 insert into TB_FinalWay (idStation,numWay) select idStation, numway from @tableWithrand select*from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 declare @totaldistanceprevious int exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @random0,@totaldistanceprevious OUTPUT select @totaldistanceprevious as previous declare @totaldistancenew FLOAT DECLARE @NEWRANDOM INT=@RANDOM0*100 exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @NEWRANDOM ,@totaldistancenew OUTPUT select @totaldistancenew as new IF @totaldistancenew<@totaldistanceprevious BEGIN DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@random0 INSERT INTO TB_FinalWay (idStation,NUMWAY) SELECT IDSTATION, @random0 FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY=@NEWRANDOM set @flag=1 END DELETE FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE NUMWAY= @NEWRANDOM end END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_Tablewithonerandomnodelete] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_Tablewithonerandomnodelete] (@random0 int,@flag int output ) AS BEGIN set @flag=0 select @random0 as numeroaleatorio declare @counter int declare @fixedCounter int declare @tableWithoutrand table (id int, idStation int, numway int) declare @tableWithrand table (id int,idStation int, numway int) declare @bigtemporarytable table (id int, idstation int, numway int) DECLARE @temporaryTable table (id int, idStation int, numway int) insert into @temporaryTable (id,idStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idstation,numway from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0 select * from @temporaryTable --desde aqui está perfect lo unico que necesita es q temporarytable y temporary withoutrand esten bien alimentadas insert into @tableWithoutrand (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @temporaryTable insert into @bigtemporarytable (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @temporaryTable set @fixedCounter = (select COUNT(*) from @tableWithoutrand)+1 declare @random1 int declare @random2 int set @random1=0 set @random2=0 while(@random1=@random2) BEGIN set @random1 = (rand()*((select count(*) from @temporarytable)-2)) set @random2 = (rand()*((select count(*) from @temporarytable)-2)) END set @random1= @random1 + 1 set @random2= @random2 + 1 declare @maxrandom int declare @minrandom int if @random1>@random2 BEGIN set @maxrandom=@random1 set @minrandom=@random2 END if @random2>@random1 BEGIN set @maxrandom=@random2 set @minrandom=@random1 END --set @counter = (select count(*) from @tableWithoutrand) SET @counter =@minrandom while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end set @counter =@maxrandom while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @temporaryTable set @counter=(@maxrandom-@minrandom) while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end delete @temporaryTable insert into @temporaryTable (id,IdStation,numway) select id,idStation,numWay from @bigtemporarytable set @counter =@maxrandom while @counter>0 begin delete top(1) from @temporaryTable set @counter=@counter-1 end delete top(1) from @tablewithoutrand set @counter= @fixedCounter-1-@maxrandom while @counter>0 begin insert into @tableWithrand (idStation,numway) Select top(1) idStation,@random0*100 from @tableWithoutrand Delete top(1) from @tableWithoutrand set @counter=@counter-1 end delete TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 insert into TB_FinalWay (idStation,numWay) select idStation, numway from @tableWithrand select*from TB_FinalWay where numway=@random0*100 declare @totaldistanceprevious int exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @random0,@totaldistanceprevious OUTPUT select @totaldistanceprevious as previous declare @totaldistancenew FLOAT DECLARE @NEWRANDOM INT=@RANDOM0*100 exec SP_TotalDistancesaved @NEWRANDOM ,@totaldistancenew OUTPUT select @totaldistancenew as new --aqui no vamos a borrar END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_Tablewithtworandom] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_Tablewithtworandom] (@random0 int,@flag int output ) AS BEGIN exec sp_tablewithonerandomnodelete @random0,@flag output declare @newrandom int=@random0*100 exec sp_tablewithonerandom @newrandom,@flag output delete from tb_finalway where numway= @newrandom END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_TablewittwoRandom] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_TablewittwoRandom] (@entrada int,@flag int output ) AS BEGIN exec SP_TablewithONeRandom @entrada, @flag output exec SP_TablewithONeRandom @entrada, @flag output END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SP_TotalDistancesaved] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: -- Create Date: -- Description: -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_TotalDistancesaved] (@numway int, @totaldistance float OUTPUT ) AS BEGIN declare @distance float declare @counter int declare @fixedCounter int declare @tableFixedTEMP table (id int, idStation int, numway int) insert into @tableFixedTEMP (id,IdStation, numway) select idFinalWay,idStation,numWay from TB_Finalway where numWay=@numway set @fixedCounter=@counter set @totaldistance =0 SET @COUNTER =(SELECT COUNT(*)FROM TB_FinalWay WHERE numWay=@numway) WHILE @COUNTER>1 BEGIN declare @x1coord int declare @y1coord int declare @x2coord int declare @y2coord int set @x1coord=(SELECT (CoordinateX) FROM TB_Coordinates WHERE station=(select TOP (1) idStation from @tableFixedTEMP )) set @y1coord=(SELECT (CoordinateY) FROM TB_Coordinates WHERE station=(select TOP (1) idStation from @tableFixedTEMP )) delete top(1) from @tableFixedTEMP set @x2coord=(SELECT (CoordinateX) FROM TB_Coordinates WHERE station=(select TOP (1) idStation from @tableFixedTEMP )) set @y2coord=(SELECT (CoordinateY) FROM TB_Coordinates WHERE station=(select TOP (1) idStation from @tableFixedTEMP )) EXEC SP_DistanceCalcsqrt @x1coord,@y1coord,@X2COORD,@y2coord, @distance OUTPUT set @counter=@counter-1 set @totaldistance =@totaldistance+@distance END SELECT @TOTALDISTANCE AS DISTANCIA END GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_updating] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO create procedure [dbo].[sp_updating] as begin delete from TB_dronspath declare @maxnumway int=(select max(numway) from TB_FinalWay) declare @counternumways int=1 declare @table table (total int) declare @temporaryfinalwaytable table (idstation int, numway int) insert into @temporaryfinalwaytable(idstation, numway) select idstation,numway from tb_finalway declare @counter int=1 declare @quantity int while(@counternumways<=@maxnumway) begin declare @total int=0 set @quantity =(Select COUNT(idstation) from TB_FinalWay where numway=@counternumways) set @counter=0 while(@counter<@quantity) begin declare @currentstation int=(select top (1) idstation from @temporaryfinalwaytable) declare @pickup int=(select ISNULL((select pickup from TB_Load where IdStation=@currentstation),0)) declare @deliver int=(select ISNULL((select deliver from TB_Load where IdStation=@currentstation),0)) set @total = @total + @pickup-@deliver insert into @table select @total insert into TB_dronspath(idStation,numWay,weight) select @currentstation,@counternumways,@total delete top (1) from @temporaryfinalwaytable set @counter=@counter+1 end set @counternumways=@counternumways+1 end --insert into TB_dronspath(weight) select @total from @table end GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_upgraddiagrams] Script Date: 11/09/2023 2:54:25 p. m. ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_upgraddiagrams] AS BEGIN IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.sysdiagrams') IS NOT NULL return 0; CREATE TABLE dbo.sysdiagrams ( name sysname NOT NULL, principal_id int NOT NULL, -- we may change it to varbinary(85) diagram_id int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY, version int, definition varbinary(max) CONSTRAINT UK_principal_name UNIQUE ( principal_id, name ) ); /* Add this if we need to have some form of extended properties for diagrams */ /* IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.sysdiagram_properties') IS NULL BEGIN CREATE TABLE dbo.sysdiagram_properties ( diagram_id int, name sysname, value varbinary(max) NOT NULL ) END */ IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.dtproperties') IS NOT NULL begin insert into dbo.sysdiagrams ( [name], [principal_id], [version], [definition] ) select convert(sysname, dgnm.[uvalue]), DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID(N'dbo'), -- will change to the sid of sa 0, -- zero for old format, dgdef.[version], dgdef.[lvalue] from dbo.[dtproperties] dgnm inner join dbo.[dtproperties] dggd on dggd.[property] = 'DtgSchemaGUID' and dggd.[objectid] = dgnm.[objectid] inner join dbo.[dtproperties] dgdef on dgdef.[property] = 'DtgSchemaDATA' and dgdef.[objectid] = dgnm.[objectid] where dgnm.[property] = 'DtgSchemaNAME' and dggd.[uvalue] like N'_EA3E6268-D998-11CE-9454-00AA00A3F36E_' return 2; end return 1; END GO EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'microsoft_database_tools_support', @value=1 , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TABLE',@level1name=N'sysdiagrams' GO ALTER DATABASE [drones] SET READ_WRITE GO