Bajo el fatum del superviviente o de cómo los perpetradores llevan todas las de ganar y las víctimas, las de perder
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Bustamante Fontecha, Alejandro
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Con una frecuencia superior a la que cabría esperar, los grandes perpetradores de crímenes resultan, si no exonerados de la responsabilidad que les compete asumir por sus actos delictivos, al menos, sí, tratados con una excesiva indulgencia —cuando no es que son exaltados al nivel de cuasi-héroes— por parte de la sociedad que los padeció. Curiosamente, la responsabilidad de la que se exonera al criminal se suele endilgar a los espectadores, a cuya indiferencia se atribuye el haber hecho posibles los males causados. Entre tanto, las víctimas son relegadas a un segundo plano, como si no contasen para nada. En este trabajo se realiza una indagación acerca de las condiciones que subyacen a esta situación, concluyendo que la razón principal radica en la presión ejercida por el fatum del superviviente.
With a greater frequency than would be expected, the major perpetrators of crimes they are, if not exempted from the responsibility that they bear for their criminal, at least treated with excessive indulgence, or exalted to quasi-heroes-level, by the society that suffered. Interestingly, the responsibility for which exonerate the criminal is often foist viewers, whose indifference is credited with having made possible the evils. Meanwhile, victims are relegated to the background, as if they did not count for anything. In this paper an inquiry into the conditions underlying this situation is done, concluding that the main reason is pressure from fatum of survivor.
With a greater frequency than would be expected, the major perpetrators of crimes they are, if not exempted from the responsibility that they bear for their criminal, at least treated with excessive indulgence, or exalted to quasi-heroes-level, by the society that suffered. Interestingly, the responsibility for which exonerate the criminal is often foist viewers, whose indifference is credited with having made possible the evils. Meanwhile, victims are relegated to the background, as if they did not count for anything. In this paper an inquiry into the conditions underlying this situation is done, concluding that the main reason is pressure from fatum of survivor.
survivior, perpetrator, spectator, victim, indifference, superviviente, sobreviviente, perpetrador, espectador, víctima, indiferencia