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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Las variaciones del potencial de corrosión de un acero al carbono AISI 1020 inmerso en una emulsión de keroseno en agua fueron examinadas. Las proporciones de keroseno utilizadas en el agua estuvieron entre 2 y 70% en peso, como sistema de referencia se utilizó un electrodo de calomel saturado conectado al medio de trabajo por un capilar que contenía una solución acuosa saturada de KCl. La punta del capilar finalizaba en un tapón de Agar-0.1 M KCl, las soluciones fueron aireadas por un período de 15 minutos a una velocidad de flujo de 25 cm3/s, antes y durante el ensayo. El experimento en blanco consistió en una mezcla de agua desionizada y destilada con 1000 ppm de un tensoactivo aniónico comercial (di-2-ethylhexyl sodium sulfosuccianate), como medio corrosivo. Las variaciones en el potencial de reposo observadas tanto en el blanco como en las emulsiones revelaron el avance de un proceso de corrosión uniforme sobre el acero. Estas observaciones están de acuerdo con el examen metalográfico realizado en las superficies corroídas con un microscopio óptico. Para las emulsiones con contenidos iguales o mayores a 60% de keroseno, se observaron fluctuaciones repentinas del potencial hacia valores más positivos. Con el paso del tiempo, estos potenciales se estabilizaron, alcanzando valores negativos ligeramente por debajo de cero.
The variations of natural corrosion potential of a carbon steel (AISI 1020) immersed in dispersed systems, kerosene in water, were examined. Proportions of kerosene in water were between 2 to 70 weight percent. A SCE connected to the working media by a capillary containing an aqueous KCI saturated solution was used as reference system. The capillary ended in an Agar plug, 0.1 M KCI. Solutions were aerated by 15 min. at 25 cm3/s rate of flow both before immersing the electrodes and during the run. A blank experiment consisted in using a deionized distilled water mixed with 1000 ppm of commercial anionic tensoactive, di-2-ethylhexyi sodium sulfosuccianate, as corrosion medium. The fluctuations in rest potential observed for both blank and emulsions revealed the advance of a uniform corrosion process on the steel. These observations matched with the examination of corroded steel surfaces by an optical microscope. For emulsions with oil content greater than or equal to 60%, sudden fluctuations towards more positive potentials were obtained. With time, these potentials tended towards stabilization, reaching negative values just below zero.
The variations of natural corrosion potential of a carbon steel (AISI 1020) immersed in dispersed systems, kerosene in water, were examined. Proportions of kerosene in water were between 2 to 70 weight percent. A SCE connected to the working media by a capillary containing an aqueous KCI saturated solution was used as reference system. The capillary ended in an Agar plug, 0.1 M KCI. Solutions were aerated by 15 min. at 25 cm3/s rate of flow both before immersing the electrodes and during the run. A blank experiment consisted in using a deionized distilled water mixed with 1000 ppm of commercial anionic tensoactive, di-2-ethylhexyi sodium sulfosuccianate, as corrosion medium. The fluctuations in rest potential observed for both blank and emulsions revealed the advance of a uniform corrosion process on the steel. These observations matched with the examination of corroded steel surfaces by an optical microscope. For emulsions with oil content greater than or equal to 60%, sudden fluctuations towards more positive potentials were obtained. With time, these potentials tended towards stabilization, reaching negative values just below zero.