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Universidad Industrial de Santander
RESUMENEste texto examina los limitantes y alcances de los Consejos Municipales de Política Social (CPS), como escenarios de participación en la gestión pública, buscando con ello aportar elementos para la construcción de referentes interpretativos sobre las formas de vinculación de los ciudadanos en la definición de políticas públicas desde éstos escenarios de participación. Para ello, se analiza e interpreta la normatividad que crea los CPS y las percepciones de los actores partícipes en los primeros momentos de creación y conformación, en relación con su participación en la construcción de la agenda y definición de políticas.La aproximación realizada da cuenta de cómo el CPS, en la práctica, no ha sido el escenario democrático de concertación y deliberación para la definición de política pública en materia de atención a población vulnerable que se esperaba, pese a esto, se ha convertido en recurso para el conjunto de actores participantes en relación con la gestión de sus propios intereses, contribuyendo de esta manera a procesos de gobernanza local en los cuales el ciudadano se siente cercano y partícipe de los asuntos públicos.Palabras clave: Democracia participativa, participación ciudadana, participación en la gestión pública, Consejos de Política Social.
ABSTRACT:This paper examines the limitations and scope of social policy councils, as scenarios for citizen participation, seeking thereby to provide elements for the construction of interpretative references in relation to forms of citizen participation in the formulation and design of public policies from scenarios of participation in administration. It also discusses and interprets the statute that creates the CPS and the perceptions of the former participants, in relation to participation in the construction of the agenda and public policy making. This approach reveals that in practice the CPS has not been a democratic consultation and deliberation landmark for the definition of public policy in providing care to vulnerable populations, but has become a resource for all actors involved in relation with managing their own interests, thereby contributing to processes of local governance in which citizens feel close and participate in government affairs.Key words: Participative democracy, civic participation, participation in governance, Social Policy Councils.
ABSTRACT:This paper examines the limitations and scope of social policy councils, as scenarios for citizen participation, seeking thereby to provide elements for the construction of interpretative references in relation to forms of citizen participation in the formulation and design of public policies from scenarios of participation in administration. It also discusses and interprets the statute that creates the CPS and the perceptions of the former participants, in relation to participation in the construction of the agenda and public policy making. This approach reveals that in practice the CPS has not been a democratic consultation and deliberation landmark for the definition of public policy in providing care to vulnerable populations, but has become a resource for all actors involved in relation with managing their own interests, thereby contributing to processes of local governance in which citizens feel close and participate in government affairs.Key words: Participative democracy, civic participation, participation in governance, Social Policy Councils.