Process of decomposition of the vegetal residues of the industrial university of santander by composting

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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Los Residuos Vegetales Lignocelulósicos de la Universidad Industrial de Santander se caracterizaron fisicoquímica y microbiológicamente, se biodegradaron por lombricompostaje estudiando la incidencia de variables de aireación y enriquecimiento con microorganismos nativos aceleradores. La reducción de lignina y huminas presentaron diferencias significativas favoreciéndose su transformación en ácidos húmicos y fúlvicos en el tratamiento de aireación por volteo con adición de microorganismos. Adicionalmente aseguró reducción de patógenos, aumentando el pH, mejorando la plasticidad y regulando los nutrientes del suelo. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados a nivel piloto se construyó una planta de compostaje con capacidad de 51 metros cúbicos.
The vegetable lignocellulosic residues of the Universidad Industrial de Santander campus were physical, chemistry and microbiological characterized and biodegraded for wormcompost production. They were studied the effect of some variables such us air circulation and microorganism addition. These microorganisms were native acceleration products. The lignin and humins reduction presented significant differences. The biodegradation process generates more humic and fulvic acids when the vegetable residues were treated with air (overturning) and with microorganisms addition. Additionally, it was observed strong pathogenic microorganisms reduction, with pH increase, improvement of the plasticity and a regulating effect of the nutrients in the soil. In taking account the results from pilot plant, we had building a compost plant with 51 m3 of capacity. 
Vegetable residuals, wormcompost, lignin degradation, cellulose degradation, oxygenic microorganism, Residuos vegetales, lombricompostaje, degradación de lignina, degradación de celulosa, microorganismos oxigénicos