Effects of intraoperative mechanical ventilation and of pulmonary protective ventilation in the adult surgical patient
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Introducción: la ventilación mecánica es esencial para un adecuado intercambio gaseoso durante la anestesia general, siendo empleada con volúmenes corrientes altos para prevenir la hipoxemia y la formación de atelectasias; pero volúmenes corrientes altos y altas presiones de meseta pueden agravar o incluso iniciar una lesión pulmonar. La ventilación de protección pulmonar consiste en el uso de un volumen corriente bajo, limitar la presión meseta para minimizar la sobredistensión y utilizar presión positiva al final de la espiración. Más recientemente se está investigando su aplicación al paciente quirúrgico con anestesia general y ventilación controlada. Objetivo: analizar la evidencia en cuanto al beneficio de la ventilación de protección pulmonar durante la cirugía con ventilación controlada bipulmonar o unipulmonar en paciente adulto. Metodología de búsqueda: búsqueda en la base de datos Pubmed-Medline 2010-2014 de artículos de revisión clínica y fisiopatológica y revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis, estudios observacionales y controlados aleatorizados, incluyéndose en total 2031 artículos. Resultados: la mayoría de estudios que emplean ventilación de protección pulmonar: volumen corriente 6-8 ml/kg, presión positiva al final de la expiración 4-8 cmH2O y maniobras de reclutamiento, obtuvieron una mejoría en los parámetros fisiológicos y ventilatorios. Algunas investigaciones ofrecen resultados no homogéneos; sin embargo, clínicamente la evidencia no es tan notoria. Estudios con tamaño de muestra grande registran un aumento de la morbimortalidad respiratoria postoperatoria en pacientes en los que no se emplea esta estrategia. Conclusiones: la aplicación de estrategias de ventilación de protección pulmonar intraoperatoria podrían mejorar el pronóstico y los resultados inmediatos y diferidos -especialmente respiratorios- de los pacientes quirúrgicos normales y poblaciones especiales. MÉD.UIS. 2015;28(1):65-78.Palabras clave: Anestesia. Respiración artificial. Ventilación Unipulmonar. Cirugía. Cirugía Torácica.
Introduction: artificial ventilation is essential for an adequate gas interchange during general anesthesia, it has been used with high tidal volume to prevent hypoxemia and atelectasis, but high tidal volumes and high plateau pressures might aggravate or start a lung injury. Pulmonary protective ventilation consists of use of low tidal volumes, limit plateau pressure to minimize overdistension and use positive pressure at the end of expiration and controlled ventilation. Objective: to analize the evidence on the possible benefit of protective pulmonary ventilation during surgery with bipulmonar or unipulmonar controlled ventilation. Materials and Methods: the Pubmed-Medline database was searched for years 2010-2014 for articles on clinical and pathophysiological reviews, systematic reviews, metaanalysis, observational studies, and randomized controlled trials. A total of 2031 articles were included. Results: most studies using pulmonary protective ventilation: tidal volume 6-8 ml/kg, positive end expiratory pressure 4-8 cmH2O and recruitment maneuvers, showed improved physiologic and ventilatory parameters. Some investigations offered not homogeneous results; however, the clinical evidence of improvement is not as clear. Studies with wide sample sizes showed increased respiratory morbimortality in patients in whom this strategy was not applied. Conclusions: application of protective pulmonary ventilation strategies might improve the immediate and delayed prognostic and outcomes, specially respiratory of normal sugical patients. Special populations could benefit of these stratiegies. MÉD.UIS. 2015;28(1):65-78.Keywords: Anesthesia. Respiration, artificial. One-Lung Ventilation. Surgery. Thoracic Surgery.
Introduction: artificial ventilation is essential for an adequate gas interchange during general anesthesia, it has been used with high tidal volume to prevent hypoxemia and atelectasis, but high tidal volumes and high plateau pressures might aggravate or start a lung injury. Pulmonary protective ventilation consists of use of low tidal volumes, limit plateau pressure to minimize overdistension and use positive pressure at the end of expiration and controlled ventilation. Objective: to analize the evidence on the possible benefit of protective pulmonary ventilation during surgery with bipulmonar or unipulmonar controlled ventilation. Materials and Methods: the Pubmed-Medline database was searched for years 2010-2014 for articles on clinical and pathophysiological reviews, systematic reviews, metaanalysis, observational studies, and randomized controlled trials. A total of 2031 articles were included. Results: most studies using pulmonary protective ventilation: tidal volume 6-8 ml/kg, positive end expiratory pressure 4-8 cmH2O and recruitment maneuvers, showed improved physiologic and ventilatory parameters. Some investigations offered not homogeneous results; however, the clinical evidence of improvement is not as clear. Studies with wide sample sizes showed increased respiratory morbimortality in patients in whom this strategy was not applied. Conclusions: application of protective pulmonary ventilation strategies might improve the immediate and delayed prognostic and outcomes, specially respiratory of normal sugical patients. Special populations could benefit of these stratiegies. MÉD.UIS. 2015;28(1):65-78.Keywords: Anesthesia. Respiration, artificial. One-Lung Ventilation. Surgery. Thoracic Surgery.