Steamflooding in medium oil. Recovery and profitableness
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
La movilidad de los crudos medios y livianos ha permitido que yacimientos de este tipo se exploten bajo escenarios de producción primaria y desplazamientos inmiscibles como la inyección de agua. Aunque los resultados han sido favorables, la necesidad de energía y los bajos porcentajes de recuperación han generado la posibilidad de implementar técnicas que antes no se consideraban viables en este tipo de yacimientos. La inyección continúa de vapor es un proceso de recobro térmico que genera mecanismos de recuperación tales como la expansión de la roca y los fluidos, la reducción de la viscosidad del aceite y la destilación de las fracciones más livianas del mismo, siendo este último el efecto más representativo en yacimientos de crudo medio según citan las fuentes bibliográficas consultadas. Teniendo en cuenta la temprana etapa de investigación y la poca aplicabilidad de la técnica, se realizó un estudio basado en simulación numérica que argumentara la viabilidad técnica del proceso. Para esto se construyeron cuatros modelos estratificados con diferentes tamaños de patrón, que de forma simplificada representaran propiedades petrofísicas de un campo colombiano de crudo medio. Este campo fue escogido con base a los rangos establecidos por distintos autores para la aplicación de la técnica. Un análisis de sensibilidad a la tasa de inyección también fue realizado con el objetivo de seleccionar el mejor escenario de explotación (tasa de inyección-espaciamiento). Esta decisión fue tomada con base al análisis realizado al comportamiento del factor de recobro, la relación vapor-aceite, el tiempo de ruptura y criterios financieros como el valor presente neto y la tasa interna de retorno. Finalmente un espaciamiento de 2,5 acres (10117 m2) y una tasa de inyección de 500 bbls/día (79,5 m3/día) conforman el mejor escenario, garantizando tanto la ocurrencia de los mecanismos de recuperación como la viabilidad financiera del proyecto.
The mobility of medium and light oils has allowed that reservoirs are exploited under scenarios of primary production and immiscible displacement as waterflooding. Although the results have been favorable, the need for energy and low recovery rates have generated the possibility of implementing techniques not previously considered viable in such reservoirs. is a process of heat recovery which generates recovery mechanisms such as the expansion of the rock and fluids, reducing oil viscosity and distillation of the lightest of the same fractions, the latter being the most representative effect on deposits medium-rare as cited by the consulted literature. Given the early stage of research and limited applicability of the technique, a study based on numerical simulation to argue the technical feasibility of the process was performed. For this four models with different sizes stratified pattern, which represent a simplified form petrophysical properties of a Colombian oil field of medium oil. This field was chosen based on the ranges set by different authors for the application of the technique. A sensitivity analysis to the injection rate was also performed with the aim of selecting the best scenario of exploitation (rate of injection-spacing). This decision was made based on the analysis performed the behavior of the recovery factor, the steam-oil ratio, break time and financial criteria such as net present value and internal rate of return. Finally a spacing of 2.5 acres (10117 m2) and an injection rate of 500 bbls /d (79.5 m3 / day) make the best scenario, ensuring both the occurrence of recoverymechanisms such as the financial viability of the project.
The mobility of medium and light oils has allowed that reservoirs are exploited under scenarios of primary production and immiscible displacement as waterflooding. Although the results have been favorable, the need for energy and low recovery rates have generated the possibility of implementing techniques not previously considered viable in such reservoirs. is a process of heat recovery which generates recovery mechanisms such as the expansion of the rock and fluids, reducing oil viscosity and distillation of the lightest of the same fractions, the latter being the most representative effect on deposits medium-rare as cited by the consulted literature. Given the early stage of research and limited applicability of the technique, a study based on numerical simulation to argue the technical feasibility of the process was performed. For this four models with different sizes stratified pattern, which represent a simplified form petrophysical properties of a Colombian oil field of medium oil. This field was chosen based on the ranges set by different authors for the application of the technique. A sensitivity analysis to the injection rate was also performed with the aim of selecting the best scenario of exploitation (rate of injection-spacing). This decision was made based on the analysis performed the behavior of the recovery factor, the steam-oil ratio, break time and financial criteria such as net present value and internal rate of return. Finally a spacing of 2.5 acres (10117 m2) and an injection rate of 500 bbls /d (79.5 m3 / day) make the best scenario, ensuring both the occurrence of recoverymechanisms such as the financial viability of the project.
Steamflooding, Numerical Simulation, Medium Oil, Destilation, Inyección continúa de vapor, Simulación numérica, Crudo Medio, Destilación