Establecimiento de la reserva operativa como servicio complementario

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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Interconnected power systems need reliability services (ancillary services) in arder fa guaranteethe viability ofthe energy market. ¡nto the ancillary services directed to improve the system'squality and reliability, isfound the OPERATING RESERVE.There is no! exists a criteria for the evaluation o[this service and ils subsequent remuneration,therefore arise the need to identijj; clearly this service and determine the producing potentialagents and consumers. Far this reasan, this work is beginning for implementa/ion oloperatingreserve in ancillary services. 'This document sorne ofthe power markets are presented. Those markets are USA, Argentinean,Spanish, Colombian and British markets.Therefore, several scenarios to qualify the spinning and no spinning reserve of global andinterconnected system are studied. The PJM method is incorporated in a computer program, bymean 01 it, required unit commitment risk and response risk to detennine reliability 01powersystem is obtained.A reserve scheme is proposed which to take into account the response time 01units and to c!assifyin primary, secondary, and tertiary reserve.
En este trabajo se propone considerar la reserva operativa como un servicio independiente al degeneración. Se presenta la conceptualización del servicio, los potenciales usuarios, lascaracterísticas de los costos de suministrar el servicio, las condiciones técnicas que deben tenerlas unidades generadoras para prestarlo y evaluarlo, así como los mecanismos existentes deverificación. Se consideran diferentes escenarios que califican la reserva del sistema global einterconectado. Para ello se definen de forma detallada los tipos de reserva de potencia activaen función del tiempo de respuesta y de los algoritmos de control. Se propone estimar la reservanecesaria de un sistema de potencia mediante métodos probabilísticos.
Ancillary services, energyrnarkets, index ofreliability, operatingreserve, spinningandnon-spinning reserve, Confiabilidad, generación, mercados de energía, reserva operativa rodante y no rodante, servicios complementarios (SC)