The origins of the Spanish civil war 1936-1939

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Universidad Industrial de Santander
It was the intention of the socialist-republican coalition, when it came to power in 1931, to solve a series of pivotal issues that had never found solutions since the inception of liberalism a century earlier: implementing a genuine democracy, structuring the State in order to take into account the nationalist aspirations of certain regions, curtailing the financial, ideological and educational powers of the Church; reducing social injustice while granting rights to the working classes; tackling the unequal distribution of the landed property; and lastly establishing civilian control over the army. This paper shows that, far from being accepted and supported by a significant majority of public opinion, the measures that were taken had the opposite effect of exacerbating the rifts and hatreds that, for decades already, had plagued Spanish society.
La coalición republicano-socialista que accede al poder en 1931 emprende resolver una serie de problemas acuciantes nunca solucionados desde los albores del liberalismo, un siglo atrás: instaurar una verdadera democracia; estructurar el Estado teniendo en cuenta las aspiraciones nacionalistas de algunas regiones; reducir el poder financiero, ideológico y educativo de la Iglesia; mitigar las injusticias sociales y conceder unos derechos a los trabajadores; disminuir el desigual reparto de la riqueza rústica; supeditar por fin el Ejército al poder civil. Este artículo muestra que, lejos de haber sido aceptadas y apoyadas por una mayoría significativa de la opinión pública, aquellas reformas exacerbaron al contrario las divisiones y los odios ya existentes en la sociedad española desde hacía decenios.
Segunda República española, guerra civil española, reformismo, 1931- 1936, Second Spanish Republic, spanish civil war, reformism, 1931-1936