Las rúbricas o matrices de valoración, herramientas de planificación e implementación de una evaluación por desempeños
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
El presente artículo se centra en uno de los procesos que se hacen presentes en la formación contemporánea, la evaluación por desempeños y específcamente el uso de un instrumento que ha tenido una incidencia positiva en el seguimiento de procesos de aprendizaje: las rúbricas o rejillas de valoración. La evaluación a través de rúbricas supone que todos los participantes del hecho educativo tengan claridad respecto a cómo se evalúa, qué se evalúa, para qué se evalúa, qué se espera de la evaluación, esto le exige al maestro someterse a una constante refexión de lo que enseña, así mismo, al estudiante le permite tener claridad del camino que va a recorrer en el aprendizaje, a los demás actores del proceso educativo les da la posibilidad de conocer la actividad de aula y hacer seguimiento a los niveles de desempeño que van alcanzando los estudiantes a lo largo del proceso.
This article focuses on one of the processes that are present in training today, evaluation by performance and specifcally the use of an instrument that has had a positive on the monitoring of learning processes: the rubrics. The evaluation through rubrics assumes that all participants in the educational process have clarity about how to evaluate, what is assessed, for what is assessed ,what is expected of the assessment thus requires the teacher undergoes a constant refection of what who teaches, also the student is allowed to have clarity of road to go on learning, other involved in education gives them the opportunity to learning, others involved in education gives them the opportunity to learn the classroom activity and make tracing about the level of performance that students are reaching throughout the process.
This article focuses on one of the processes that are present in training today, evaluation by performance and specifcally the use of an instrument that has had a positive on the monitoring of learning processes: the rubrics. The evaluation through rubrics assumes that all participants in the educational process have clarity about how to evaluate, what is assessed, for what is assessed ,what is expected of the assessment thus requires the teacher undergoes a constant refection of what who teaches, also the student is allowed to have clarity of road to go on learning, other involved in education gives them the opportunity to learning, others involved in education gives them the opportunity to learn the classroom activity and make tracing about the level of performance that students are reaching throughout the process.
Rubrics, instruments, assessment, learning outcomes, performance, evidence, learning, rúbricas, instrumento, evaluación, metas de aprendizaje, desempeños, evidencias, aprendizaje