Testores generalizados

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Universidad Industrial de Santander
    Starting from the general formulation of a supervised pattern recognition problem, the concepts of generalized testor (g-testor) and generalized typical testor are defined, and it is proved that all definitions of testor given up to the present, are particular cases of g-testors. The main definitions given here, and several properties enunciated, were published in Lazo-Cortés (1994), but all proofs and some other relations between the definitions of testor and g-testor were not included in that paper.     Keywords: pattern recognition, testor, feature selection, feature relevance.
    A partir de la formulación general de un problema de reconocimiento de patrones con aprendizaje se definen los conceptos de testor generalizado y testor generalizado típico (g-testor (típico)), y se demuestra que to­das las definiciones de testor hasta hoy existentes son casos particulares de g-testores. Las definiciones dadas aquí, y algunos de los resultados enunciados aparecen en Lazo-Cortés (1994), no así las demostraciones y otras relaciones entre algunas definiciones de testor y g-testores.      