Notas sobre las piezas de la colección arqueológica recolectada por E. Ménard de Saint-Maurice, médico de la Compañía del canal de Panamá
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
En un texto de carácter divulgativo se dan a conocer aspectos de la actividad científica adelantada en Panamá por el médico francés E. Ménard de Saint-Maurice, quien estuvo vinculado como médico a la Compañía francesa de construcción del Canal interoceánico. El contenido del artículo sitúa la actividad de Ménard en el marco de las expediciones realizadas con el fin de abrir la ruta geoestratégica de comunicación. Se presenta además el estudio científico realizado por él, en donde da cuenta del hallazgo de objetos cerámicos, hachas de piedra y petroglifos y se da información sobre la colección arqueológica que formó durante las exploraciones en Chiriquí y que fue expuesta en la Exposición Universal de París del año 1878. Algunas piezas fueron ubicadas y fotografiadas en el Museo Nacional de la Cerámica, en Sèvres, Francia y ahora se dan a conocer para información de los interesados en los estudios históricos, arqueológicos y patrimoniales de esta región panameña. Palabras clave: Colombia, Chiriquí, Historia Canal de Panamá, Arqueología, Patrimonio cultural.
In a text of an informative nature are shared aspects of scientific activity conducted in Panama by the French physician E. Ménard St-Maurice, who was involved as a physician to the to the French company to build the inter-oceanic canal. The contents of the article places the activity within Ménard expeditions carried out to open the route geostrategically communication. It also presents the scientific study conducted by him, which gives an account of the discovery of ceramic objects, stone axes and petroglyphs and provides information on the collection formed during archaeological explorations in Chiriquí and was exhibited at the Exposition Universelle de Paris the year 1878. Some pieces were located and photographed at the National Museum of Ceramics in Sevres, France and now are made for the information of those interested in historical studies, archaeological and heritage of this region of Panama.Keywords: Colombia, Chiriquí, History Channel of Panama, Archaeology, Cultural heritage.
In a text of an informative nature are shared aspects of scientific activity conducted in Panama by the French physician E. Ménard St-Maurice, who was involved as a physician to the to the French company to build the inter-oceanic canal. The contents of the article places the activity within Ménard expeditions carried out to open the route geostrategically communication. It also presents the scientific study conducted by him, which gives an account of the discovery of ceramic objects, stone axes and petroglyphs and provides information on the collection formed during archaeological explorations in Chiriquí and was exhibited at the Exposition Universelle de Paris the year 1878. Some pieces were located and photographed at the National Museum of Ceramics in Sevres, France and now are made for the information of those interested in historical studies, archaeological and heritage of this region of Panama.Keywords: Colombia, Chiriquí, History Channel of Panama, Archaeology, Cultural heritage.