Campesinos contra campesinos: conflictos agrarios y lucha por la tierra en Comoapan, Veracruz (1925-1942)
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
El objetivo del trabajo es mostrar las gestiones que los campesinos de Comoapan, Veracruz, una congregación dependiente en ese momento de San Andrés Tuxtla, hicieron ante las autoridades agrarias para tratar de que les dotara de las fértiles tierras que se dedicaban al cultivo del tabaco, situación que generó un enfrentamiento contra la familia Carrión, misma que era una de las principales productoras de la hoja en la región de los Tuxtlas. Para conservar sus tierras, los Carrión apoyaron la formación de una agrupación campesina, conformada por sus peones y campesinos que no tenían derecho a obtener tierra ejidal, y que se convirtió en antagonista de la que pedía las tierras. Se busca entender los complejos procesos que se vivieron en Comoapan y las interrelaciones que se establecieron entre ejidatarios y no ejidatarios, a fin de mostrar que el reparto agrario no constituyó un proceso carente de problemáticas.
The aim of article is show the management that peasant of Comoapan, Veracruz did with the agrarian authorities to try of endowed to fertiles lands dedicated to tobbaco cultivation, situation that generated a confrontation with the Carrión family, one principal producers of the plant in the region. To conservated your lands, the Carrión supported the formation a peasant group, agreed by their laborers and peasants without have a right to ejidal land, that converted in antagonist of the group that required lands. It seeks to understand the complex processes that were experienced in Comoapan and relationships established between ejidatarios and non-ejidatarios, to show that land distribution was not a process devoid of problems.
The aim of article is show the management that peasant of Comoapan, Veracruz did with the agrarian authorities to try of endowed to fertiles lands dedicated to tobbaco cultivation, situation that generated a confrontation with the Carrión family, one principal producers of the plant in the region. To conservated your lands, the Carrión supported the formation a peasant group, agreed by their laborers and peasants without have a right to ejidal land, that converted in antagonist of the group that required lands. It seeks to understand the complex processes that were experienced in Comoapan and relationships established between ejidatarios and non-ejidatarios, to show that land distribution was not a process devoid of problems.
Comoapan, agrarian reform, Octaviano G. Carrión, peasant syndicate, tobacco, Comoapan, reforma agraria, Octaviano G. Carrión, sindicatos campesinos, tabaco