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Nieto López, Judith
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
La revista Filosofía UIS y la misión editorial, llevada a cabo a través de los dos volúmenes publicados anualmente, se unen de nuevo a la conmemoración del Bicentenario de la Independencia de Colombia. Compromiso ejercido desde el convencimiento de que dicho acontecimiento histórico y sus celebraciones en el 2010, son muestra de aquello que nos identifica y convoca como pueblo.
Revista Filosofía UIS and the editorial mission, carried out through the two volumes published annually, are once again linked to the commemoration of the Bicentenario de la Independencia de Colombia. Commitment exercised from the conviction that said historical event and its celebrations in 2010, are a sample of what identifies and summons us as the people.
Revista Filosofía UIS and the editorial mission, carried out through the two volumes published annually, are once again linked to the commemoration of the Bicentenario de la Independencia de Colombia. Commitment exercised from the conviction that said historical event and its celebrations in 2010, are a sample of what identifies and summons us as the people.