The little girl who didn’t want to be black. Maria Mazarello Rodrigues and Mazza Edições: a history of the book in Brazil from dictatorship to law 10 639

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Universidad Industrial de Santander
In this article, we propose to address the issue of the emergence of black and mixed race voices in Brazil through the study of apublishing house specializing in publications dealing with cultural, ethnic and «racial» issues. Margins are creative, as Mattei Dogan and Robert Pahre have clearly shown in Creative Marginality: Innovation At The Intersections Of Social Sciences. But he deplored the fact that he often had little precise information on the cases studied. They would have «liked to have more information on the individual careers of hybrid scientists. Biographies can, to a certain extent, shed light on the processes of hybridization». The analysis of the history of Mazza Edições will illustrate this phenomenon with a specific example. In order to grasp these dynamics, and in particular the writing of history in a «marginal» situation or cultural creation, we will be able to draw on the catalogue of Mazza Edições and in particular the titles in anthropology, sociology, history and educational sciences in which she specialised. It is therefore a question of highlighting these experiences of creation and publishing, as well as their processes and the action of these «writers from the margins» but also of their publisher, this little girl who did not want to be black because of the illustrated books of her childhood and who became an important figure of the movimento negro in Brazil.
Este artículo aborda el surgimiento de las voces negras y de raza mixta en Brasil, por medio del estudio de una editorial especializada en publicaciones sobre problemáticas étnicas, culturales y de temas raciales. Los márgenes son creativos, tal como lo ilustran Mattei Dogan y Robert Pahre en su libro Las nuevas ciencias sociales. La marginalidad creadora, a pesar de contar con mínima información precisa sobre los casos estudiados. El análisis de la historia de Mazza Edições demostrará el fenómeno con un ejemplo específico. Para comprender estas dinámicas, sobre todo la escritura de la historia en una situación “marginal” o la creación cultural, se utilizará el catálogo de Mazza Edições, especialmente sobre los títulos de antropología, sociología, historia y ciencias de la educación, temas en los cuales se especializa la editorial. En este sentido, se cuestiona la señalización de estas experiencias de creación y publicación, así como el proceso y acción de “los escritores desde el margen” y de su editora, una niña que no quería ser negra por las ilustraciones de sus libros de infancia, y quien se convirtió en una figura importante para el movimiento negro en Brasil.
Mazza Edições, independent publishing, Afro-Brazilian literature, Brazil, marginality, Mazza Edições, publicación independiente, literatura afro brasileira, Brasil, marginalidad