Arqueología del Nororiente colombiano. Los Teres: un sitio de asentamiento de las culturas prehispánicas Preguane y Guane
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
En este artículo, se aborda la problemática arqueológica del poblamiento prehispánicoen el oriente colombiano, en la cual se involucra a las sociedades preguane y guane, Apartir de los resultados obtenidos en el desarrollo del proyecto arqueológico titulado:Estudio del patrimonio arqueológico, paisajístico, geológico y ambiental en la Mesade los Santos: Bases para proyectos de eco-desarrollo[1], planteamos una primeraaproximación explicativa (diferencias y semejanzas) del desarrollo histórico-socialy cultural en el Siglo XI d. C, en la actual región centro-oriente de Santander, enColombia, Sur América.Tomando nuestros resultados obtenidos en el sitio arqueológico de Los Teres, abrimosuna discusión arqueológica sobre la existencia de dos comunidades prehispánicasindependientes en su origen, desarrollo histórico y evolución socio-cultural, las cualesocuparon el mismo espacio en diferentes períodos de tiempo. La cultura prehispánica preguane, es una realidad social de orden local, cuya actividad socio-cultural, estápresente hasta el siglo XI d. C.[2], en la Mesa de los Santos y, el grupo guane, que esun fenómeno social tardío, cuyo origen aún desconocemos y, cuya presencia es claraen el nororiente de Colombia, hacia el siglo XII d. C.Las diferencias y semejanzas en las manifestaciones de la cultura material, constituyenla clave para formular este primer acercamiento diacrónico del ámbito socio-culturalprehispánico de la región del oriente colombiano, resaltando la consolidación deprocesos y realidades sociales que están conectados con la hermana República deVenezuela. Este acercamiento, está refrendado por el contexto estratigráfico-culturaly la distribución espacial (vertical y horizontal) de la alfarería y la lítica y susasociaciones con otras evidencias arqueológicas como el espacio de la vivienda, lostalleres, los fogones etc., todo ello, conjuntado en el modelo de análisis de los patronesgenerales de poblamiento regional y las pautas de poblamiento de orden local.Palabras clave: culturas prehispánicas de Santander, cultura Preguane, cultura guane,Mesa de los Santos, alfarería guane.
This article examines the settlement patterns of Preguane and Guane prehispaniccultures in Eastern Colombia. From the results of the archaeological project entitled“Study of the archaeological, geological, environmental and landscape heritage inla Mesa de los Santos: bases for eco-development projects”, we provide an initialapproach to explain the differences and similarities of the socio-historical and culturaldevelopment in the 11th century in present-day middle eastern Santander, Colombia(South-America).Taking into account the data obtained from the archaeological site of Los Teres, weopen a discussion about the existence of two prehispanic communities that inhabited thesame territory in different periods of time and were independent in their origins, theirhistorical development and their socio-cultural evolution. Preguane is a prehispanicculture which socio-cultural activity was present until the 11th century in la Mesa de losSantos, and Guane group is a later social phenomenon which origin is still unknown, butwhich presence was evident in Northeastern Colombia in the 12th century.The differences and similarities in the material culture items are a key to formulatethis initial diachronic approach to the socio-cultural sphere of prehispanic easternColombia, highlighting the consolidation of processes and realities that are linkedwith the Republic of Venezuela. This approach is supported in the stratigraphic andcultural context, the spatial distribution (vertical and horizontal) of the pottery and lithic artefacts, and their associations with other archaeological evidence such asdomestic space, workshops and ovens, all of them gathered in a model of analysis ofthe regional and local patterns of settlement.Keywords: Santander’s prehispanic cultures, Preguane culture, Guane culture, Mesade Los Santos, Guane pottery.1. Presentación general
This article examines the settlement patterns of Preguane and Guane prehispaniccultures in Eastern Colombia. From the results of the archaeological project entitled“Study of the archaeological, geological, environmental and landscape heritage inla Mesa de los Santos: bases for eco-development projects”, we provide an initialapproach to explain the differences and similarities of the socio-historical and culturaldevelopment in the 11th century in present-day middle eastern Santander, Colombia(South-America).Taking into account the data obtained from the archaeological site of Los Teres, weopen a discussion about the existence of two prehispanic communities that inhabited thesame territory in different periods of time and were independent in their origins, theirhistorical development and their socio-cultural evolution. Preguane is a prehispanicculture which socio-cultural activity was present until the 11th century in la Mesa de losSantos, and Guane group is a later social phenomenon which origin is still unknown, butwhich presence was evident in Northeastern Colombia in the 12th century.The differences and similarities in the material culture items are a key to formulatethis initial diachronic approach to the socio-cultural sphere of prehispanic easternColombia, highlighting the consolidation of processes and realities that are linkedwith the Republic of Venezuela. This approach is supported in the stratigraphic andcultural context, the spatial distribution (vertical and horizontal) of the pottery and lithic artefacts, and their associations with other archaeological evidence such asdomestic space, workshops and ovens, all of them gathered in a model of analysis ofthe regional and local patterns of settlement.Keywords: Santander’s prehispanic cultures, Preguane culture, Guane culture, Mesade Los Santos, Guane pottery.1. Presentación general