Desarrollo de una esquistosidad tectónica, asociada al paso de fluidos hidrotermales. Cuenca cretácica de Cameros (La Rioja-España).
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
La cuenca finijurásica-eocretásica de Cameros (España), fue afectada por un metamorfismo hidrotermal en condiciones de facies de subesquistos verdes (T =340ºC y P= 1 kb) durante una fase de inversión temprana de la cuenca. Este evento tectonotermal, de edad Albiense-Santoniense, favoreció la formación de estructuras tectónicas tipo slaty y pencil cleavages (S2) al interior de la cuenca. Contrariamente, la formación del slaty cleavage asociado al Anticlinal del Pegado (sector SE de la cuenca), fue generado durante una segunda fase de inversión de la cuenca, ocurrida durante el terciario temprano. Por otro lado, las estructuras scaly cleavage parecen estar relacionadas con un evento más tardío de carácter regional, denominado ‘Compresión Guadarrama’.
The late Jurassic - early Cretaceous Cameros basin (Spain) has been afected by a hydrothermal metamorphism at subgreenschist facies condition (T =340ºC and P= 1 kb) during an early phase of the basin inversion. This tectonothermal event, Albian-Santonian in age, contributed to the formation of tectonic structures such as slaty and pencil cleavages (S2) within the basin. Conversily, the slaty cleavage associated to the Pegado Anticlinal (at SE of the basin), has been generated during a second phase of the basin inversion, which ocurred in the early Tertiary age. On the other hand, the scaly cleavage structures appear to be associated with a more later regional event, denominated Guadarrama Compression.
The late Jurassic - early Cretaceous Cameros basin (Spain) has been afected by a hydrothermal metamorphism at subgreenschist facies condition (T =340ºC and P= 1 kb) during an early phase of the basin inversion. This tectonothermal event, Albian-Santonian in age, contributed to the formation of tectonic structures such as slaty and pencil cleavages (S2) within the basin. Conversily, the slaty cleavage associated to the Pegado Anticlinal (at SE of the basin), has been generated during a second phase of the basin inversion, which ocurred in the early Tertiary age. On the other hand, the scaly cleavage structures appear to be associated with a more later regional event, denominated Guadarrama Compression.
cleavage, metamorphism, hydrothermal fluids, Cameros Basin, Spain, cleavage, metamorfismo, fluidos hidrotermales, Cuenca de Cameros