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Universidad Industrial de Santander
En el marco del proyecto de microzonificación sísmica de Barquisimeto y Cabudare, se ha llevado a cabo la adquisición de datos geológicos, geofísicos y geotécnicos con el objetivo de obtener las características de los sedimentos someros y profundos, tanto de la terraza aluvial de Barquisimeto como de la cuenca de tracción de Cabudare. En este trabajo se utilizan datos de siete (7) perfiles sísmicos de refracción realizándose una reinterpretación a partir del análisis de secciones sísmicas de microtremores bajo la metodología ReMi, la cual ayudó a definir el perfil de velocidades de ondas de corte Vs hasta el tope del basamento rocoso. Estos resultados se integran con la información geológica y geotécnica disponible, construyéndose modelos geológicos - geofísicos sobre los cuales se calcula la respuesta espectral en superficie tomando en cuenta la influencia y las características del depósito de suelo que servirá luego para el cálculo de las formas espectrales en superficie según las clases de sitio en Barquisimeto y Cabudare. A partir de la adquisición de datos de sismos reales (Mw = 6.4, Tucacas 29 de septiembre de 2009), en un observatorio acelerográfico instalado en la terraza aluvial de Barquisimeto en el marco del proyecto, fue posible realizar una calibración de los resultados de las metodologías sísmicas. Utilizando el acelerográma adquirido a la profundidad en roca, se pudo obtener la respuesta espectral en superficie del suelo (a partir de la convolución de éste con el perfil de velocidades Vs calculadas) y compararla con el espectro de respuesta adquirido por el mismo observatorio acelerográfico en la superficie mostrando un buen ajuste entre las formas espectrales obtenidas.
In the frame of Barquisimeto and Cabudare seismic microzoning project, we have carried out the revision of geological, geophysical and geotechnical data, with the purpose to obtain the characteristics of shallow and deep sedimentes of both Barquisimeto alluvial terrace and the Cabudare pull-a part basin. For this study, we have used data from seven refraction seismic profiles acquired previously in the area. A reinterpretation applying refraction microtremor (ReMi) method was done in Barquisimeto, which helped to define the shear wave velocity profile. In order to define a geological/geophysical model, these results were integrated with available geological and geotechnical information. The geological/geophysical model was used to calculate the surface response spectrum, useful in engineering design, taking into account the soil depth influence and its characteristics. With this information, the surface spectral response at Barquisimeto and Cabudare was calculated according to the sites conditions. On the other hand, with the acquisition of real earthquake data (Tucacas Mw = 6.4 - September 29, 2009), acquired through an accelerograph observatory installed in the frame of the microzonig project, it was possible to perform a calibration of the soil profile and spectra. Using the accelerograms from the observatory at bedrock, we calculated the spectral response at the soil surface by dynamic modeling, and the result was compared with the response spectrum acquired by the observatory at the surface, from the same earthquake, showing a good fit between both spectra form.
In the frame of Barquisimeto and Cabudare seismic microzoning project, we have carried out the revision of geological, geophysical and geotechnical data, with the purpose to obtain the characteristics of shallow and deep sedimentes of both Barquisimeto alluvial terrace and the Cabudare pull-a part basin. For this study, we have used data from seven refraction seismic profiles acquired previously in the area. A reinterpretation applying refraction microtremor (ReMi) method was done in Barquisimeto, which helped to define the shear wave velocity profile. In order to define a geological/geophysical model, these results were integrated with available geological and geotechnical information. The geological/geophysical model was used to calculate the surface response spectrum, useful in engineering design, taking into account the soil depth influence and its characteristics. With this information, the surface spectral response at Barquisimeto and Cabudare was calculated according to the sites conditions. On the other hand, with the acquisition of real earthquake data (Tucacas Mw = 6.4 - September 29, 2009), acquired through an accelerograph observatory installed in the frame of the microzonig project, it was possible to perform a calibration of the soil profile and spectra. Using the accelerograms from the observatory at bedrock, we calculated the spectral response at the soil surface by dynamic modeling, and the result was compared with the response spectrum acquired by the observatory at the surface, from the same earthquake, showing a good fit between both spectra form.
spectral response, seismic modeling, earthquake engennering, sismic microzoning, ReMi, Barquisimeto, Respuesta espectral, modelo símico, geofísica, microzonificación sísmica, ReMi, Barquisimeto