Twin-twin transfusion syndrome

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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Introduction: twin twin transfusion syndrome is one further complication in the 10-15% of all monochorionic-biamniotic pregnancies, it is known that part of its pathophysiology corresponds to the presence of placental anastomosis between two fetuses that lead to present an acute clinic and urgent intervention for anemia, restriction of intrauterine growth, oliguria and olgohydramnios in the donor twin, while the receiver becomes plethoric, polyuric, cardiomegaly, congestive heart failure and polyhydramnios appear. Objective: present a review about twin-twin transfusion syndrome, clinical features, complications and its treatment. Methodology: databases such as Pubmed and ScienceDirect were used to search for the information. Results: we found 41 articles with updated information, reviewing its pathophysiology, classification and treatment, highlighting the role of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system, the presence of placental anastomosis, the involvement of vasopressin levels and its present treatment. Conclusions: twin-twin transfusion syndrome is one of the most severe complications of the monochorionic-biamniotic pregnancies with a high rate of fetal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. It’s pathology is caused due to imbalance of lows between placental anastomoses, alterations in the axis renin angiotensin aldosterone, changes in the levels of vasopressin, among other factors. The current treatment is the therapy of laser ablation of placental anastomoses with a survival of 70% and a decrease of neurologic sequelae. We reiterate the importance of understanding this disease to make an assertive diagnosis and immediate treatment, inviting you to investigate it. MÉD.UIS. 2015;28(2):239-46.Keywords: Fetofetal Transfusion. Pregnancy, Twin. Oligohydramnios, Polyhydramnios.
Introducción: el síndrome de transfusión feto fetal es una complicación mayor presente en el 10 a 15% de los embarazos monocorialesbiamnióticos, se conoce que parte de su fisiopatología corresponde a la presencia de anastomosis placentarias entre los dos fetos que conllevan a presentar una clínica aguda y de urgente intervención en presencia de anemia, restricción de crecimiento intrauterino, oliguria y oligohidramnios en el gemelo donante, mientras que el receptor se torna pletórico, poliúrico, presentando cardiomegalia, falla cardiaca congestiva y polihidramnios. Objetivo: presentar una revisión de tema acerca del síndrome de transfusión feto fetal, características clínicas, complicaciones y su tratamiento. Metodología: se utilizaron bases de datos como Pubmed y ScienceDirect para la búsqueda de la información, encontrándose 186 artículos de los cuales 41 fueron seleccionados según los criterios de inclusión. Resultados: se encontraron 41 artículos con información actualizada, se revisó su fisiopatología, clasificación y tratamiento, destacando el papel del sistema renina angiotensina aldosterona, la presencia de anastomosis placentarias, la implicación de los niveles de vasopresina y su actual tratamiento. Conclusiones: el síndrome de trasfusión feto fetal es una de las más severas complicaciones de las gestaciones monocoriales-biamnióticas con una alta tasa de morbimortalidad fetal y perinatal. Su patología es causada por desbalance de flujos entre las anastomosis placentarias, alteraciones en el eje renina angiotensina aldosterona, cambios en los niveles de vasopresina, entre otros factores. El tratamiento actual es la terapia de ablación láser de las anastomosis placentarias, con una sobrevida del 70% y una disminución de secuelas neurológicas. Se reitera la importancia de conocer esta patología para realizar un diagnóstico asertivo y un tratamiento inmediato, invitándose a investigarla. MÉD.UIS. 2015;28(2):239-46.Palabras clave: Transfusión Fetofetal. Embarazo Gemelar. Oligohidramnios. Polihidramnios. Introduction: twin twin transfusion syndrome is one further complication in the 10-15% of all monochorionic-biamniotic pregnancies, it is known that part of its pathophysiology corresponds to the presence of placental anastomosis between two fetuses that lead to present an acute clinic and urgent intervention for anemia, restriction of intrauterine growth, oliguria and olgohydramnios in the donor twin, while the receiver becomes plethoric, polyuric, cardiomegaly, congestive heart failure and polyhydramnios appear. Objective: present a review about twin-twin transfusion syndrome, clinical features, complications and its treatment. Methodology: databases such as Pubmed and ScienceDirect were used to search for the information. Results: we found 41 articles with updated information, reviewing its pathophysiology, classification and treatment, highlighting the role of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system, the presence of placental anastomosis, the involvement of vasopressin levels and its present treatment. Conclusions: twin-twin transfusion syndrome is one of the most severe complications of the monochorionic-biamniotic pregnancies with a high rate of fetal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. It’s pathology is caused due to imbalance of lows between placental anastomoses, alterations in the axis renin angiotensin aldosterone, changes in the levels of vasopressin, among other factors. The current treatment is the therapy of laser ablation of placental anastomoses with a survival of 70% and a decrease of neurologic sequelae. We reiterate the importance of understanding this disease to make an assertive diagnosis and immediate treatment, inviting you to investigate it. MÉD.UIS. 2015;28(2):239-46.Keywords: Fetofetal Transfusion. Pregnancy, Twin. Oligohydramnios, Polyhydramnios.