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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Resumen El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objeto analizar el funcionamiento de la «cláusula democrática» de la Unión Europea como mecanismo de promoción y salvaguardia de los valores democráticos y de derechos humanos frente a terceros Estados. El hilo conductor elegido ha sido el análisis de la relación Política de Cooperación al Desarrollo-Política Exterior y de Seguridad Común, evaluando la utilización de las «pasarelas» creadas por el Tratado de la Unión Europea y la incidencia de esta relación en los objetivos planteados por la Unión Europea frente a terceros Estados y/o conflictos. Se pretende dar así una nueva pauta de análisis en el momento en el cual se está perfilando la reforma del Tratado de la Unión Europea y donde una de las apuestas lanzadas por las instituciones comunitarias es la unificación de toda la proyección exterior de la Unión Europea.
Abstract The aim of research work is to analyse the «democratic clause» of the European Union is a way to promote and safeguard democratic values and human rights in third States. The connecting theme is the analysis of the relationship between Development Policy and Common Foreign and Security Police, with an assesment of the use of the so called «footbridges» created by the European Union Treaty and the effect of this relationship on the aims of the European Union towards third States andlor conflicts. Thus, we try to provide a new approach at a moment when the reform of the European Union Treaty is being outlined, with one of the stakes made by the European Institutions being the unification of all the foreign projection of the European Union abroad.
Abstract The aim of research work is to analyse the «democratic clause» of the European Union is a way to promote and safeguard democratic values and human rights in third States. The connecting theme is the analysis of the relationship between Development Policy and Common Foreign and Security Police, with an assesment of the use of the so called «footbridges» created by the European Union Treaty and the effect of this relationship on the aims of the European Union towards third States andlor conflicts. Thus, we try to provide a new approach at a moment when the reform of the European Union Treaty is being outlined, with one of the stakes made by the European Institutions being the unification of all the foreign projection of the European Union abroad.