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Universidad Industrial de Santander
RESUMENEl artículo aborda la complejidad de la dinámica generada por el petróleo en una región específica de Colombia: el Magdalena Medio. Liga esta dinámica al proceso de colonización y poblamiento acelerado desde las primeras décadas del siglo XX hasta mostrar como hoy buena parte de la economía regional pero en especial la de los llamados "municipios petroleros" gira entorno a su presencia. Se resalta la importancia socio-cultural y política que tiene al punto de demostrar que en muchos casos son más importantes las relaciones que establezcan los mandatarios locales con la Gerencia del Complejo Industrial de Barrancabermeja que con instancias del orden departamental y nacional.
ABSTRACTThe article approaches the complexity of the dynamic that is generated by the petroleum in a specific region of Colombia: The Middle Magdalena. The essay ties this dynamic to the process of colonization and the accelerated populatement since the first decades of the XX century until to show how today a big part of the regional economy but in special of those that arecalled "petroleum municipalities" rotate around to its presence. The essay rebounds the socio-cultural and politic importance that is near to demonstrate that in many cases are more important the relations that the local mandataries establish with the management of the industrial complex from Barrancabermeja that the relations established with departmental and national mandataries.
ABSTRACTThe article approaches the complexity of the dynamic that is generated by the petroleum in a specific region of Colombia: The Middle Magdalena. The essay ties this dynamic to the process of colonization and the accelerated populatement since the first decades of the XX century until to show how today a big part of the regional economy but in special of those that arecalled "petroleum municipalities" rotate around to its presence. The essay rebounds the socio-cultural and politic importance that is near to demonstrate that in many cases are more important the relations that the local mandataries establish with the management of the industrial complex from Barrancabermeja that the relations established with departmental and national mandataries.