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Torres Bayona, Daniel Fabián
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
RESUMENLa responsabilidad del Estado por error judicial sólo comenzó a aplicarse a partir de la expedición de la Ley 270 de 1996 – Estatutaria de la Administración de Justicia – la cual consagró, en el Capítulo VI del Título III, la responsabilidad del Estado y de sus funcionarios y empleados judiciales en tres casos específicos: el defectuoso funcionamiento de la administración de justicia, el error jurisdiccional y la privación injusta de la libertad. Sin embargo, desde antes de la entrada en vigencia de dicha norma, el Consejo de Estado ya venía fallando casos con fundamento en la responsabilidad del Estado en materia de justicia; especialmente, aplicando el título de imputación de la falla en el servicio judicial, no sólo desde la vigencia de la Constitución Política de 1991 sino incluso en vigencia de la Constitución de 1886. Se hace necesario entonces conocer cómo interpretaba el Consejo de Estado el error judicial en vigencia de la Constitución de 1886.Palabras claves: responsabilidad estatal, error judicial, interpretación judicial.
ABSTRACTState Responsibility for miscarriage of justice was implemented only after the issuance of the Law 270 of 1996- Statute on the Administration of Justice- which establishes, in Chapter VI Title III, the responsibility of the State and its officers and judicial employees in three specific cases: the defective functioning of the administration of justice, jurisdictional error and unfair deprivation of liberty. However, before the effective date of this rule, the State Council had already sentenced cases on the basis of State responsibility in matter of justice; particularly, applying the title of imputation of judgment in the judicial service, not only since the effect of the Constitution of 1991, but still in effect of the Constitution of 1886. It becomes necessary then, to know, how the State Council interpreted the miscarriage of justice in force of the Constitution of 1886.Key words: state responsability, judicial error, judicial interpretation.
ABSTRACTState Responsibility for miscarriage of justice was implemented only after the issuance of the Law 270 of 1996- Statute on the Administration of Justice- which establishes, in Chapter VI Title III, the responsibility of the State and its officers and judicial employees in three specific cases: the defective functioning of the administration of justice, jurisdictional error and unfair deprivation of liberty. However, before the effective date of this rule, the State Council had already sentenced cases on the basis of State responsibility in matter of justice; particularly, applying the title of imputation of judgment in the judicial service, not only since the effect of the Constitution of 1991, but still in effect of the Constitution of 1886. It becomes necessary then, to know, how the State Council interpreted the miscarriage of justice in force of the Constitution of 1886.Key words: state responsability, judicial error, judicial interpretation.