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Universidad Industrial de Santander
RESUMENEstas reflexiones plantean cómo las políticas de la globalización, especialmente las económicas, se articulan en los escenarios nacionales y locales, y afectan el ejercicio de la democracia representativa, mientras ésta se muestra impotente e ineficaz para dar respuestas por los canales tradicionales a las exigencias y desafíos que impone el proyecto globalizador hegemónico.La Universidad Pública asimila y reproduce en forma pasiva desde las instancias nacionales, departamentales y locales esas políticas que afectan a los usuarios directos (estudiantes, profesores, trabajadores y padres de familia), convirtiendo a la democracia en un ente formal que al contrario de plantear alternativas agudiza el conflicto en los niveles regionales y locales. La alternativa está en pensar la democracia desde lo microsocial, local y regional para impulsar desde estas instancias proyectos incluyentes y constructivos que permitan construir el tejido social de abajo hacia arriba, como una posibilidad de hacer una universidad viable social y políticamente. Para ello se propone entonces preguntarnos acerca de  ¿qué somos?, ¿qué representamos?, y  ¿a qué aspiramos? De las respuestas que se sigan de  esos interrogantes se harán visibles o quedarán ocultos un tipo u otro de tareas. En esas circunstancias tan poderosas nos encontramos, y de eso trata el tema que sigue.Palabras clave: globalización, democracia, universidad, representación y participación. UNIVERSITY PUBLIC POLICY AND THE GLOBAL CRISIS OF REPRESENTATIONABSTRACT: These reflections consider how policies especially economic globalization are articulated in national and local scenarios affecting the exercise of representative democracy, while it is powerless and ineffective to respond through traditional channels to the demands and challenges posed by the global hegemonic project.The Public University assimilates and passively reproduces at the national, departmental and local levels, policies that affect direct users (students, teachers, workers and parents), turning democracy into a formal entity which instead pf raising alternatives exacerbates the conflict in regional and local levels. The alternative is to think democracy at the micro, local and regional levels to promote inclusive and constructive projects that can knit the social fabric from the bottom up, as a feasible opportunity to build a socially and politically viable University. We propose then to self-reflect on , what are we? What do we represent? And what do we aspire to? From the answers to these questions various tasks will be made visible or hidden It is in the midst of these very powerful circumstances that we are, hence this text.Key words: globalization, democracy, university, representation and participation.
ABSTRACT:These reflections consider how policies especially economic globalization are articulated in national and local scenarios affecting the exercise of representative democracy, while it is powerless and ineffective to respond through traditional channels to the demands and challenges posed by the global hegemonic project.The Public University assimilates and passively reproduces at the national, departmental and local levels, policies that affect direct users (students, teachers, workers and parents), turning democracy into a formal entity which instead pf raising alternatives exacerbates the conflict in regional and local levels. The alternative is to think democracy at the micro, local and regional levels to promote inclusive and constructive projects that can knit the social fabric from the bottom up, as a feasible opportunity to build a socially and politically viable University. We propose then to self-reflect on , what are we? What do we represent? And what do we aspire to? From the answers to these questions various tasks will be made visible or hidden It is in the midst of these very powerful circumstances that we are, hence this text.Key words: globalization, democracy, university, representation and participation.