SPAR 1.0 - repositorio digital de acceso público basado en scorm
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
El desarrollo de objetos de aprendizaje ha promovido el estudio de diferentes implementaciones que puedan garantizar la interoperabilidad de estos objetos entre los diferentes repositorios de contenidos, los cuales deben permitir buscar y acceder su propia información de forma independiente a los detalles de cada implementación. Este artículo describe el trabajo desarrollado en el trabajo de I+D titulado "SPAR 1.0 - Repositorio de Acceso Público basado en SCORM" desarrollado dentro del programa de Ingeniería de Sistemas de la Universidad del Cauca. En el momento, se ha liberado la primera versión del repositorio de contenidos probado con la especificación SCORM 1.2, el estándar LOM 1.0 y la especificación de tarjetas virtuales personales y organizacionales VCARD 1.0, para lo cual se hace uso de una interfaz basada en una base de datos relacional y un conjunto de servicios Web. De forma más concreta el presente artículo describe el modelo relacional de la Base de Datos que hace posible la manipulación de los meta-datos de los objetos de aprendizaje almacenados dentro del repositorio digital y una corta presentación de la interfaz del sistema.
The development of learning objects has prompted the study of the different implementations that permit the operativityof these objects between different content repositories, each one of wich must allow to search and access their own information in an independent way from the details of each implementation. This paper describes the work developed in research project titled "SPAR 1.0 - SCORM Public-Access Repository" developed by the Systems Engineering Department of the University of the Cauca. At present, a first version of the content repository has been lreleased and tested with the specification SCORM 1.2, the standard LOM 1.0 and the specification of personal and organizational virtual cards VCARD 1.0, using an interface based on a relational database and a set of Web services. In a more specific way, the present paper describes the relational model of the database can manipulate the metadata of learning objects stored inside a digital repository and a short presentation about the system's interface.
The development of learning objects has prompted the study of the different implementations that permit the operativityof these objects between different content repositories, each one of wich must allow to search and access their own information in an independent way from the details of each implementation. This paper describes the work developed in research project titled "SPAR 1.0 - SCORM Public-Access Repository" developed by the Systems Engineering Department of the University of the Cauca. At present, a first version of the content repository has been lreleased and tested with the specification SCORM 1.2, the standard LOM 1.0 and the specification of personal and organizational virtual cards VCARD 1.0, using an interface based on a relational database and a set of Web services. In a more specific way, the present paper describes the relational model of the database can manipulate the metadata of learning objects stored inside a digital repository and a short presentation about the system's interface.
Content repositories, meta-data, learning objects, SCORM 1.2, IMS DRI, Repositorio de contenidos, meta-datos, objetos de aprendizaje, SCORM 1.2, IMS DRI