Improvement of the performance of photovoltaics panels by forced irrigation on the upper surface
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Universidad Industrial de Santander
La irrigación de la superficie superior de los paneles fotovoltaicos (FV) es uno de los métodos más efectivos para reducir su temperatura de operación e incrementar la potencia generada. Aunque existen publicaciones sobre esta técnica, hay poca información sobre el efecto de las variaciones del tiempo de irrigación y caudal de riego. Este trabajo presenta un estudio experimental sobre el efecto de estos dos factores para un panel FV de 255 W instalado en un entorno de clima cálido tropical. Se encontró que caudales de 4.5 l/min o superiores pueden producir incrementos de hasta 10% en la energía generada adicional diaria; adicionalmente, que los tiempos de irrigación tienen una significativa influencia en la disminución de la temperatura de operación promedio y la energía adicional generada por un panel FV.
Irrigation on upper surface of the PV panels is one of the most effective methods to reduce the operating temperature and to increase the PV power. Although there are publications about this technique, there is little information about the effect of the time and irrigation flow variations on the PV performance. This article presents an experimental study about the effect of both factor for a PV panel of 255 W installed in an warm – tropical place. It was found that flows of 4.5 l/min o higher can produce increases up to 10% in additional generated energy per day; in addition, irrigation time has a significant influence on the average operating temperature decreases and additional generated energy per day.
Irrigation on upper surface of the PV panels is one of the most effective methods to reduce the operating temperature and to increase the PV power. Although there are publications about this technique, there is little information about the effect of the time and irrigation flow variations on the PV performance. This article presents an experimental study about the effect of both factor for a PV panel of 255 W installed in an warm – tropical place. It was found that flows of 4.5 l/min o higher can produce increases up to 10% in additional generated energy per day; in addition, irrigation time has a significant influence on the average operating temperature decreases and additional generated energy per day.
PV system, Irrigation, Thermal mitigation, Generación fotovoltaica, Mitigación térmica, Irrigación