Poder reactivo de alcalinización de la cal y el travertino comercializada en las canteras del municipio de Málaga (Santander) Colombia

dc.contributor.advisorBotero Londoño, Julian Mauricio
dc.contributor.authorCastro Dueñez, Giraudys Tatiana
dc.contributor.authorSuarez Gonzalez, Rosmary Lizette
dc.description.abstractEl encalado constituye la forma más efectiva de corregir los problemas de acidez en los suelos de bajo pH. Esta práctica agronómica se basa en la aplicación de sales básicas que neutralizan la acidez causada por la presencia de Al+3 e H+ en el suelo. En la siguiente investigación se analizó el poder reactivo del CaCO3 y el Travertino en un entisol con alta pedregosidad y fragmentos de rocas areniscas en las que el mineral que predomina en estos suelos es el cuarzo, con la finalidad de conocer su efecto de alcalinización en la cual se evaluaron cuatro tratamientos para cada muestra y cuatro dosis de enmienda (1.67, 3.33, 5.00, 6.67 g / 1 kg) entre los meses Junio, Julio, Agosto, Septiembre y Octubre de 2018 en donde se registraron variables de pH, acidez intercambiable, aluminio intercambiable e hidrogeno intercambiable además se realizaron análisis de textura y densidad aparente al suelo. Los resultados del estudio en el laboratorio indicaron que el pH del suelo es extremadamente ácido, contiene bajo porcentaje de materia orgánica, azufre y fosforo y los mejores rendimientos fueron con el tratamiento de cal (CaCO3) con mayor dosificación el cual incremento la variable de pH a corto plazo, disminuyendo así las variables de aluminio intercambiable y acidez intercambiable.
dc.description.abstractenglishLiming is the most effective way to correct acidity problems in low pH soils. This agronomic practice is based on the application of basic salts that neutralize the acidity caused by the presence of Al + 3 and H + in the soil. In the following investigation the reactive power of CaCO3 and Travertine was analyzed in an entisol with high stoniness and fragments of sandstone rocks in which the mineral that predominates in these soils is quartz, with the purpose of knowing its effect of alkalization in the which four treatments were evaluated for each sample and four doses of amendment (1.67, 3.33, 5.00, 6.67 g / 1 kg) between the months June, July, August, September and October of 2018 where variables of pH, interchangeable acidity were recorded , interchangeable aluminum and exchangeable hydrogen, and texture and bulk density analysis were also performed on the soil. The results of the study in the laboratory indicated that the pH of the soil is extremely acid, contains low percentage of organic matter, sulfur and phosphorus and the best yields were with the treatment of lime (CaCO3) with higher dosage which increased the pH variable in the short term, thus reducing the variables of interchangeable aluminum and interchangeable acidity.
dc.description.degreenameIngeniero(a) Forestal
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Industrial de Santander
dc.identifier.reponameUniversidad Industrial de Santander
dc.publisherUniversidad Industrial de Santander
dc.publisher.facultyInstituto de Proyección Regional y Educación a Distancia
dc.publisher.programIngeniería Forestal
dc.publisher.schoolInstituto de Proyección Regional y Educación a Distancia
dc.rights.creativecommonsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
dc.rights.licenseAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
dc.subjectAcidez Intercambiable
dc.subjectAluminio Intercambiable
dc.subjectHidrogeno Intercambiable
dc.subject.keywordInterchangeable Acidity
dc.subject.keywordInterchangeable Aluminum
dc.subject.keywordInterchangeable Hydrogen
dc.titlePoder reactivo de alcalinización de la cal y el travertino comercializada en las canteras del municipio de Málaga (Santander) Colombia
dc.title.englishAuthors keywords description: liming is the most effective way to correct acidity problems in low ph soils. this agronomic practice is based on the application of basic salts that neutralize the acidity caused by the presence of al + 3 and h + in the soil. in the following investigation the reactive power of caco3 and travertine was analyzed in an entisol with high stoniness and fragments of sandstone rocks in which the mineral that predominates in these soils is quartz, with the purpose of knowing its effect of alkalization in the which four treatments were evaluated for each sample and four doses of amendment (1.67, 3.33, 5.00, 6.67 g / 1 kg) between the months june, july, august, september and october of 2018 where variables of ph, interchangeable acidity were recorded , interchangeable aluminum and exchangeable hydrogen, and texture and bulk density analysis were also performed on the soil. the results of the study in the laboratory indicated that the ph of the soil is extremely acid, contains low percentage of organic matter, sulfur and phosphorus and the best yields were with the treatment of lime (caco3) with higher dosage which increased the ph variable in the short term, thus reducing the variables of interchangeable aluminum and interchangeable acidity. reactive power of alkalinization of the cal and the travertino marketed in the quarters of the municipality of málaga- santander
dc.type.localTesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregrado
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